Sentences with phrase «district staff»

"District staff" refers to the group of individuals who are employed by a district or organization and work within a specific geographical area or jurisdiction. They are responsible for carrying out various tasks and duties related to that district, such as managing operations, providing services, or delivering support within that specific area. Full definition
An upgraded facility would increase revenue in pro shop sales, range usage and lesson programs, according to a park district staff report.
• Keep professional staff and other school district staff members informed.
They do not include any spending for property and for buildings and alterations completed by school district staff or contractors or paying down interest on school debt.
How well have efforts by the board to work with district staff gone?
These structures make it possible for district staff members to let one another know who is doing what at district and school levels.
They lead your school district staff in following the most legally sound and evidenced based standards that keep students healthy and in the classroom learning.
To leverage the collective experience of Smarter Balanced members, we asked district staff from four states and one territory what they learned during the first two years of implementing the assessment system.
These support systems provide additional perspectives and approaches to aid teachers and other district staff in developing their ability to work with students of different cultures.
In 2013, the advocates said, school district staff recommended approval of nearly 90 percent of charter petitions.
In my experience, curriculum coaches, grade - level representatives, and district staff development led curriculum alignment efforts and shared the results with the pre-K — 3 staff.
The report includes findings from four literacy sites where district staff and teachers participated in professional development and developed and implemented the literacy tools.
The first part involved a survey administered to member district staff serving as principal supervisors in the fall of 2012.
The draft report recommends that park district staff review new amenities yearly and track existing systems.
We work with states as they support district staff, principals, teachers, and parents to implement standards.
Give district staff the first chance to make new schools, but be willing to replace failure with other providers.
So we stepped in and played a more significant role in the redesign for a while, until district staff were ready to take over the work.
Last fall, district staff unveiled a $ 28 million proposal to expand park facilities based on how residents answered a needs survey.
But board members and park district staff defend the tax vote and the force by saying there were numerous meetings prior to the vote and that the tax was not opposed by residents.
In an initial plan, district staff outlined several possibilities for reducing expenses.
The next steps for the oversight committee is to begin working with the school board and district staff around fund distribution and measure implementation.
Meanwhile, the members of the school board's own bond oversight committee still complain that district staff denies them the timely information they need.
A district has policies, practice, and culture that celebrate and reward district staff and teachers for supporting student learning.
Partners are transparent in their communications and at key moments in the selection process, district staff participate in the review of school proposals.
Based on the results of these tasks, a small group of stakeholders led by district staff made the final selection of teacher leaders.
The researchers used a «collaborative inquiry» approach in which research questions were designed in partnership with district staff and external community arts groups.
Just show up and pay $ 40 that morning to park district staff.
Other requirements include added compliance efforts in the state education department, additional training of district staff, and formation of a statewide committee of stakeholders to monitor the efforts.
It also calls for district staff to develop a plan to help students complete the courses needed to apply to four - year state colleges.
A cooking cart is stocked and delivered by district staff so that teachers can cook with their classes if they reserve the cart.
Talking Points: Bullet points targeted for an array of audiences, including school district staff, board members, business and community leaders, parents and the media.
And, these videos are a permanent collection for ongoing school and district staff development.
So they dug in — teachers, principals, superintendent, and other district staff — and built an instruction - based solution.
The first part involved a survey administered to district staff serving as principal supervisors in the fall of 2012.
It provides annual education grants available only to district staff members for creative new programs.
Early results also called into question the foundation's original approach to district change, which was to engage superintendents and district staff in deep conversations about the need for higher performance.
Park District staff say the systems, whose sensors can monitor conditions up to 15 miles away, are superior to the courses» current setup, in which golf course staff visually identify lightning risks and canvass the courses with hand - held sirens.
In a similar situation, some authorizers might dictate prescriptive mandates infringing on a school's autonomy, or not help schools navigate the complex and at times contentious relationships with district staff who hold unfavorable opinions of charter schools.
We hope the District has been making substantive (rather than accounting) changes in this area since the ERS report came out last year, and we would love to hear more from District staff on this.
Before arriving she tried to talk with district staff about where to enroll her daughter: «They didn't tell me McKinley was a failing school.
To be fair, this kind of change can theoretically help district staff feel more connected with and provide tailored service to school sites.
The screws were found by park district staff at 103rd Street and Major Avenue in Oak Lawn, according to Oak Lawn Chief of Detectives Michael Kauffman.
While many district staff do not arrive for another hour, I quickly learned that my supervisor and the budgeting operations manager arrive early, providing a time for us to check in before the start of busy days.
The Brawley Union High School District staff works diligently to provide a high - quality education for students inside and outside the classroom in order to prepare them for college and careers.
Under the new partnerships, Child Protective Services («CPS») employees will be assigned to many local schools several days per week, providing district staff faster access to child welfare expertise while streamlining and expediting the investigation process.
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