Sentences with phrase «double benefit»

The phrase "double benefit" means getting two advantages or positive outcomes from something at the same time. Full definition
So make sure that you are getting double benefit of seeking help from the Students Assignment Help Experts.
In summer these seeds are cool for stomach, so you will get double benefit by this drink.
It provides double benefit of life cover as well as investments that are connected to the markets.
Some contracts have riders that provide extra benefits, like double benefits for accidental death.
A Couple can receive double the benefits by paying a single premium.
The higher cost of the child plans is justified as they give double benefits.
An extra chair is attached, which means it can hold 2 babies at once, You get double benefits when you pay for one chair.
As both mortgage bankers and mortgage brokers, our clients receive double benefits with one loan application.
Following these rules, you could almost double your benefit's size.
His bill would prohibit double benefits at the federal level, or claiming both the federal tax credit and a federal charitable deduction on the same donation.
In addition, the researchers said they found nearly double the benefits of two years of preschool compared with one, even seven years later.
Such double benefit shall be available under the Policy for a maximum of 7 days.
It provides double benefits of a top up and a full - fledged plan.
A product providing double benefit can't be able to meet one's actual demand.
She raised $ 350 on her own, then worked with a local business and another individual donor to match her gift, doubling the benefit for our animals.
Also, the policyholder gets double benefit with the two plans wherein you will receive hospitalization benefit of Rs 3 lakh and Rs 5 lakh.
Students will reap double benefits if assessment becomes less about the numbers and more about discerning where students are in their learning and then planning lessons accordingly.
Before you turn to strangers at 99designs or Craigslist for affordable services, consider your own audience, and reap double the benefits: Find quality services for your book, and engage your audience in a personal, unique way!
«Managing the demand better, for example by focusing on health education, would bring double benefits — maintaining healthy populations, and greatly reducing critical pressures on the environment.»
In fact, the value of fringe benefits (as a percentage of wages) for the average public - school teacher is more than double the benefits package received by the typical worker in a large private - sector firm.
And tomorrow, we hope Cleopatra's doubles its benefit goals for artist, curator, and Dependent Fair founder Rose Marcus, to help her pay for major surgery — and so do many talented artists who've contributed to her benefit auction.
Now that you know the benefits of this plan, it's time to get acquainted to the eligibility conditions of this amazing double benefit LIC policy.
This way you can avail double benefits, maternity and NCB, an additional bonus on premium.
As with many of BMW's intelligent weight saving innovations, this pays double benefits.
Like other endowment plans, it is meant to give double benefit:... read more
ULIP provides double benefits of insurance and savings at market linked return.
Choose our Savings Plans providing double benefit, of life insurance cover along with good returns on your investments.
You'd be penalized for taking CPP early at 60, and waiting until 70 would almost double your benefits.
Shriram Secure Investment Plan - A onetime investment cum insurance plan from Shriram life insurance with double benefit of life protection and earning on capital investment.
Unlike IRAs and 401 (k) s, which allow business owners to invest up to $ 24,000 annually, specialized defined benefit plans, properly structured, can significantly increase contributions and reduce taxes by 50 percent — in some cases, a double benefit.
At Ottawa - based tech firm Orangutech, CEO Barry Doucette rewards his leadership team with stock options, which, he says, have the double benefit of encouraging folks to stick around for a payout and to help the company grow.
The double benefit of no longer having to work and paying less taxes made me much happier.
Many entrepreneurs essentially pay double their Social Security and Medicare taxes as both employer and employee - but that doesn't mean you'll get double the benefits.
And with today's low rates, you might enjoy the double benefits of having a shorter term and a lower rate.
The PSAC has been working with the Canadian Labour Congress for some time to press the government to double those benefits, increase the GIS and establish a national pension plan insurance fund.
By buying a stock at a level below its business value, you often get a double benefit: appreciation when the stock price closes the gap with business value and growth in the stock price as the business continues to expand.
So, we should see this double benefit of leadership from core tech - platform companies as well as efforts by legacy businesses or companies outside the technology space to leverage technology to play more defense.
The sect or cult offers a double benefit: You can leave home without giving up family; we will be your family.
Not only does this double the benefits, giving me a physical workout as well as the opportunity for time with God, but I've also discovered that it's fairly difficult to drift off to sleep while walking.
That family would double the benefit it receives from the common pasture while sharing only one one - hundredth of the loss from the gradual decline of the pasture.
That way, you get the double benefit of a little extra chocolate and prettier muffins.
Conserving energy in the vineyard has a double benefit; it reduces greenhouse gas emissions and keeps farming costs in check.
When Bendtner comes back Arsenal will gain a double benefit.
Dual language development: Double the benefit.
For every moment of fun and play is actually a double benefit.
Such no - till farming provides a double benefit for farmers: improved soils and reduced fuel use, because it negates the need to harvest the stalks with tractors and other equipment (although it can lead to short - term reductions in crop yields) says Chuck Rice, a soil scientist at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kan..
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