Sentences with phrase «double jeopardy»

"Double jeopardy" is a phrase that means being prosecuted or punished twice for the same crime. It goes against the principle that no person should be tried for the same offense more than once. Full definition
The case was only made possible by a change to the principle of double jeopardy under the law, which prevented someone cleared of an offence being tried again.
Why doesn't this violate your Constitutional protection against double jeopardy?
The reason double jeopardy does not apply when a person faces both a federal and state prosecution for the same conduct is that separate and distinct crimes are being charged.
How would a trial proceed upon conclusion of these investigations, so as to prevent things like double jeopardy?
The judge ruled that the defendant would be facing double jeopardy if a trial was allowed to start because the two counts were related.
Scientists and environmental justice advocates alike argue that better policies are needed to address double jeopardy.
So I don't think the concept of double jeopardy would apply.
(CPD violation; expulsion set aside; re-trial; client did hundreds of hours of CPD but omitted to register those hours; caution order; other charge sought to prosecute for matters already subject to internal sanction; double jeopardy rule violated; charge withdrawn).
The case became a cause célèbre and one of the highest profile racial killings in UK history; its fallout included profound cultural changes to attitudes on racism and the police, and to the law and police practice, and the partial revocation of double jeopardy laws, before two of the perpetrators were convicted almost 20 years later in 2012.
Scotland proposes to join England and Wales in abolishing the rule against double jeopardy in some criminal matters.
That would mean modifying the state's current double jeopardy provisions to ensure that someone like Cohen couldn't evade state scrutiny after a federal pardon.
This also poses a sort of double jeopardy for Alberta's energy sector, whose industrial and political leaders have long maintained that any oil sands supply bottlenecks created by insufficient pipeline capacity would be offset by higher rail traffic.
The top court agreed today with the British Columbia Court of Appeal and a lower court in that province that the Abolition of Early Parole Act, which came into effect in March 2011, amounts as double jeopardy for those who went to prison expecting they could be released sooner.
[60] The Act provides for protection from double jeopardy: commencing a proceeding in relation to conduct as a violation precludes prosecuting it as an offence, and vice versa.
Furthermore the principle of double jeopardy limits the ability of prosecutors to use multiple indictments with multiple trials to get around this.
The multiple investigations into bribery allegations surrounding UK - based pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline raise questions as to whether double jeopardy principles might scupper countries» enforcement efforts.
So inevitable are these conclusions, in fact, that I just gave up and accepted the ending, which sidesteps a first - glance case of double jeopardy with such vague dialogue, recited in such a bland tone of sotto voce, that I only got the basic gist of how we got from Point A to Point B. With Point B such a shrug - worthy certainty, I wasn't nearly confused enough to care besides.
In a criminal case, once a jury has found a defendant «not guilty,» the state can not re-try the defendant on the same charges without violating the Constitutional rule prohibiting double jeopardy.
«The social agenda I was a little concerned because I don't want it to look like just double jeopardy, but triple jeopardy.
There are 6 single jeopardy topics (clothes, food, regular - er verbs, Easter, numbers, common words) and six grammar - based double jeopardy topics.
This new evidence is damning and with it, they likely could convict me, but I claim double jeopardy when they try to charge me.
Under the state's double jeopardy statutes, New York prosecutors couldn't go after Cohen if Trump pardoned him for a specific federal crime.
I know if the Army frowns upon double jeopardy the league should too its a double wammy for this kid....
Goa, who appealed about double jeopardy in the case, felt that they should not be punished twice for the same offence.
«By closing New York's double jeopardy loophole, lawmakers can ensure that no one accused of breaking New York's laws will escape accountability merely because of a strategically - timed presidential pardon.»
NY's Attorney General tries to evade double jeopardy laws in order to hold Trump's team accountable.
«Speaker Silver put my appeal in the hands of a lobbying firm, assuming they would also do his bidding because it was in their financial interest, but when they showed a shred of fairness Speaker Silver, making this up as he goes along, decided to ignore his hand picked appeals officer and ham handily invoke double jeopardy,» he said.
«But instead, the law would've forced us to increase their taxes, so double jeopardy.
Bruno argued that would constitute double jeopardy, but the court disagreed.
A new trial ahead of Supreme Court review «would be a violation of Mr. Silver's double jeopardy rights,» he lawyers argued.
``... the exception is too broad insofar as it enables a defendant to delay the timely administration of justice by simply raising double jeopardy,» Sharpe wrote in the ruling.
The action was said to be as a result of complaint by the former NSA that putting him on trial in two different courts on the same issues would prejudice and cause double jeopardy.
Unlike most other groups of gifted students, they may be placed in social - emotional double jeopardy (Keener, 2013; NAGC, 2015; Sedillo, 2013; Treat, 2008, 2016).
Double jeopardy gets lots of attention but isn't real threat to administrative license suspension laws
We will make clients aware of all the possible «bars» to someone being extradited by the court, including double jeopardy, substantial passages of time, and age.
Chang Which means that in Europe double jeopardy isn't a thing with the same rigid meaning or effect, so the question wouldn't even make sense there.
Or the trial court could grant the new trial motion after reweighing the evidence (acting as the so - called «13th juror») subject to [our] double jeopardy analysis.
Double jeopardy too is not everywhere forbidden.
Based on criteria discussed above, the company should determine the likeliness of involvement of French authorities when determining whether to settle in another country, particularly the territorial competence of French courts for double jeopardy reasons.
Conversely, the Court gave a cross-border application to article 14.7 of the Covenant, on the grounds that a separate provision of the Code of Criminal Procedure did not distinguish between national and foreign jurisdiction in enforcing double jeopardy.
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