Sentences with phrase «employment figures»

Check local employment figures for the area, too.
Yesterday's employment figures show that the disability employment rate has risen over the last year to 48 %.
These contracts are helping government employment figures as many engaged on zero hours terms are not actually working.
In this light, one also has to interpret the recent employment figures with skepticism.
There was mixed news when employment figures were released earlier today, with unemployment falling but claimant counts up.
At the same time, he wants employment figures at all facilities that provide gambling services, including those on American Indian lands.
Employment figures published today show that more than one in three recent graduates are employed in lower skilled jobs.
Of the fraction of projects for which employment figures were available, none created as many jobs as promised.
In fact, it's one of the few career fields that rapidly hires despite the nation's dismal employment figures.
It's easy to believe all the doom and gloom surrounding the graduate job market but in fact graduate employment figures are at a ten - year high.
Get a snapshot of some key statewide employment figures, including hourly and annual median wages.
Yet despite the highly publicised lay - offs like those at Qantas, and closures like Holden's and Ford's having very concentrated geographic impacts, the job numbers involved are relatively modest in overall employment figures in Australia.
21,400 new roles for accountants are expected to hit the job market in the years to 2017, Department of Employment figures show.
The S&P / BGCantor Current 10 - Year U.S. Treasury Index widened 10 bps on July 30th from 2.46 % to 2.56 % before tightening to 2.50 % due to the weaker than expected employment figures on Friday.
We'll know more about this tomorrow when the March employment figures are released.
It's not clear what this implies for revisions in the monthly employment figures, if anything, but our «unobserved components» models continue to suggest a general trend toward disappointments in economic data, particularly over the next 6 - 8 weeks.
Global equities gained on the week amid continued improvement in manufacturing and solid US employment figures.
Monthly figures do jump around, but the worse than expected employment figures reinforce why public concerns about the jobs of the future will be one of the most politically sensitive issues facing the Abbott government this year.
Positive Employment Figured Released in West Michigan According to data from the Michigan Bureau of Labor Market Information, there was a 1.5 % increase in employment over the past year in the Grand Rapids - Wyoming metropolitan area.
The clash comes as new employment figures give succour to the government's claims that the economy is «turning the corner».
For that very reason, Obama is doing everything he can to pump GDP upward, and the White House staff seized up last Friday when employment figures revealed that the gains were only half what had been anticipated.
They also looked at the lack of questions about immigration and employment figures released on Wednesday morning, hours ahead of the weekly session.
According to seasonally adjusted employment figures from the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, the measure used by most economists, the gain was 677,500 jobs, not 385,100.
Jane Kennedy, Minister for Work has said the latest employment figures show the strength of the UK labour market.
If New York is truly «open for business,» it's not yet demonstrated by employment figures, which show New York creating jobs at a slower pace than the nation as a whole.
The U.S. solar industry alone is beginning to overtake the coal mining sector with higher employment figures, according to 2014 data released by the Solar Foundation.
It began promisingly enough, with a question to John Kasich on the stock market decline and one to Jeb Bush on recent employment figures but, in the end, just four of the 36 questions were about jobs, taxes, or the economy.
Youth employment figures generally track the business cycle, although the situation was actually far more dire for young job seekers during the recessions of the 1980s and 1990s.
According to the Pew report, the latest newsroom employment figures (from 2014) show declines of 10 %, which is greater than in any year since 2009.
That means the next Statistics Canada snapshot of the labour force — September employment figures are slated for release on Oct. 7 — will be very closely watched.
This week: the US administration continues its anti-trade rhetoric, China grows a little faster than expected, Australian employment figures underwhelm, and the RBA seems unperturbed by household borrowing...
With improving employment figures, higher domestic production of commodities and a rise in levels of consumer confidence, the dollar rose in value against major currencies around the world, climbing to $ 1.49 against the pound in the first half of 2015.
Investors looked ahead to this week's U.S. employment figures and a meeting of...
Given total non-farm payroll employment of about 132 million workers, these adjustment factors mean that in any given month, the effect of seasonal adjustment on the reported payroll employment figure amounts to something between +2.1 million and -1.1 million jobs.
Economists say Tories celebrating good employment figures are ignoring the fact that productivity has fallen significantly under the coalition, hitting GDP.
Speaking on Adom FM's «Badwam» morning show, the Npp financier said, over the years politicians have used fake employment figures and statistical sleight of hand to protect themselves from the angry mob of voters and sees what the Agric Minister has put out as one of such wicked tricks.
At least two of the three companies whose employment figures the state is counting towards the 250 goal do not have binding obligations to create jobs in connection with the AMRI project.
The records we are seeking include updated employment figures at the SolarCity construction project.
When employment figures begin going up, and real affordable universal health care is soon to be available, and wasteful Bush fantasies like Star Wars are back to being experimental programs on the fringes of public awareness and costing only hundreds of millions of dollars a year, when all of our long term allies are back to being on speaking terms with us, those 25 % ers will get their 25 % s and Congress will be even more democratic Party than now.
Earlier Andrew Tyrie, the committee chairman, said the decision to publish the revised employment figures early had damaged the reputation of the OBR.
Already, the President had admitted at a media encounter to the unavailability of up to date employment figures.
Unfortunately, many would - be buyers remain fearful of their job security, and are putting off buying until the economy and related employment figures stabilize.
Given the overwhelming influence of seasonal adjustment on the January employment figure, which transformed an actual loss of 2.7 million jobs into a reported gain of 243,000, the enthusiasm over that number is almost certainly excessive.
«With the exception of formal employment figures, forestry administrations have little information on how many people benefit from forests,» said the report.
RenewableUK, the country's leading voice for the renewable energy industry, has published the most comprehensive ever employment figures for the wind energy industry, showing a 91 per cent increase in full - time employment in the sector between 2007/8 and 2009/10.
Factoring in sales, manufacturing and other positions and the solar industry employment figure swells to 260,077 as of last year.
Even using the erroneous employment figures from the Perryman study, the report says the current US unemployment rate would be unaffected.
Only a few lawyers get those gravy - train, six - figure salaries... [D] espite the 90 - percent - plus employment figures touted by most law schools, most graduates will not get jobs as lawyers in law firms...
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