Sentences with phrase «employment policies»

He assists operations and human resource executives on a variety of issues regarding the development and implementation of employment policies and procedures.
Executive compensation is important to shareholders and to the general public, particularly in questions of pay equity, income inequality, and changes in employment policies.
She frequently advises clients on employment policies and procedures and represents employers in federal and state court litigation, as well as before the various administrative agencies.
Our team can assist your human resources professionals with employment policy laws and compliance, regardless of the state in which your company resides.
We partner with our in - house teams to conduct investigations and audits, draft employment policies, and tailor executive compensation agreements that attract top C - suite talent.
She has worked as a national legal services support and back - up attorney, addressing national employment policy issues and helping set the agenda for national legal services employment work.
She has studied faculty employment policies and practices for the past 6 years, with a particular interest in early career faculty.
They are therefore more concerned about employment policies and favor generous benefits for the unemployed.
Ironically, these are precisely the issues that are easy to avoid up - front with proactive employment policies and clear written contracts.
An attorney may advise a client to change a part of the client's written employment policies, and may advise the client on how to implement the change.
These changes will require most businesses to update employment policies and may also require an update to employment agreements.
No one can deny the importance of clear and consistent employment policies, vacation time included.
A little planning can help you keep legal costs down in the long term, and your workers will know what to expect from when you have clear employment policies in place.
We can also review your present employment policies to make sure that they are legally sound and consistently enforced to avoid future allegations.
There are a number of employment policies and procedures that by law must be provided to your employees.
In addition to faculty interviews, they will collect data from participating colleges and universities regarding faculty employment policies.
He also counsels clients with regard to affirmative action, drug testing, reduction in force, and other employment - related issues; drafts employment documents for start - up companies; reviews employment policies for clients; and conducts in - house employer management training concerning harassment, employee supervision and discipline, and labor law compliance.
Review employment policies, agreements and contracts and provide clear guidance as to which benefits are intended for each category of employees;
Familiar with of technical job market, web - based and Internet recruiting techniques, as well as employment policies and procedures
The league has instituted a new employment policy that imposes harsh penalties for acts of violence.
Work - study: time use tradeoffs, student work hours and implications for youth employment policy
12:44 - Osborne praises his own employment policies and says we have more people in work than in the eurozone or the US.
She counsels employers on developing and implementing employment policies and practices.
Bickerton serves as a research analyst and resource manager in the Youth Development, Criminal Justice, and Employment policy area.
Adrienne Burgess, who wrote the report and is our joint CEO, said: «Existing employment policy and practice is out of step with parents» lives and aspirations.
Successful example resumes for Eeo Specialist mention qualifications like human resources expertise, knowledge of equal employment policies, commitment to diversity, organizational skills, and attention to details.
Students Matter's proposed Teacher Employment Policy Pillars make recommendations for commonsense changes to the unconstitutional, quality - blind Education Code provisions that currently govern teacher tenure, dismissal, and layoffs in California.
The Trump administration will advance its agenda on federal employment policies by using powers within its discretion in addition to... More
On this week's Coast to Coast legal - affairs podcast, my co-host J. Craig Williams and I discuss these proposed changes with immigration lawyers Gregory Siskind, founding partner of Siskind Susser in Memphis, and Monica Guizar, employment policy attorney at the National Immigration Law Center in Los Angeles.
Of course, diversity - related employment policies — in simple terms, formal recognition and accommodation of difference in the workplace — are now underpinned by legislation.
We've made leaps and bounds towards equality in the last 50 years, yet unfair employment policies and pay discrimination still affects many working women in the UK.
The Indigenous Employment Policy specifically aims to improve the employment prospects, and hence economic status, of Indigenous Australians by:
«'' The last employment policy we have been operating in Nigeria was approved in 2002, that is 14 years and in those 14 years a lot of things have changed in labour and employment industry.
When was the last time you looked at your standard employment policies to ensure that they properly address the fact that all of your employees are using their own iPhones at work and are using them to interact with the company's e-mail systems?
She also works closely with employers to design and implement practical and compliant employment policies, with a particular focus on helping employers build the infrastructure necessary to successfully manage employee leave and sick time and disability accommodations.
In the absence of a federal policy for paid sick leave, it is remarkable that a large Fortune 500 company like Microsoft is now performing the role of setting employment policy for other businesses.
Family governance protocols are an effective way to manage many of the issues, including conflict mediation and resolution, entitlement to shares in the family business, board representation, family employment policies, valuation methods and exit options.
Mintz concludes that the psychological cost to children has steadily grown more apparent, and he makes the familiar array of policy recommendations: more widely available health care, education reform, subsidized high - quality child care, family - friendly employment policies, a living wage, a limited work week and economic support to the impoverished.
«While I acted to exercise my position of oversight of the faculty within the bounds of Wheaton College employment policies and procedures, I apologized for my lack of wisdom and collegiality as I initially approached Dr. Hawkins, and for imposing an administrative leave more precipitously than was necessary.»
It established worthy goals, undertook lots of «best practice» comparisons of employment policies across the member states, but had no teeth and little impact.
Harriet Harman's triumphalist marking of Gordon Brown's first Budget as, «the end of the assumption that families consist of a male breadwinner and a female helpmate in the home,» culminated in an Equalities Bill (enacted by the Coalition) and one way maternal employment policies and childcare policies
According to him, the last operational employment policy in Nigeria was approved in 2002, saying that the new policy was reviewed in 2013.

Phrases with «employment policies»

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