Sentences with phrase «enough chances»

He doesn't create enough chances for himself or his teammates to be considered a CM.
You suggested for most of the year that our offense was very good — they just weren't getting enough chances to score.
Like the fact that there aren't enough chances for parents to volunteer so some parents barely get in the 20 required hours of volunteering.
I think we created enough chances in the first 20 minutes to go one or 2 - 0 up.
If you can't choose right resume format or even more resume template in 2016 — it means, you have not good enough chances to win a competition.
The gameplay mechanics work very well, rewarding skill but incorporating just enough chance to make the game accessible to new players.
Not enough effort really, and I think he's had enough chances already.
You had more than enough chances mate, and no matter how many you got you still looked like a chicken that had just had it's head cut off!
The mature man may lack enough chances to feel like a man.
Many mature singles complain that they don't get enough chances to meet new people and find potential dates because they continue in the same patterns of places and friends.
But he'd been given enough chances in the past that he knew where we stood, and we had to go through with it.»
«Against Sunderland we kept the ball well and created enough chances with our possession, but we waited too long for an opportunity.
apart from Sanchez as a team we are not taking enough chances by taking a shot on target and nor do we have players with ability since the Prince Poldi and Santi are no longer available
At No. 5, Phil had a reasonable enough chance at another red number and it looked like he put his ball right in the center.
Attack — Lacazette for Perez — I am still sad we never gave Lucas enough chances as I feel he would have been as good as Lacazette.
Arguably we had the best one where the keeper makes a good block from Long, but we didn't create enough chances of note.
Moreover, their only home defeat in four came against an Arsenal side chasing the league title, and even then Bolton weren't disgraced as they created more than enough chances against the Gunners to worthy at least a point.
Now that win gives us a decent enough chance to qualify even if we loose at Allianz (we just have to win the other two games and hope bayern wins the as well).
I am genuinely amazed that someone is criticising Wenger for not offering enough chances to young players, given that he's often been criticised for doing it too much.
But guess Wenger needs to make sure that he plays him more often — players can not blossom without being given a fair enough chance... Even of the bench, rather come in at 55 min then 75 min.
If Giroud is on the top of his game he might just put enough chances away for France to win it but that is the best France can hope for.
We do nt dominate the games like before, and we do not creat enough chances.
DANNY WELBECK 6.5 Did not really get enough chance on the ball as Arsenal were duly gunned down by Liverpool.
The problem is, for years now he hasn't been doing that, and when do you say, ok you've had enough chances now to refresh the team?
Don't mean to completely dispute what you're saying but, about your last sentence... are you by any means implying that we've not been creating enough chances because the teams we've played are defending too deep?
Well, now Firmino seems to be making a habit of this with his finishing when he's presented with simple enough chances, as he did below:
If Andre Villas - Boas is to save his job, he will have to make his side quicken the tempo, be more creative, and in general, try to attack sides that come to White Hart Lane, rather than filling midfield with three players that don't create anywhere near enough chances to supply the Spurs forward players with.
While Pogba left United for the Bianconeri in 2012 after failing to get enough chances under then - manager Sir Alex Ferguson, the Chile international midfielder has been strongly linked with a move to Old Trafford this summer.
Their winning streak was snapped in a 3 - 1 home loss against Manchester United last time out at the Emirates, but they still produced enough chances to have won in themselves.
That should give Guardiola enough chance to rest his major players ahead of the first Clasico on December 11th.
That game highlighted many problems for Mourinho, and after that he went to a more defensive approach, because he didn't trust his strikers to finish enough chances.
The luck is not going our way at the top end of the pitch to get a goal and I think we had enough chances [against United] as well.»
I've fought lesbians off all my adult life, but after having given men enough chances, and reading the sex - obsessed, woman - hating filth spewing from so many male fingertips on this page, I think the decision's been made.
If you date online long enough chances are you are going to run into a situation where the person you were speaking to «drops off the face of the earth».
Restaurant accountant resume objective 3: an exceptionally skilled accountant by degree is looking for a job as an accountant in a restaurant wherein I would find enough chances to make use of my skills, experience and attention to detail.
VERDICT: While Arsenal created enough chances in the last five minutes to win three games, a defeat for Leeds would have been harsh.
Nonetheless, while West Brom defended very well, Liverpool still made enough chances to win the game, and thus, while the tactics may not have been spot on, Liverpool still had the tactics right enough to make chances of match - winning / goal - scoring quality.
Rudi Garcia has said it repeatedly over the past several weeks; Roma simply aren't taking enough chances with the ball at their feet.
Bender given enough chances will surely replace coq as of now as he is more established... theres no way wenger will buy such a close competition for coquelin as he does not want him replaced... everyone loves there creations and would do everything for them to be the best... wenger knows arteta or flamini will offer no competition to his precious creation
I'd like to see Giroud score just as many as any fan would, but I really want to ask the question... Do fans believe he's incapable of creating enough chances for himself to be an effective striker?
Where the f*ck else would I get enough chances as I have been given here?
It seems like the dev teams didn't take enough chances for fear of alienating the rabid fan base.

Phrases with «enough chances»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z