Sentences with phrase «enough exercise»

"Enough exercise" means doing a suitable amount of physical activity or movement that is adequate or sufficient for your health and well-being. Full definition
It leads to poor circulation and not getting enough exercise for the muscles and bones to develop well.
They are also very curious which can lead to them getting into things if they are not given enough exercise and entertainment.
If not provided with enough exercise this breed can often turn in to an escape artist, able to jump a back yard fence that stands at less than six feet tall.
As with many intelligent high - energy dogs this combination can prove to be problematic for owners who don't provide enough exercise and mental stimulation for their dog.
However, without enough exercise though, these restless dogs have the potential to make a mess of your home, so it's important to spend enough playtime with them.
Dogs that do not receive enough exercise during the day react badly in social situations.
Whether because of a lack of information, or because some of us are just plain lazy, most of us don't do enough exercise.
You are right, my dogs would never get enough exercise in our backyard.
Many working and herding dogs just don't get enough exercise from walking, no matter how long the route.
A fenced yard is best, but even an outdoor dog tends not to get enough exercise on its own.
Animals become fat and lazy because they eat too much and don't get enough exercise just like people.
Dogs need enough exercise and active play sessions to tire them out.
Ensure that the child gets enough exercise during the day as well as a lot of fresh air and sunshine.
This is also a good way for them to get enough exercise through playing.
Babies get enough exercise as it is doing what they do all day — crawling, walking, and playing.
And that's more important than ever these days, because many dogs aren't getting nearly enough exercise.
I worry about my cats getting enough exercise indoors.
Some preschoolers may not be getting enough exercise because of two relatively modern social concerns: safety on the playground and an emphasis on early academic learning.
Lack of enough exercise is the number one cause of behavior problems in dogs.
Regardless of your home environment just remember to give your pet enough exercise to keep it healthy and fit.
Is he getting walked regularly and enough exercise outside everyday?
If you have provided your puppy enough exercise, yet they are still going at full speed, make the smart choice to let them relax in their crate.
After all, they are working dogs and would get bored if not offered enough exercise!
Dogs that don't get enough exercise tend to be overweight, bored and at greater risk of experiencing health problems.
We all know the benefits of exercise, yet most of us still aren't getting enough exercise regularly.
Most people avoid getting enough exercise thinking they don't have time or that it requires too much effort.
Be sure to get enough exercise daily to help keep bones, and your entire body, strong and in good shape.
It was an easy enough exercise that I could see it working into my daily routine without putting too much pressure on myself.
Smaller pets might be able to get enough exercise within the confines of a house or apartment.
To provide support for owners with overweight pets that do not have the opportunity to or are unable to get enough exercise due to pre-existing medical conditions.
For dogs that are more medium or large, especially if the indoor accommodations do not provide ample space for them to get enough exercise while indoors, they will need some exercise.
Taking shorter walks give enough exercise and relief breaks without causing your dog to become too cold.
If left alone for long periods of time or not provided with enough exercise or stimulation, these intelligent animals will find something to do.
Without enough exercise, children may struggle to sit still and stay focused.
If this breed receives enough exercise, it will make a good apartment dog.
You can achieve this goal by either eating a low calorie diet or by doing enough exercise or by combining both the things together.
There are many ways to safely provide enough exercise for your cat and encourage an active life.
Provide enough exercise for your dog to compensate what he (or she) is eating on a daily basis.
Young children can often get enough exercise from engaging in active play.
They can get enough exercise just running around the house.
Kids need enough exercise to make them tired too.
Obesity can be avoided by feeding your pet correctly and ensuring that he gets enough exercise through walks or play.
Make sure your cat is getting enough exercise because all these treats have calories in them and you don't want your kitty to gain weight.
Apartments would be fine for this breed, assuming they get enough exercise outside.
A dog can be in a large house and yard without getting enough exercise.
In the house, young Afghans are known to be destructive chewers if given too much freedom and not allowed enough exercise.
Concerned that I was not taking enough exercise or getting away from the pressures of my then job as a media adviser to Scotland's first minister, the late Donald Dewar, she suggested I take up golf again.
So whilst supplements like the Rock's supplements claim to not impose or alter the user's lifestyle overly much, the fact remains that if you continue to eat rubbish and not do enough exercise then no muscle supplement ever invented, the Rock supplements included, is going to be of much use to you.
Rottweilers are quite inactive indoors, preferring to sleep on or very near their family so could live in an apartment as long as they were given enough exercise outdoors.

Phrases with «enough exercise»

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