Sentences with phrase «enough light»

There weren't enough lights for the big tree in the living room that we finally started decorating last night.
Soft interior lights add an intimate ambiance yet provide enough light for reading.
Happy your plant is doing well — I would love one but am so afraid it won't get enough light in our living room.
Night lights are perfect for bedtime as they give just enough light for you to put your baby to bed, but they are soothing enough to help your baby feel sleepy.
Plants in a bathroom with enough light will thrive because bathrooms tend to be a bit more humid.
I really wanted to give the fireplace some contrast and the room gets enough light so I thought I could go with a darker colour on the mantel.
To compensate, many video cameras use small image chips and narrow lenses, which don't gather enough light to produce a rich image.
Hopefully this short and yet informative excursion will shed enough light onto the very important question of French bulldog coat colors.
There's still enough light after dinner to run around outside.
Many were worried that its solar panels would not receive enough light to resume operations.
What do you think would be the challenges involved in writing a realistically painful novel that still offers enough light and hope to maintain the reader's interest and spirit?
Researchers are developing solar panels that still let through enough light to function as a window.
Wish I could do the same on our couch wall in the front room — never enough light in there.
This would also need a high - powered laser to keep enough light energy focused on the sail.
It's a large enough light fixture to make a statement, but not too big for the room.
Do you feel it puts out enough light over the table?
I don't jump thru hoops and I don't always explain myself, but I've given each person enough light to know that I can be trusted.
I don't know what I've done the past two days, but I sure wasn't able to catch enough light in order to make my photos work, nor my outfits.
And there's also enough light comedy to satisfy everybody.
If you don't let enough light hit the sensor, everything will just look murky and black.
In tight quarters where there's never quite enough light, open metal shelving that lets the sun filter through is an ideal choice.
They do not provide enough light while driving at night, causing a safety concern.
While there's some decent enough lighting in some areas, the engine is lacking in certain standard special effects, especially reflections.
By keeping your choices task - centered, you'll always have enough light right where you need it.
But it's vital for healthy sleep, brain function, and metabolic function to get enough light exposure.
We bought a lamp shade to turn into a pendant and realized just that, it might not project enough light since its a lamp shade.
I'm not sure it ever succeeds, but it provides enough light charm to minimize its flaws.
Lighting - will you have adequate light to see objects, too much light for films, or low enough light to create dramatic effects to set the mood or spotlight features?
There's enough light inside and outside to see where your need to drive.
And the design had to guarantee enough light on the south - facing side.
This will be helpful while driving in the midst of heavy rain because fog lights has enough light thrown on the road, thus, make your car a lot easier to see.
If there's already enough light in the room the motion sensor won't activate the smart bulbs for you.
There were enough light objects in the room to keep it from feeling like a cave and it looked very sophisticated.
The bed looks really comfortable and I feel that this room has good ventilation and enough light enters into the bedroom during the day.
I can't figure out a single place in my home with enough light to do it!
The works are impressive and they view well in the dark church - like space, giving you just enough light to see them.
But in any case, make sure there's enough light so the dancers stand out clearly in the video.
I'm just getting used to the little space in my new kitchen that provides enough light for photos.
The new photo was exposed for 50 hours to gather enough light, and reveals extremely faint, tiny galaxies that may be more than 12 billion light - years away.
That is why this canopy is helpful to protect the child from a bad weather and also effective to give enough light and air to the child.
Every inch of soil contains weed seeds, but only those closest to the surface receive enough light to grow.
I love the look of them but wondered whether they'd offer enough light to be useful or if they're really just for decorative purposes.
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