Sentences with phrase «environment someone live in»

Well, I'm not sure what kind of environment you live in but for me... 99 % of the people around me don't even know you CAN invest in this physical.
I guess each couple will have very different boundary - setting needs based on the kind of people they are and the family and the specific social environments they live in.
In many cases where cats become unhappy or hard to live with, they are simply working out strategies to cope with the constantly changing environment they live in.
Because of the fast - paced business environment we live in, waiting to move forward with a new initiative because it's not quite perfect can mean the failure of that initiative.
In the dense urban environment we live in - typically with small apartments and few yards - it's easy for common dog behaviors to quickly become problem behaviors.
While the Pentagon «weaponeer» and geoengineering enthusiast Lowell Wood, an astrophysicist, has proclaimed, «We've engineered every other environment we live in — why not the planet?»
It's kind of sad that a $ 1.2 M portfolio can only generate ~ $ 30,000 a year in dividends, but that's the low interest environment we live in.
All of this could easily change when U.S. markets open, when investors ponder the new and more volatile environment they live in, when traders decide they do not want to bear risk over the weekend, or when a weekend of pondering leads to a wave of liquidations on Monday morning.
I'm an ecologist, which means I study the relationship between plants, animals, and the physical environment they live in.
While the horse contributed to reshaping human civilization, humans in turn reshaped the horse to fit their diverse needs and the diverse environments they lived in.
The four NASA missions used in this study are a part of NASA's Heliophysics fleet of missions under NASA's Solar Terrestrial Probes, Living with a Star and Explorers programs, which aim to understand fundamental plasma physics questions and the dynamic Earth - Sun environment we live in.
They've always had low population densities because of the harsh environments they live in, but human activity has made their situation even worse.
Too many women in the world we live today are affected by a far reaching lack of progesterone to counterbalance the alarming estrogen levels caused by the very environment we live in, the household and personal care products we consume on a daily basis.
Bui's distinctive artwork, full of brushy line work and rich color, beautifully illustrates Phi's lines, focusing intently on the expressive faces of the boy and his father and the vivid environments they live in — cool, midnight blue by the river while they fish, surrounded by leafy foliage and an understated yet still slightly ominous No Trespassing sign, and warm, sunshiny yellow when they're back in the warmth of home and around the dinner table, enjoying the fruits of their labor.
It spends time on two of the greats of the game, Jack Nicklaus, and Tiger Woods, comparing them and the economic environments they lived in.
The breeder is also likely to ask questions of you and what kind of puppy you are looking for, what environment you live in, and other questions to help decide that you will be a responsible pet owner.
Pokémon are physically adapted to the specific environments they live in too, often reflecting the plants and creatures that inhabit parallel, real - life habitats.
She is best known for her off - site installations in which she constructs fictitious personae through the material environment they live in.
Yet, I realized that those artists dealt with reprinted still photography, and television seemed to me the more visually overwhelming environment we lived in.
The Smart Home has been outfitted with some of the most sustainable and responsible options available for building and furnishing a house, while the landscaping illustrates many ways to sustain and replenish the surrounding environments we live in.
«In this stressful environment we live in, learning to be our own best friend can lead us down a happier path.
Scientists dub this the «it won't affect me» syndrome, and say that in the present situation of global pollution combined with rocketing population growth, the physical and social environment we live in is the pot — and we, dear readers, are the frogs.
Taking these kind of measures are extremely important because when an animal is infected with parvovirus it lets off large quantities of the virus through its feces contaminating the whole environment it lives in.
The Promethean dreams of the geo - clique — perhaps expressed most starkly by its sometime mentor, Pentagon «weaponeer» Lowell Wood, when he declared: «We've engineered every other environment we live in, why not the planet?»
«The environment we live in, where the threat vectors are everywhere, one foundational thing we have to do as — I think of us as first responders — is to build products that are more secure,» Nadella said.»
I control my life, at least to the extent that the environment I live in allows me too.
Yes, there are natural forces that shape the earth and the environment we live in, and these can be dangerous for us.
As soon as your daughter's belief in fairies and leprechauns starts becoming a threat to women's reproductive rights, people's marriage rights, separation of church and state, and even the environment we live in, then we'll start caring about her idiotic beliefs as well.
Morals come from your home and your community and the environment you live in.
Being kind to all who share this planet with us will definitely make the environment we live in a better place to be.
Was it the environment I lived in — namely, the hottest state in the Union?
The material you choose for your baby's blanket is very important for both your baby and the environment you live in.
Facing up to old age involves a change of perception about the environment we live in.
«But we all overlook our environment as if we can exist independently of the environment we live in.
The death of Jo Cox is one of those moments which crystallises people's feelings about the environment they live in.
This shift to thinking about other people (and their genes) as the environment we live in complicates the age - old debate on nature versus nurture.
The rate of this cellular damage can vary from person to person, and may be dictated by genetics, lifestyle and the environment we live in.
And how is this different in different enzymes, so that their catalytic activities are tuned to suit the organism and the temperature of the environment they live in?
«But the environment we live in is very different than when those tests were done,» he said.
All land plants have intricate water sensing and drought response systems that are tuned to maximize their fitness in the environments they live in.
That includes not just human health, but that of livestock and the environments they live in,» von Fricken explained.
Because of their dependency on coastal environments, the changes in the sea level which occurred at the end of the Jurassic period — around 145 million years ago — had a drastic impact upon the environments they lived in.
UNM is paving the way in this regard, training future doctors to see past the patient in the hospital gown, and seeing patients in their community - learning the culture and the environment they live in.
People with deranged Vata are the daydreamers who can not connect to daily life with the people and environment they live in.
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