Sentences with phrase «environment spokesman»

An "environment spokesman" is someone who speaks on behalf of the environment and represents its concerns and interests to others. They communicate important information about environmental issues, help raise awareness, and advocate for conservation and sustainable practices. Full definition
Liberal Democrat environment spokesman Chris Huhne says carbon offsetting must be more than just a fashion statement if it is to have a real positive effect on climate change.
The Liberal Democrat environment spokesman Chris Huhne argues the draft bill is not strong enough to avert climate change, but questions whether there is the political will for a serious plan to reduce emissions.
Lib Dem environment spokesman Steve Webb said ministers should focus on micro-generation and energy efficiency schemes, arguing this could lead to big reductions in emissions.
Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd's motion to scrap the «no new mines» policy was passed by a slender 15 votes at the ALP national conference, with environment spokesman Peter Garret among those voting to maintain the ban.
The Lib Dems said Sir Menzies wanted to challenge the new Tory leader on his green credentials, with environment spokesman Chris Huhne saying there had been a «string of contradictions between David Cameron's green words and his party's blue actions».
Liberal Democrat environment spokesman Steve Webb said: «It is totally unacceptable that, one year on, there are still 5,000 families not back in their own homes.»
From 1983 to 1988 he was environment spokesman for the SDP - Liberal Alliance, and then again in 1994 for the newly formed Liberal Democrats.
Steve Webb, former environment spokesman, moves to head the Lib Dems» climate change and energy department.
Despite internal grumblings, a spokeswoman for opposition environment spokesman Greg Hunt said the Coalition remained committed to Direct Action.
Not long ago, I noted that Opposition Environment spokesman Greg Hunt was out by a factor of five in his estimate of the effects of a carbon price on the average household's electricity bill.
Fifteen newly planted trees were lost, but luckily they were covered under warranty, said Chicago Department of Environment spokesman Larry Merritt.
Indeed, in last year's Charity Champions awards, Friends of the Earth jointly nominated Oliver Letwin and Norman Baker — who were, at the time, their parties» respective environment spokesmen.
The Lib Dem environment spokesman said that while the two parties had cooperated in backing plans for a new climate change bill, this partnership would be suspended until the Tories could put their policies where their rhetoric was.
Environment spokesman Mr Huhne, who is the first Lib Dem to break cover to announce his candidacy, said he wanted the party to be committed to the idea that «everybody's individual worth and chance is given its full possibility».
As part of the reshuffle, Steve Webb, who was in charge of writing the Lib Dems» next election manifesto, becomes environment spokesman.
Next week Conservative MEPs will vote to strengthen proposals requiring companies to replace dangerous chemicals with safe ones, and shadow environment spokesman Peter Ainsworth said the EU had a «shared responsibility» to deal with the issue.
Liberal Democrat environment spokesman Martin Horwood said the government's proposal were subject to «a dirty great loophole» - that new stations will only have to implement the retrofitting of CCS if the technology is ready.
Conservative environment spokesman Peter Ainsworth said: «The question of our future energy supply is crucial and we can't have these decisions made on the basis of hidden links to the nuclear industry or lobbying activities.
Plaid Cymru's environment spokesman Simon Thomas said there were more examples of plans for larger poultry units and they were being dealt with «with a set of tools and policies which are not fit for purpose».
Labour has its soft - spoken environment spokesman, David Drew, 66, from Stroud, his fellow're - tread» John Grogan, 57, from Keighley, and witty Stephen Pound, 69, from Ealing North.
His party colleague, Chris Davies MEP, who is the Lib Dem environment spokesman in the European parliament, said: «It is extraordinarily naive for ministers and officials to take the special pleading by Canada as though it were gospel truth, rather than what it is — an attempt to protect narrow financial interests.»
At the time, Labor's environment spokesman Duncan Kerr prophetically described the task given to Australia at Kyoto as a «three - inch putt».
Lib Dem environment spokesman Chris Huhne argues that nuclear power is a tried, tested and failed technology and is not a solution to Britain's energy needs.
Denying public subsidies to the nuclear industry could leave the Liberal Democrats in a «win - win situation» on nuclear power, the party's former environment spokesman has suggested.
The Liberal Democrat environment spokesman Steve Webb said: «The government can not just abdicate responsibility for fuel poverty.
Mr Huhne, Lib Dem environment spokesman but now certain to fall victim to a reshuffle, was widely regarded to have fought the better campaign - marred only by the damaging release of a dossier on Calamity Clegg, which outlined his rival's supposed flaws.
Environment spokesman for the Liberal Group (ALDE) in the Parliament, Chris Davies MEP said: «We must tackle the rapid growth in the EU's aviation emissions if we are to succeed in preventing dangerous climate change.
The Liberal Democrat environment spokesman, Chris Huhne, commented: «Ministers got lucky when the «dash for gas» cut the carbon emissions from power generation, but now their luck has turned.
«We do think it is a good idea, even if it is somebody else's idea and not the government's,» Labor's environment spokesman Peter Garrett told ABC Radio.
Environment spokesman Chris Huhne said the measures outlined in the document are the only realistic approach to averting climate change, and are designed to target emissions across all areas of the economy.
Environment spokesman Chris Huhne said: «These plans will shift freight from road to rail, cut carbon, and improve mobility as the rail network begins to run out of capacity.»
Nevertheless, the liberal democrats» environment spokesmen Chris Huhne countered that reduction must be central to any policy on climate change.
Today Mr Clegg attempted to draw a line under his rivalry with Mr Huhne, insisting he could go back to being «colleagues» with the environment spokesman, who is now waiting to hear what position he will take in Mr Clegg's «shadow» Cabinet.
Mr Huhne, the party's environment spokesman, told BBC One's Politics Show he had no knowledge of the document.
Mr Clegg had himself been home affairs spokesman before winning the vote by party members, while Mr Huhne had been environment spokesman.
Environment spokesman Chris Huhne said: «Green taxes have been falling steadily as a percentage of our national income, meaning the government has failed to use a key lever to tackle climate change.
He revealed his dislike for Steve Webb, his Environment spokesman, and decided to demote Chris Huhne, his former leadership rival and currently Home Affairs spokesman, before adding he wasn't «emotionally intelligent» enough for the environment job.
The environment spokesman told the Observer yesterday he would scrap the Trident missile defence system, in a departure from the party's current policy to defer a decision until 2014.
He is tipped to make Chris Huhne environment spokesman, and yesterday's speech echoed his defeated rival's stress on green issues.
He seized the opportunities handed him by Sir Menzies, who made him environment spokesman - one of the most high - profile in the party and central to its appeal.
The party's environment spokesman, Chris Huhne - who, along with Mr Clegg, is most often tipped as a future Lib Dem leader - said there was no vacancy to discuss.
But the home affairs spokesman is still relatively unknown to many members and could well lose an early contest to environment spokesman Chris Huhne, who made a name for himself by running against Sir Menzies last time round.
Water research «is going down the drain», warns Chris Smith, Labour's environment spokesman.
According to Chris Smith, Labour's environment spokesman, «The closure of Warren Spring is clearly part of a plan to fatten up AEA Technology for privatisation.»
Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd said he supported the scheme «100 per cent», but his environment spokesman accused the government of stealing the idea from environmental group Planet Ark..
Before the election, I confronted the environment spokesmen of the three major parties with this question (4).
On the mystery of why MPs voted for an increase from a 60 % cut to an 80 % cut by 2050, that may have something to do with the Liberal Democrat environment spokesman, Steve Webb.
Meanwhile, former Liberal Democrat environment spokesman, Norman Baker, called them «an absurd invention» saying that «It is ludicrous that people are trying to heat the open air».
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