Sentences with phrase «exchange network»

This is an example of a banner exchange network for the online dating business.
Electronic medical records, health information exchange networks & hospital administration — financial — imaging news.
It's made up of servers which form a global exchange network.
Stack Exchange network consists of 173 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
The Stack Exchange network About Blog Software Quality Assurance & Testing Stack Exchange is a question and answer blog for software quality control experts, automation engineers, and software testers.
Stack Exchange network consists of 173 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
Visually indicate that the content is from Stack Overflow or the Stack Exchange network in some way.
Information obtained for over-the-counter funds are usually handled via telephone or a computer network, obtaining prices and information directly... But OTC funds usually trade in frequent because of the instability of the company and its funds, which make the bid - ask spread so much larger the stocks traded on an exchange
Through the international timeshare exchange networks, owners can trade their timeshare interval for vacation time at comparable resorts around the world.
News Corp is developing a new advertising exchange network for their big digital newspaper and web properties.
SecureKey builds identity attribute exchange networks with major Canadian banks for triple - blind data privacy.
Joining a barter exchange network can also give you an added source of new customers, strengthen your business network and advertise your value to others.
Many objects such as jade, obsidian, and pottery were moving between northern Mesoamerica and Maya territory along long - distance exchange networks between 300 B.C.E. and 200 C.E., when the bones are dated, says Thornton.
RCI is a vacation exchange network that affords timeshare owners the opportunity to exchange, rent and otherwise optimize their timeshare vacations.
A crucial question, and one posed at RISMedia's recent 2017 Real Estate CEO Exchange Networking Breakfast, where Power Brokers and other industry leaders gathered not only to connect, but also to consider the relationship between innovation and irrelevancy.
I'd also like to recommend Value Exchange, the link exchanging network from SiteSELL.
SSM's Digital Exchange Network (DEXNet) partners share a personal interest in SportStars content and share that content in a personalized edition of SportStars digital with their fans, friends and followers impacting literally hundreds of thousands of readers throughout California.
They need to establish a P2P exchange network where only two parties are required: the sender and the receiver.
Clothes and diapers are all second - hand through a baby clothing exchange network.
But for his master's thesis, he was more concerned with relays and switches in electrical circuits, the sorts of things found in telephone exchange networks.
Movers and Shapers Archaeologists still have many questions about the Indian Ocean exchange network.
«It fits with ways in which maritime exchange networks were important for global distribution of chicken and other agricultural products.
The development of horsemanship by Mongolian cultures might have been one of the most influential changes in Eurasian prehistory — laying the groundwork for the economic and ecological exchange networks that defined the Old World for centuries to come.
The digital currency exchange network now includes more than 1,000 merchants and at least tens of thousands of unaffiliated users, as it tries to solve barriers to participation
Dr Hodgson added: «Our knowledge exchange network has expanded greatly since Condatis was first launched.
Li's research on MGK builds on work by his Washington University colleague Michael Frachetti, professor of anthropology, whose research suggests that herding communities living along these mountain ranges formed a massive exchange network that spanned much of the Eurasian continent.
@MikeOunsworth joining a new site in the Stack Exchange network when you already have an account in any of the other sites is basically a one click operation.
It will be very interesting to see how much time and energy is needed to build brand awareness in the News Corp Exchange Network.
Hospitality exchange networks: There are several of these networks of hosts and travellers offering and seeking accommodation.
The International Home Exchange Network is for home exchanges and vacation rentals.
Most locally, this question on the Stack Exchange network makes some of the same claims.
Article Summary The Idea and the Team Behind Neon Exchange The Neon Exchange Technology The Neon Exchange Tokens The Neon Exchange Network The Neon... is one of the Internet's leading YouTube View & Like Exchange Networks.
The Blockbid cryptocurrency exchange will operate on Australia's fastest exchange network, with direct datalink connecting over 180 co-location facilities on 5 continents.
The study revealed that Bitcoin is still king, supported by 98 percent of cryptocurrency exchange networks and vendors, compared to 33 percent that accommodate ether tokens.
With the help of exchanges, the BCharity exchange network and strategic locations globally, individuals will also be able to exchange cryptocurrency for fiat, to best utilize the funds by those who need it.
ELC TA works with states that have identified a need in the area of early childhood data systems to strategically plan TA support, convene Communities of Practice devoted to data systems, create opportunities for grantees to communicate with and learn from each other through peer exchange networks, and provide / develop other TA resources to support grantees.
«Our biggest challenge is that we're perceived as being in an ivory tower,» said NAR CEO Bob Goldberg during RISMedia's 2017 Real Estate CEO Exchange Networking Luncheon.
The Oncology Research Information Exchange Network, or ORIEN, is the world's largest precision collaboration for cancer research, one that will enable researchers and clinicians to share data to accelerate the development of precision medicine treatments.
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