Sentences with word «excruciating»

The word "excruciating" means extremely painful or intense, often to the point of being unbearable. Full definition
The recovery from a declaw surgery results in excruciating pain for the cat.
Schiller describes her annual banking forecasts as «full of excruciating detail.
It must be just as excruciating for the Dortmund fans as it was for us Gooners when faced with Alexis Sanchez leaving us for Man United last week...
Recently, my wife and I went through one of the more excruciating experiences of our lives — the euthanasia of our beloved dog, Murphy.
Have you ever bitten into an ice cream cone or tried to enjoy a hot drink only to be met with excruciating pain in your teeth?
To take a breath, the victim would have to stand up on the nail through his feet, causing excruciating pain in the feet, but enabling him to take a breath.
I had just delivered a baby and was now in the most excruciating pain of my life, convinced I might die.
Picking out my SPUD juicing box each week has been the most excruciating process because I love them all!
After many months of excruciating waiting, one too many delays, missed deadlines and PR blunders, the OG Huawei Watch is moving to Android Wear 2.0, kinda.
What initially seems hard to watch, even excruciating at times, becomes hard not to, a fascinating fiction that seems to be more real than just about any actual documentary you can imagine.
They can also feel excruciating pain in specific parts of the phantom limb
«Thinking» about what's being consumed and eaten in early ED recovery is described as excruciating by clients.
In a tweet last year, the singer told her fans that she had suffered excruciating pain for years before she was diagnosed with the gynecological disorder endometriosis: «Finding out that I had endo was the most bittersweet moment because it meant I wasn't crazy!
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The event drew stars like Tampa Bay Lightning forward Steven Stamkos and Montreal Canadiens sharpshooter Mike Cammalleri, who, alongside a group of the league's most promising prospects, all paid for the opportunity to press iron, grunt through excruciating exercises and run skating drills on the storied ice surface at Toronto's St. Michael's College School Arena.
However, getting through the hiring process is lot more excruciating process, especially if one doesn't know how to handle the show.
Del Toro plays Jimmy Picard, a Native American Blackfoot and WWII vet, who is plagued by excruciating headaches, dizzy spells, hearing loss and bizarre dreams.
Each agent goes into excruciating detail into how they would market your amazing home to get...
So do the tracery inscriptions in his own paintings and drawings of figures from the altarpiece, for example «Perilous Night» (1981), whose title cross-references that of composer John Cage's most anguished and expressionistic score with images of excruciating death and miraculous transfiguration from Grünewald's polyptych.
- Amour was very well - made and acted but because watching the content of the film was so excruciating for me, i can't seem to put it in a «best» list.
The two previous award recipients are Megan Schillerstrom, a ten - year - old cancer survivor, and Baylie Owen, a seven - year - old patient with Chiari malformation, a genetic condition that typically causes excruciating headaches.
The US National Science Foundation (NSF) funded a large geophysical and geological experiment after excruciating peer - review over a 4 - year period.
Some of us have suffered unfathomable losses and endured excruciating moments when we feel completely helpless.
You a) run out of the room; b) scream loudly; c) pinch yourself in the arm to make sure you're really awake; d) none of the above: you open your eyes and your mouth as wide as possible, and stare at the ceiling for several excruciating minutes while it continues its descent.
One of the most excruciating scenes of the movie year comes when Roberts goes off to investigate a routine homicide and finds that the victim is someone close to her.
After several excruciating days of apologies, bad ideas, and pundit depression over this year's White House Correspondents» Dinner, Sarah Huckabee...
Reblogged this on Didi Oviatt and commented: This post was published a couple years ago by A Writers Path, yet I happened to come across it tonight after spending several excruciating hours editing.
For example, the first shot is very clearly Endor, which was created in excruciating amounts of detail for Star Wars Battlefront (2015).
The BabyCenter Community Join our community to find people who understand what you're going through and who know how excruciating trying to conceive can be.
Around this time, I also started suffering from excruciating back pain.
The entire bear market from 1966 - 1982 was particularly excruciating with vicious rallies and disgrosting drawdowns.
Sam Glover already covered one of the most excruciating moments over at the Lawyerist Lab.
It is a demanding, if not excruciating process that most young artists today fail to grasp, much less to undertake.
The death march to the microphone is just excruciating in the climatic scene.
In often excruciating detail, she explains how people of different faiths make different decisions about these matters.
Deciding whether to get tested for the BRCA gene mutations is just the first excruciating choice for those tracing a family connection.
She explores the various artistic levels of «camp» by taking it to a nearly excruciating level with tacky colors and plasticky materials.
Hoping to die and being willing to stick a needle in one's eye indicated that one was willing to suffer excruciating physical pain if one's promise lacked...
The numbers cast a foreboding light on the range of the aggressive Asian tiger mosquito, which transmits not only dengue but Chikungunya fever, a particularly nasty infection that causes excruciating joint pain.
You believe that your god will cause anyone who does not accept your Iron Age stories to suffer a penalty an infinite times worse than the death penalty (burning forever in excruciating torture) simply because of their healthy skepticism, yet maintain that god «loves them».
Rip Esselstyn: When I graduated from the University of Texas, a 9 to 5 job sounded excruciating.
All of them contain at least some periods of advance, which may seem negligible from the perspective of an 87 - year chart, but these periodic advances can make it frustrating - even excruciating - to stay defensive if one doesn't maintain a full cycle perspective.
Since I (finally) gave up heels in favor of being able to walk without excruciating pain -LCB- You can read the story here — The Painful Truth About High Heels -RCB- I've been on a seemingly full - time mission to find cute, flattering, versatile flat shoes.
Not a day passes without known NDC activists trading insults and / or accusing some kingpins in the main stream or through social media over alleged wrongful acts whilst in government which resulted in the party's excruciating defeat at the polls.
This reduction brings the car's MSRP down to a less excruciating $ 29,245, including destination and delivery charges, excluding the aforementioned federal tax credit.
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