Sentences with phrase «expense cuts»

The committee is currently working on coming up with a series of budget proposals in an effort to aid local lawmakers with expense cuts that could lower the tax rate in 2018.
Whatever expenses you cut, set an equal amount of money in savings at the start of each month.
The states represent the current troubles better than the Federal government does, because they must meet the challenge through expense cuts and tax increases, both of which are painful.
The strategies often used in past to overcome market declines such as expense cuts and rate increases, are less likely to be as effective going forward.
If you look for expense cutting measures, you will find them.
While revenue continued to rise due to higher occupancies and rents, rising expenses cut into NOI expansion — a trend that is expected to continue in 2006.
That «Action Plan» submitted by Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano's budget director was a less - than - half - page - long list of expense cuts and revenue increases, with no explanation of any of them.
NIFA Chairman Adam Barsky said the GOP - controlled Legislature failed to offer recurring expense cuts or revenue increases to balance the budget, leaving it with «no choice» but to impose its own changes.
Boosting the outlook for financial firms are expense cuts tied to deregulation, revenue growth resulting from this rollback and tax reform.
For instance, expense cuts alone from deregulation could boost earnings at Morgan Stanley and State Street by about 11 - 13 % next year.
«The way to do that is have cross-the-line tax cuts and energy expense cuts and the like.
He says unanticipated expenses cut the fund balance in half.
The legislature's GOP majority ultimately declined to override Mangano's vetoes, citing the threat of deep new program expense cuts if they did.
With the nanny expense cut by $ 21,000 in early 2016, their budget will be balanced.
This added expense cuts into the lower closing costs that are supposed to be one of Lenda's major advantages over a traditional lender.
OK OK, let's think about delaying employee / expense cuts for a year or two while everybody waits for the great rebound.
Step 2: Cut Expenses Cutting expenses can be a tricky proposition.
The board gave lawmakers until Monday to find $ 31.5 million in recurring expense cuts or revenue hikes.
Shares of early reporter Hess Corp, an E&P company, rose 1.8 percent on Wednesday after it reported a smaller - than - expected quarterly loss, thanks to expense cuts and the rise in oil prices.
Another, less - visible piece of that expense cutting is taxes.
The budget's expense cuts, totaling $ 30 million, primarily come from the county workforce, including a recent voluntary retirement incentive that removed roughly 300 employees.
The board gave Nassau, one of the nation's wealthiest counties, until Feb. 15 to come up with a financial plan that eliminated risky revenue initiatives, expense cuts and contingencies contained in this year's $ 2.6 billion budget, which NIFA member George Marlin had contended was «built on a foundation of sand.»
For example, there's expense cutting or there's revenue generation.»
And those expenses cut directly into your investment returns.
Reaching such goals isn't realistic for everyone, but the expense cutting and debt repayment should at least free up your cash flow and allow you to contribute more than in the past.
Expenses cut, revenues juiced (and I don't mean accounting gimmicks) etc..
A step up in revenue from the building put Cooper Union in a position to significantly increase its operating income, along with some expense cuts, Sparks said.
So when I read a resume where all sales achievements end in X5 % or X0 % or all expense cutting efforts result in
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