Sentences with phrase «expense line»

Rent or mortgage payments are likely among the top expense line items in operating your business, right up there with staffing costs.
From shipping expenses to the cost of the raw materials, low fuel prices will help business owners manage and reduce expense lines in 2015.
As one of the biggest and most important expense lines, getting a grip on workforce management is vital.
The deliverable report will include reviews of controllable and non-controllable expense line items, revenue details, and suggested adjustments.
Office workers, each of whom has responsibility for certain expense lines, find other departments eager to cooperate in cutting spending.
The second highlights different revenue and gross margin sources (for example, separating between recurring and non-recurring and / or different products or market segments), and the third the P&L cost items (cost of goods sold, and each of the main operating expenses line items).
«Reallocating» is a great connection word versus them adding a new expense line item to their budget.
If you are pitching a cost savings rationale, you need to estimate how big their current costs are, and how your product can help them lower those costs by at least 5 - 10 percent, where costs savings on their biggest expense line items will get more attention, helping them maximize their overall margins and cash flow.
The business analysts are monitoring expenses line item by line item using Tableau.
Picente said that «in addition to the examination of the hiring and procurement practices of the Board of Elections, I am also seeking a full reconciliation of all of the revenue and expense lines within the budget of the Board of Elections.
On shifting state workers onto capital expense lines, the administration said the change is meant to more accurately depict the funding source to the work performed by the state employees.
Kids can't walk to school, which adds to the busing expense line in the district's budget.
The Irish government was pretty famous for their junketeering — I'm all for eliminating this wasteful excess, but perhaps we should earmark a special expense line in the next budget to ensure some nice junkets to Japan — let them share their secrets..!
Though I have added a few expense line items that pertain to my property and when I did this the formulas arent working for some reason now /??
The deliverable report will include reviews of controllable and non-controllable expense line items, revenue details, and suggested adjustment.
Showcase your corporate contributions to top line, expense line items, workflow productivity and the bottom line.
So look for revenues to keep waxing, and for operating leverage to get stronger as Moynihan fulfills his pledge to drive down costs well into next year, then hold the expense line steady thereafter as loans and interest income keep growing.
So my guess is for every dollar lost you need about 40 cents, because your expense line is much less.»
You may as well have been copying some of these expense lines from our annual budget.
You'll see three Fiverr gigs in the expenses line, but I got $ 120 in revenue for the past two months.
It was mentioned that the weather provided a benefit to the expense line during the quarter.
To facilitate budget preparation, the cost of the proposed restoration program is included in one expense line, SAP # 504999 Service Restoration Request, with the offsetting revenue requested added to SAP # 400020 Library Real Property Tax.
Are your expenses lining up as expected or did you have an unplanned change in income?
In truth, you can have as many savings accounts as you like, but make sure you have an expense line in your budget to match, so you know how much to save in each account.
Keep your expenses line higher than your income line and borrow the difference.
Keep your expenses line lower than your income line and invest the difference.
The option to receive cash up front, with the flexibility to use your line of credit at any time for any expense
We don't look at Mud Bay's staff as an expense line.
Your maternity leave budget should also include an expense line for all the baby purchases you will need to make; parents will spend an average of $ 12,000 on their baby the year after it's born, so diapers, furniture, baby nurse, child care, and extra food costs all add up.
When compiling your CIO resume, be sure that you showcase your corporate contributions to top line, expense line items, workflow productivity and the bottom line.
Gravitate from tactical implementation to strategic perspective: Be sure to showcase your corporate contributions to top - line, expense line items, workflow productivity and the bottom line.
Is this just another expense line item creeping upwards?

Phrases with «expense line»

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