Sentences with phrase «expense rules»

MPs will not be able to buy taxpayer - funded second homes under new expenses rules - but will be able to employ relatives.
The statement says the committee gave «clear, detailed explanation» of what were «complex matters» relating to parliamentary expenses rules.
Their is a general consensus in the financial community when it comes to safe withdrawal rates of your portfolio, the 4 % rule or the 25 times your annual expenses rule.
The actual - expense rule allows you to deduct the actual costs of operating the vehicle for the year.
The standards and privileges committee accepted that Mr Laws had broken expenses rule due to reasons of privacy, not financial gain, but nevertheless said he was guilty of «serious breaches.
Shadow culture secretary Jeremy Hunt is to repay more than # 9,500 after he was found to have breached expenses rules.
[9] New expenses rules published by the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority coming into force after the 2010 General Election allow employment of one relative but replace funding for a second home with a London Allowance of # 3,760 for MPs with seats within 20 miles of Westminster.
Conservative chairman Patrick McLoughlin appears to be feeling the pressure as his party has been fined a record # 70,000 for breaking election expenses rules.
A Foreign Office minister who resigned on Monday has blamed «intolerable» expenses rules for forcing him to choose between his family and his parliamentary career.
The prime minister said expenses rules had been improved since 2010, but added there was more to do to «reassure the public» about MPs» expenses.
«Contrary to the prime minister's assertion on CFRB last week that he ordered re-payment because Senate expense rules were, in his words «beyond the shadow of a doubt broken»; he had my legal bills paid fully,» Duffy said as senators listened in stunned silence.
The proposal would extend for 2014 and beyond the 2013 small business expensing rules.
Also, the current Section 179 expensing rules still apply for depreciation if you operate your business as a limited liability company and hold your building in that entity.
The new expensing rules will allow businesses to write off new equipment they purchase immediately, rather than writing off the cost over a series of years.
I actually have such a huge cash surplus at the end of this school year that I have to spend millions of dollars to not be in violation of the three - month - expenses rule.
Read more: Top Tory who quit politics over «intolerable» expenses rules has bagged 10 jobs since leaving office
The prime minister says MPs» expenses rules have been improved since 2010, but says there is more to do to «reassure the public».
She made the claim in 2005 before becoming health minister and there is no suggestion that the claim is in breach of the expenses rules.
The watchdog is set to review MPs» expenses rules this autumn, after a tumultuous few months of the new parliament.
• According to his own travel - expense rules, Spitzer may need to reimburse the state for the time he spent with «Kristen».
His predecessor Michael Martin became the first Speaker to be forced from office in modern times following widespread public anger at the number of MPs who were seen to take advantage of the Commons» expenses rules.
Honestly it's not much different from the 25x your expenses rule, which some expand by 20 % to 30x.
This may be particularly true in the growing e-commerce sector, where companies might now be able to take advantage of the new expensing rules to build more of their own warehouses.
As a new comer trying to follow 1 % rule, cap rate, CoC, NOI, 50 % expense rule and so on and so on, can be mind boggling.
When it comes to some of the «rules of thumb» like the 1 % rule and the 50 % expense rule, these are really more quick analysis tricks to help you understand whether a property is worth looking into further... not final criteria for whether or not you should buy.
Use Form 4562 to claim a deduction for depreciation and amortization, to opt to deduct certain property under the Section 179 expensing rule and to provide information on the business / investment use of automobiles and other listed property.
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