Sentences with phrase «expense watchdog»

The parliamentary expenses watchdog will not be forced into making changes by critical MPs, its chairman has insisted.
The row comes as expenses watchdog Ipsa begins a consultation on whether MPs should be expected to commute home after late sittings of parliament — or whether they deserve a flat within a short walking distance of Westminster, a move likely to cost the public purse even more.
A pledge to end MPs» generous final - salary pension scheme has not come to fruition just yet, as expenses watchdog Ipsa is taking its time.
Commons expenses watchdog apologises to Tory minister Edward Timpson after error meant he was wrongly named as failing to pay his debts
«Fundamentally we believe the current system whereby [expenses watchdog] Ipsa pays MPs» rent is deeply flawed, both because it is open to abuse and because it does not represent good value for the taxpayer,» Unlock Democracy's director Peter Facey said.
A by - election is taking place in Rotherham on Thursday following the resignation of Labour's Denis MacShane, who was condemned by the parliamentary expenses watchdog over his expenses claims.
Nadine Dorries attacked the parliamentary expenses watchdog for opening an investigation into her allowances this afternoon.
Conservative backbencher John Redwood, meanwhile, was concerned about the grounds for the new expenses watchdog.
Confusion over whether the newly - established expenses watchdog will accept Sir Christopher Kelly's recommendations in full is overshadowing the build - up to his report's publication.
«MPs have been forced to borrow money from their parents because the Commons expenses watchdog is trying to «screw them into the ground», a Tory backbencher claimed yesterday.
She claims IPSA, parliamentary expenses watchdog, targetted her to justify the money they received for their work.
The MPs» expenses watchdog will recommend a pay rise for MPs to # 74,000 but will say there should be cuts to other allowances, the BBC has learned.
Mid-Bedfordshire MP Nadine Dorries is facing an investigation into her expenses claim by the parliamentary expenses watchdog.
As a poll found that 82 % of Tories believed that Miller should lose her job over her expenses, the work and pensions secretary said he was «very open» to a proposal by parliament's expenses watchdog to introduce independent regulation of MPs.
The Unite union is pressuring parliament's expenses watchdog to make paternity leave claims unconditional.
Parliament's expenses watchdog is set to loosen up the allowances regime later this week, according to a report.
Expenses watchdog's ban to take effect after 2020 election, but family members who are already employed will be allowed to stay on
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