Sentences with phrase «expert evidence»

The phrase "expert evidence" refers to information or opinions provided by someone who is considered highly knowledgeable or skilled in a particular field. This evidence is often used in legal or scientific contexts to support or challenge claims or arguments. Full definition
The standards are intended to help vulnerable children by raising the quality of expert evidence in family courts and ending unnecessary delays.
Following a later exchange of additional expert evidence on the impact of her injuries, negotiation led to a definitive award of over # 300,000 for the patient.
This would, of course, be subject to the restrictions on expert evidence in small claims track cases.
One of the editors of this report gave expert evidence for the defence.
It is rare that the anesthesia expert can provide expert evidence on all of these matters.
At trial the defendant did not lead expert evidence on this issue.
The defendant argued the scope of the application had been extended / used by the claimant to review the issues to which expert evidence related and seek further directions.
The first pilot case concerned the fitness for purpose of motor vehicles supplied under a contract and involved expert evidence from engineers.
Making a decision based on the evidence, but without additionally requiring expert evidence, is not taking judicial notice.
However, this date was determined only after a detailed analysis of the annuity rates provided by expert evidence.
The court may also give directions for the assessment of family members as possible future carers of the child or preparation of expert evidence at this hearing if this has not already happened.
He argued that the case had been reasonably pursued with expert evidence in support.
Both parties presented expert evidence with respect to causation and threshold.
Note that, except where expert evidence is needed, the focus is on facts and not opinions.
It should also provide the opportunity to ask the claimant whether or not independent expert evidence has been obtained and in what specialty and from whom.
Without expert evidence in this regard, Canadian courts will not be able to properly assess a child's objection and views.
Will we need expert evidence about the characteristics of particular occupations?
The but - for test is always to be applied using the robust common sense approach, regardless of whether expert evidence is or is not called on the factual causation issue.
There will undoubtedly be growing pains as counsel and the court become familiar with these new processes for trying cases involving expert evidence.
This will sometimes include expert evidence on complex matters, even at summary judgment applications.
An intensive one - day course, providing civil expert witnesses with the core skills and knowledge to give concurrent expert evidence in court.
However, it's based on one ruling where the court didn't hear expert evidence on what should constitute a reasonable delay.
However, the court went on to evaluate the issue of the emissions which turned out to be the subject of conflicting expert evidence.
The appeal court disagreed with the trial judge's decision not to admit expert evidence on the standard of care of an agent in these particular circumstances.
Good quality expert evidence must provide as much detail as is necessary to allow the judge to determine that the expert's opinions are well founded.
I am still interested in your answer to my question: who, in your opinion, is providing the best available expert evidence?
This error was compounded by a refusal to allow expert evidence through the filing of a «voice of the child» report.
He is also called upon to provide expert evidence opinions in real estate litigation matters.
The primary objection raised by the defendant was that the statements contained in the documents constituted expert evidence.
First, if supportive expert evidence has been obtained, it should be indicated in the Letter of Response, along with the expert's discipline.
For your part, you need to be sensitive to this and able to convince your clients that only unbiased expert evidence will do their case any good.
This trend goes against the intention of the courts to limit expert evidence to speed proceedings and reduce costs.
The emotional and psychological impacts of an accident can often be diagnosed, treated and shown to be related to the traumatic incident itself through reliable expert evidence.
The more robust role for a trial judge to exclude expert evidence, even when an expert is appropriately qualified.
Or to put it another way: What — in reality — is the difference between expert evidence «reasonably required» or «necessary» to resolve proceedings.
When presenting a claim at trial dealing with future loss it is vital to have appropriate expert evidence to justify sought damages.
And when the Government does enact it, the Superintendent can make regulations limiting the evidence from applicants (bye bye expert evidence).
There is, perhaps, one other instance in which a request for additional expert evidence might be granted in circumstances where it could otherwise be thought unnecessary or disproportionate.
Our solicitors have years of experience investigating claims like these, so we know exactly how to get expert evidence that backs up your case.
As a consequence, while in certain circumstances expert evidence may be necessary, requiring it in every case creates an unnecessary hurdle to the assessment of liability.
Not apply the robust, pragmatic common sense approach because expert evidence was applied.
There is a logic to that submission but, as above, I conclude that the situation is one of weight to be given to the plaintiff's expert evidence rather than of mitigation.
On this basis, the failure of the lower court to consider the child's views simply because of a lack of expert evidence amounted to an error.
Foreign law must be proved through duly qualified expert evidence.
However, expert evidence convinced them that they would have to compromise without making any deduction for this argument.

Phrases with «expert evidence»

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