Sentences with phrase «expert practitioners»

The phrase "expert practitioners" refers to people who are highly skilled and knowledgeable in a specific field or profession. They have extensive experience and are considered experts in what they do. Full definition
It's easy to see why: The speaker line up is chock full of current smart search marketing advice from a great collection of expert practitioners.
- Create case studies of formative assessment implementation from expert practitioners for members to use in state - led professional learning on formative assessment.
The no - release time model of teacher leadership was endorsed by expert practitioners, but with some clear cautions.
Others were expert practitioners who hadn't yet started or run a school.
The quantity of prior classroom teaching experience may also be considered in selecting teacher leaders, although expert practitioners believe that quantity is less critical than quality.
Video submissions are judged by expert practitioners and are evaluated based on how thoroughly they have met communication objectives.
After months of thorough research and tens of thousands of interviews, The Legal 500 has identified the best of the best out of a long list of expert practitioners and law firms.
Bristol, London & Worldwide About Blog Positive Psychology Training provides a range of training, consultancy, coaching, content and resources in positive psychology from expert practitioners in the field.
Insights provided by a group of expert practitioners with diverse backgrounds and experiences in working with teachers included the following ideas:
Since the leadership work that a teacher leader can engage in is related to the amount of release time s / he has, expert practitioners recommend building a teacher leader program with more than one model of release time.
«We need,» said Blair appointee Estelle Morris just before resigning in 2002 as secretary of state for education, «a shift in understanding away from the old model of teaching as transmission of facts and figures towards one which captures the teacher's role as expert practitioners in advanced pedagogy.»
Our attorneys and business affairs professionals include expert practitioners who have come from the top of the legal and business affairs departments of Netflix, HBO, Discovery, the BBC, 20th Century Fox, Magnolia Pictures, and ITV.
Find customers, investors, partners and gain valuable market feedback from industry expert practitioners
The Center gathers carefully selected expert practitioners from various fields — psychology, social work, marriage and family, pediatrics, neuropsychology, educational therapy, occupational therapy, parent education, assistive technology, nutrition, and on and on — with each practitioner offering a Whole Child perspective, grounded in the science of interpersonal neurobiology.
Nail art is becoming one of the fastest growing trends in manicure and pedicure, with many expert practitioners turni...
While the majority of expert practitioners queried favored voluntary participation, there was general agreement that, at some point, all STEM teachers should become involved.
Regardless of whether participation of teachers is voluntary or mandatory, expert practitioners agreed that securing the buy - in of teachers is critical to the success of a PLC..
Nationally certified teachers are by definition expert practitioners.
A number of expert practitioners described strategies for increasing administrators» understanding of the PLC's goals and processes without administrators having to fully participate as members of the PLCs.
The profiles in the updated Continuum are drawn from current evidence - based research and the knowledge of expert practitioners about the way teachers perform in the classroom.
(11 Volumes, 2016, $ 159.39) An introduction to the theory of Meaningful Student Involvement by expert practitioner Adam Fletcher, founder of SoundOut.
In interviews expert practitioners, researchers, policy leaders, parents, and others, NCLD identified the following benefits and associated challenges for students with disabilities in these new systems:
«Just like doctors in training, aspiring teachers need sustained clinical experiences alongside expert practitioners to build links between educational theory and practice so they are ready for the rigors of the job on day one,» said Karen DeMoss, director of the Sustainable Funding Project.
In some situations, expert practitioners indicated that this may mean figuring out how to «start over» — asking teacher leaders to reapply for their positions if there is significant difference between teacher leader roles and the criteria around which teacher leaders were originally selected.
It provides an overview of the essential role that treating and expert practitioners play in the lawsuit, tips on how treating practitioners can avoid hurting their patient's case, details about «experts» and their duties, guidelines for preparing medical - legal reports, as well as tips to provide effective expert testimony in court.
The 19th Annual Employment Law Conference featured expert practitioners who provided attendees with the latest developments and upcoming trends in the employment law sector.
But if law firms allow themselves to be degraded to the point where there are no large, well - resourced homes for true expert practitioners, then law will become just another commodity supplied and consumed by big business.
Two expert practitioners discuss how to request a bond hearing, the factors at issue during bond hearings, how and what kind of evidence to prepare and submit, and what happens during a bond hearing.
How many of them are utterly indispensable to the firm — brilliant rainmakers, exceptional managers or truly expert practitioners?
Traditional firms can partners sales professionals to do staff the entire sales cycle (including often selling highly complex services to clients directly) and bring in subject matter expert practitioners to help close the engagements where necessary.
RE / MAX Commercial Practitioners likely have offices in your immediate market, plus direct connections to RE / MAX offices and expert Practitioners worldwide.
These local expert Practitioners specialize in the acquisition and disposition of hospitality assets, including hotels, motels and other unique lodging businesses.
Teacher leaders should be selected, expert practitioners recommended, «based on the practices they will enact.»
These new reforms, once the target of criticism from those opposed to them, may turn out to be systems that encourage new teachers to stay and help them realize their potential as expert practitioners in our nation's classrooms.
The project is supported and steered by a Project Advisory Group including expert practitioners, representatives from participating authorities and academic advisors.
The goal, says Dean Eric Janus, is to «think much more creatively about how to get students to become expert practitioners
Bi-monthly training sessions will be led by expert practitioners and further level 3 and level 7 accredited courses will also be offered by Birmingham City University and Newman University staff.
It will help recruit exceptional teachers into alternative provision (AP) for excluded children; develop a progression route for expert practitioners in complex need; and grow an alumni movement championing multidisciplinary inclusion.
At its launch a panel of expert practitioners from education and industry made compelling arguments for a pragmatic, solutions - focused call to action across government, awarding organisations, Ofqual and the broader D&T community.
He was particularly drawn to the notion that expert practitioners are said to be able to understand others simply by the way they breathe.
I want everyone to have access to Functional Medicine and I know that so many can get better just following the principles for creating health that are the foundations of my books and writings, but I do know that some need the help of expert practitioners, like those we have at The UltraWellness Center.
Do you know of an expert practitioner whom I can consult with.
The Seminar on Advancement Leadership provides a distinctive opportunity for leaders of public and private institutions in the United States and abroad to ask important questions, gain practical insights, and learn new information about key issues affecting institutional advancement planning and execution in the company of interesting and interested colleagues, knowledgeable faculty, and expert practitioners.
The data collected will be discussed in teams during the program, alongside Harvard faculty, expert practitioners, and fellow school leaders.
Building on feedback from expert practitioners, you will co-create a new curriculum with fellow participants through workshop activity, discussion, and collaborative reflection.
We are collaborating with leading edge researchers, expert practitioners, and students and families to build a simple, effective solution that ensures every student can unlock the wonder of words and stories.
The caveat with a full - time release teacher leader model, offered by expert practitioners, is taking care that these teacher leaders - because of their release time - not be treated as the only ones responsible for promoting reform or supporting improvement in teachers» practice.
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