Sentences with phrase «expert recommendations»

"Expert recommendations" refer to advice or suggestions given by individuals who possess extensive knowledge, skill, or experience in a particular field. These experts are considered knowledgeable and reliable in their respective areas and provide guidance based on their expertise. Their recommendations are often highly valued and trusted by others. Full definition
We'll then use this information to make expert recommendations on how you can manage your pet's diet in a way that will meet his or her needs and provide the best results.
Readers can browse and discover on their own, or get expert recommendations from our editors.
We present you with expert recommendations for your perfect, tailor - made holiday, at which point you have the option to amend or adjust as you like.
Retailers should also be well versed about the quality and safety of products on their shelves, and pass that knowledge onto customers with expert recommendations and information.
A great manufacturer can also help salespeople make expert recommendations by supplying plenty of product specs, training and support materials.
It is a wise idea to find an insurance broker who knows your industry well and is able to give expert recommendations based on knowledge and experience.
Today, these posts have gathered expert recommendations regarding resume writing for you to be prepared when applying for this job.
Results are used by government to develop public health policy, monitor diet and nutrition patterns and assess whether these meet expert recommendations on infant feeding, diet and nutrient intakes.
You may have visited so many sugar dating platforms till now but if we follow expert recommendations, there are very few that can be trusted in actual.
As always, ask your veterinarian and local veterinary organizations for expert recommendations in your area.
Following the latest expert recommendations, we offer you step - by - step advice on when and how to introduce the wonderful world of food to your baby.
I know that there are lots of theories and expert recommendations out there on how to increase one's ability to face adversity, to be resilient.
We searched the nursing and medical literature, references of selected articles, and requested expert recommendations.
Our experienced veterinarian will check your pet's vital organs, look for fleas, ticks and external parasites and provide you with expert recommendations.
Your agent will be able to walk you through your coverage and make expert recommendations.
With that being said, we decided to help those who read our career advice blog by providing expert recommendations on how to get a foot in the interview door with a well - written customer service resume.
Our #CloudbCares Q&A series offers expert recommendations, as well as advice from our community of moms to help solve your real family sleep issues — typically, issues most parents have to navigate.
Now, she runs a blog called Dirt In My Shoes where she continues to share trip itineraries full of expert recommendations.
WebMD gives you look at the current research on the value of a high - fiber diet to lower cancer risk, including expert recommendations for including fiber in your diet.
Here you'll find articles and editorials on a variety of cat - centric topics, from expert recommendations to cat breed info to health advice to the latest animal news to names for a cat.
Social sailors on the dating site enjoy an engaging online experience bolstered by expert recommendations, event opportunities, and date prospects.
«The ability of this solution to intelligently introduce our customers to relevant products across our ever growing assortment made the Baynote solution a superb choice to augment our internal expert recommendations
she said, explaining there are many differing expert recommendations on the subject with opinions ranging from annually to only if signs or symptoms of heart failure develop.
We don't want horny guys like my friend going hungry, so we've compiled expert recommendations to help gay singles find the right app to sate their desires.
Consumers would consider the NOOK tablet if they enjoy what B&N offers traditional readers, such as expert recommendations and exposure to new authors, as well as the flexibility of having a physical store nearby where they can get support in person.
An alarming study released today shows that governments in Canada have repeatedly ignored expert recommendations to stop violence against Indigenous women and girls.
No matter your reason for learning, our staff of experienced instructors are ready to walk with you, providing personal support, instruction, and expert recommendations through every phase of your reproductive life.
Expert Recommendations Get expert recommendations from our 40,000 booksellers, plus personalized recommendations based on books you love.
Whether you're an attorney, paralegal, legal editor, or legal document reviewer, Voca provides expert recommendations and insight to help you find the perfect position with an ideal employer.
Our #CloudbCares Q&A series offers expert recommendations, as well as advice -LSB-...]
The Strategist is a new site designed to surface the most useful, expert recommendations for things to buy across the vast e-commerce landscape.
What should Olympic sponsors and «partners» like Coke and General Electric and Visa do in light of expert recommendations that the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro be postponed or moved?
Equipped with features like a food guide for Indian cuisine, a health score tracker, expert recommendations basis health score and personalized health articles curated to the user's interests to make the app engaging.
Each location has a couple of supporting articles with expert recommendations on everything from hotels and local delicacies to the hottest nightspots or best spa treatments.
Aggressive and false marketing like this has resulted in only 13 % of U.S. mothers meeting expert recommendations to breastfeed exclusively for the first 6 months of their child's life.
Unfortunately this is a much more common problem for indie authors because we're left to our own devices, we don't have a publishing house making expert recommendations to a team of in - house professional designers.
Since 2010, Cupid's Pulse has doled out dating advice and expert recommendations on how to live and love like your fave celebs do.
One tip you can't get anywhere else... one piece of hard - won advice... one expert recommendation... can potentially save you tons of money before and / or when you get your own boots on the ground in Panama.
One tip you can't get anywhere else... one piece of hard - won advice... one expert recommendation... can potentially save you tons of money and lots of headaches as you plan your own visit to Mexico.
Last fall, we published a blockbuster listicle that swept the Internet with its expert recommendations, humor and insight.
Despite the expert recommendation that kids under 2 shouldn't watch TV, some parents let their babies see the shows or movies that they're watching.
We spoke with Noël Janis - Norton, author of «Calmer, Easier, Happier Homework,» Neil McNerney, author of «Homework: A Parent's Guide to Helping Out Without Freaking Out,» Dr. Kenneth Goldberg, author of «The Homework Trap,» Jean Hessburg, from the Iowa State Education Association, and Steve Baker, from the New Jersey Education Association, and got their expert recommendations for how sitters can sail through homework time.
Our signature service, the box subscription service uses a combination of extensive product research, expert recommendations, and feedback from our 300,000 + member community, to curate a monthly package of 4 - 5 products designed to delight parents and their little ones.
Our Q&A series offers «real» mom advice and expert recommendations to help solve your family sleep issues — typically, issues most parents have to navigate.
We asked moms from our Cloud b community to share their advice and we gathered some expert recommendations to put together this list of tips -LSB-...]
Our #CloudbCares Q&A series offers expert recommendations, as well as advice from our community of moms to help solve your real family sleep issues ---LSB-...]
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