Sentences with phrase «extra dimension»

We can be living in a world with extra dimensions of space that we don't see but that might be discovered within the next five years.
Using these in your descriptive essay helps to give extra dimension and insight to your essay writing.
If extra dimensions exist, their presence could show up as a shortfall in the energy of collision debris, indicating that some particles created in the smash can access these dimensions.
It would add a nice extra dimension to it, I think.
The possibilities being discussed for dark energy range from quantum vacuum energy to the influence of the unseen extra dimensions predicted by string theory.
But now black holes are up for a different role: heroes helping physicists assess the real - world existence of another science fiction favorite — hidden extra dimensions of space.
But then physicists found new particles and needed extra dimensions for the strong force and the weak force.
Whatever the rationale, it works, since the inclusion of a third partner in The Nice Guys gives this familiar material a welcome extra dimension.
Working on theoretical extra dimensions can leave even the most able person lost.
There is even a small chance that it may find evidence for the mysterious extra dimensions of string theory.
Speaking of staying connected to the world — in your work you imagine extra dimensions, but you still have to live on the same planet as the rest of us.
What is the connection between extra dimensions and black holes?
Many people think the framework of string theory and its M - theory variant, with small extra dimensions, is well motivated.
The fungus, though, adds an ominous extra dimension to the problem.
If you are lucky enough to be travelling abroad this summer, packing a novel that is set in your holiday destination can bring an super extra dimension to the trip.
But those concerns had an exciting extra dimension this year.
Adding several, including ones that have different textures or patterns, gives the area extra dimension.
His extensive international marketing, R&D, and sales experience of over 25 years add extra dimension to his expertise.
That's why he's so sorely missed as we were missing that extra dimension of play when he was out.
So it's logical to think what the world would look like if extra dimensions are there.
I painted the inside of mine a little lighter pink than the outside, for a little extra dimension.
There's also a long - shot chance that scientists will find evidence for extra dimensions at the LHC.
But extra dimensions do more than just save string theory's blushes.
More exotic options, such as extra dimensions of space beyond the usual three, may forever lie beyond the LHC's reach.
Give your kitchen extra dimension by using a coloured glass splashback.
The audio takes on a whole extra dimension when presented this way, and the Vita's speakers really can't compare.
I suppose the whiny birch that filled this would still complain about extra dimension because he doesn't have a saw.
Pretty much the same way, when two particles are close to one another, they start feeling gravity from extra dimensions and thus feel the true, undiluted gravitational pull.
One reason people think about extra dimensions is string theory, the hypothesis that fundamental particles are actually oscillations of tiny strands of energy.
The effect is one of space mapped out, with extra dimensions inferred.
The newfound possibility of large extra dimensions breathed new life into these investigations and motivated Tom Banks of the University of California, Santa Cruz, and Rutgers University and Willy Fischler of the University of Texas at Austin to write a 1999 paper with a preliminary discussion of black hole production.
• The family name of Gustavo, who researches how gravity waves may propagate through extra dimensions, is Lucena Gómez (6...
The detection of extra dimensions beyond the familiar four — the three dimensions of space and one of time — would be among the most earth - shattering discoveries in the history of physics.
But it is not necessary to invoke extra dimensions on their behalf.
This is a movie that posits extra dimensions and spiritual warfare so it makes sense that some Christ - followers are wary of the ideas and practices they might be exposed to while watching this film.
How are physicists trying to find extra dimensions?
Dr. Green Plus: kale, spinach, romaine, parsley, celery, cucumber, lemon, sea salt This juice tastes very much like the Dr. Green, but with a subtle extra dimension of lemon and a touch of sea salt to bring it all together.
Any unexpected twisting of the pendulum would indicate a violation of the known laws of gravity — a result that might suggest the gravitational pull of the two disks is being diluted into one or more extra dimensions.
The geode accents on the wall and chest add extra dimension without venturing too far out of the color palette.
In my book I describe a time walking over the Charles River and thinking, «You know, I really do believe there are extra dimensions out there.»
The «MAC Extra Dimension Bronzer in Delphic» (ABOVE) is quite light in terms of its golden base and has a slight ruddiness to it — it's described as a «soft brick tan with a touch of shimmer» and I think this is pretty much on point!
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