Sentences with phrase «extreme changes»

The increase helped trigger the most extreme change in surface temperatures since dinosaurs ruled the land.
Such extreme changes to break up the structure of public education creates serious gaps in what students learn.
The process produces the characteristic flavor by causing extreme change on a molecular level.
This approach may seem slower than making extreme changes, but resist the urge to take on too much.
Even extreme change can do very little to alter our course.
My diet has made a pretty extreme change in the past few months and your blog is amazing.
Meanwhile the planet is going through extreme changes, not seen during the time of humans.
Your body has gone through so many extreme changes because of pregnancy, so things like stress and changes in your workout routine can dramatically affect the flow and length of your cycle.
A «radical» is actually someone who favors extreme change and who differs substantially from the established norm.
Second, people are less accepting of enhancements that produce extreme changes in human abilities.
Recent decades have brought extreme change to the fertile lands famous for the birth of agriculture and the rise of some of the world's earliest cities.
They can not handle extreme changes in temperature, so take care to keep them cool during summer months.
Just like people, vehicles don't like extreme changes in weather.
The fat green line shows a possible future adaptation pathway that allows for lower - end sea level rises but also for the unlikely event of extreme change.
Unfortunately, once you're locked in, those interest rates offer little protection from extreme changes in inflation.
Meanwhile the planet is going through extreme changes, not seen during the time of humans.
Because Natal is an even more extreme change from the norm than the Wii Remote, developers won't just be able to slightly tweak their games to make them fit Natal.
During the winter season (which can extend forever in Canada) it's important for professional drivers of commercial vehicles to be prepared for extreme changing road conditions.
Organizations today face extreme changes in the learning requirements of their workforces.
If your baby resists altering her sleeping habits and shows extreme changes in mood, stop the new sleeping schedule and try it again after a week or two has passed.
These objects carry the history of the place, of a city that has been through endless changes of populations, ideologies, and levels of prosperity and in the last few years some very extreme changes.
In contrast to the work of the great masters of 1960s and 1970s like Otto Muehl, Alex Hubbard, Yves Klein — who explored the nature of their materials by performing rough or extreme changes on them — the pieces on display in «Additional Matter» examine the subtleties of material in greater detail to create a different whole.
These linkages will allow insights on how extreme changes could affect environmental boundaries and critical threshold events of vulnerable organisms.
For those dubious about their ability to make changes, Dr. Beck suggests aiming for incremental improvements rather than trying for extreme change off the bat.
The theory is focused on the reversion of only relatively extreme changes, as normal growth or other fluctuations are an expected part of the paradigm.
Mean reversion trading looks to capitalize on extreme changes within the pricing of a particular security, based on the assumption that it will revert to its previous state.
In all of these works, by collapsing extreme versions of the everyday and the fantastical into one, the artist is able to vividly underscore the interior and exterior worlds of global, digital citizens navigating extreme change.
In a negative feedback loop a point is reached at which extreme changes in temperature are halted.
Several thousand years ago humankind unknowingly shut off nature's «thermostat» that controls extreme changes in human population numbers.
«How Much Do Precipitation Extremes Change in a Warming Climate?»
And natural cycle precedents do not exhibit the same extreme changes we're now witnessing.
Clark R, Brown S, Murphy, J: Modelling northern hemisphere summer heat extreme changes and their uncertainties using a physics ensemble of climate sensitivity experiments.
This paper aims to address the question of how the runoff extremes change in the future compared to the historical time period, investigate the different behaviors of the regional climate models (RCMs) regarding the runoff extremes and assess the seasonal variations of runoff extremes.
ABSTRACT: A new global dataset of derived indicators has been compiled to clarify whether frequency and / or severity of climatic extremes changed during the second half of the 20th century.
What may seem to be modest changes in Earth's climate can trigger unexpected resonances that will amplify into extreme changes — cases where one plus one equals four, or eight, or sixteen.
While extreme changes in temperature may decrease photosynthesis and phytoplankton reproduction, slighter temperature increase may actually improve photosynthesis,» he explains.
«With such extreme changes in our environment, there is growing evidence of global climate change, and unfortunately, wildlife is paying the price.
«What I think is unacceptable is promoting the more extreme change of replacing DB plans with 401k's; 401k's were never intended to take the place of pensions.
Reducing HFC emissions is therefore a critical component of preventative action to limit health impacts from the most extreme changes in weather patterns.
You massively slashed calories, did endless hours of exercise, and made extreme changes to your life that you knew you couldn't maintain.
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