Sentences with phrase «extreme fear»

"Extreme fear" refers to a very intense feeling of being scared or frightened to an extreme level. Full definition
Does your dog have specific concerns that can not be addressed in a larger class such as extreme fear issues?
For example, recall the situation when you felt extreme fear or happiness.
You can not teach your dog to overcome extreme fear in a group class.
All of the dogs were social, but unused to human contact and exhibited extreme fear when handled.
It should be noted that if at ANY time your puppy shows extreme fear responses along with hiding behavior or begging to be picked up, immediate professional intervention should be sought.
She offers private obedience training for specific problems such as extreme fear and aggression.
If your dog is exhibiting extreme fear or you're encountering a more troubling issue than basic manners, we recommend a private training session in your home.
Never force your puppy into an environment when he's resisting or showing extreme fear; otherwise you could end up creating a fear for life.
Between giving us a real feel for Paris and New York, Zemeckis gives us enough character development that we care about the main crew: Petit, Annie, photographer Jean Louis (Clement Sibony) and math guy (and sufferers of extreme fear of heights) Jeff (Cesar Domboy)-- and even New York addition JP.
Impulsive, with not much ability to control himself, he had a hard time following verbal instruction and often seemed to pay no attention to what was being requested of him.He is very attached to his father and me and was experiencing extreme fear of separation into kindergarten.
Hitchens said if I say I believe in god on my deathbed, it will most likely be either from extreme fear or delirium from dying.
Prior to the enactment of these laws, it was primarily mothers on drugs or with mental problems (including extreme fear of discovery) who abandoned babies.
Some dogs have generalized anxiety, meaning everything is scary, noises make them jump and hide, novel objects and places cause extreme fear and the poor dog is constantly hyper - vigilant (see Ruckus, who once jumped out of her skin when a paper towel landed on her back).
This is called broken heart syndrome (the more technical term is stress cardiomyopathy) and can also be caused by extreme fear, anxiety, or surprise.
In the case of thunderstorm phobia, many dogs don't react at all when hearing a recording of thunder, but display extreme fear of the real thing, even at a great distance.
CNNMoney's Fear and Greed Index, a measure of market sentiment, sunk deeper into extreme fear territory.
Humans are subject to vacillating between extreme fear and extreme greed» Mohnish Pabrai
School phobia, the child's refusing to go to school, is an example of extreme fear which interferes with functioning; parents should seek help at once.
The other one was the look of extreme FEAR on Darmians face everytime Sanchez touched the ball!
Of particular relevance, what constitutes dangerous optimism in a bear market will often not be a problem in a bull market and what constitutes extreme fear / pessimism in a bull market will often not signal a good buying opportunity in a bear market.
Isolated puppies exhibit poor learning and problem - solving abilities and are extremely hyperactive or rigidly inhibited, are emotionally over-reactive and unable to encounter novel social or environmental situations without extreme fear and avoidance, and are socially and sexually incapacitated.»
While a normal dose of caution keeps cats from becoming coyote kibble, extreme fear makes cats miserable and disrupts theirs and your happy home.
When we rehomed our BC 6 months ago she had extreme fear aggression (towards human strangers, not dogs), however with much work, time, patience and training she is slowly gaining confidence.
The remaining dogs will require behavioral rehabilitation for extreme fear and undersocialization.
In addition to the risk of physical harm to the animal, punishment can also have unintended consequences such as strengthening the undesired behavior, causing aggression, and creating extreme fear in the animal.
In stories — particularly within the horror genre — this is used to denote extreme fear.
His eyes represent extreme fear and if you dare cross his path then you'll surely get a spear lodged in your sternum.
Neely writes, «The difference and experience of these current paintings is that I forage emotional territory where extreme fear and joy join forces and become intimates.
All children feel anxious when they're growing up, but children affected by anxiety disorders experience extreme fear, nervousness and shyness, which affects their quality of life.
Feeling extreme fear or worry can be a problem, particularly if it interferes with daily life.
Drugs should probably be reserved for pets that suffer from extreme fear or anxiety during travel and should be used only at your veterinarian's recommendation.
Identify and process intervention fantasies and accompanying intense negative emotions including extreme fear, guilt, shame, rage, and desires for revenge
Specialists in child therapy often separate childhood problems into (1) those which are expressed outwardly in troubled and troubling behavior, (2) those which are experienced inwardly as troubled, conflicted feelings such as extreme fears or shyness, and (3) those in which tensions and conflicts interfere with the functioning of some system of the child's body producing psychosomatic problems.
To change that, Baltimore has recognized TNR programs under which feral cat caregivers are legally recognized and allowed to maintain colonies of feral cats defined as «a cat that is unsocialized to humans and has a temperament of extreme fear of and resistance to contact with humans».
Any life - threatening event or an event that significantly and severely compromises the physical or emotional wellbeing of an individual or causes extreme fear may cause PTSD.
It involves an extreme fear of social interaction and it interferes with an individual's daily life.
Their extreme fear of rejection causes them to steer clear of uncertain social situations whenever possible.
Meanwhile, CNNMoney's fear and greed index, which, in addition to factoring in the VIX, also tallies a number of other market indicators such as market breadth, stock price strength and the demand for safe havens, just hit its gloomiest «extreme fear» level.
CNNMoney's Fear & Greed Index, a measure of market sentiment, dropped further into «extreme fear
Both were periods of extreme fear and stress.
To illustrate that point, CNN Greed & Fear Index is pegged at 2 (read: extreme fear) on a scale of 0 - 100.
I usually don't visit sites like these but recently I started having panic attacks and extreme fears of going to hell despite the fact I am a Christian.
When I was suffering through my recent panic attacks and extreme fears of going to hell despite the fact I am a Christian, searching up people like Ray Comfort and them didn't help!
Converted at nine due to extreme fear of hell.
According to webmd, if the child is over 6 years old and still having an extreme fear, they may have Separation Anxiety Disorder.
Also known as «emotional dystocia,» this can be anything from an extreme fear of labor pain, not feeling safe, or lack of privacy, to trauma from prior sexual abuse.
While nearly half of first - time mothers with an extreme fear of childbirth opted for C - sections before counseling, researchers found, only about a third ended up choosing C - sections after attending therapy sessions.
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