Sentences with phrase «extreme pain»

My nipples were in extreme pain during the first few days of nursing but I pushed through, thinking things would improve.
These devices were recalled after they were associated with causing extreme pain in patients who underwent hip replacement surgery.
All three of these problems cause extreme pain for the affected animal.
Why would you choose to experience extreme pain when you don't have to, right?
I have suffered extreme pain as a result of your insured's negligence.
How much is it worth to not be able to pick up your newborn baby without extreme pain?
Just like in humans these are hard concentrations of skin tissue that cause extreme pain when the dog places their weight on the affected foot.
Other problems in delivery include more than two hours in between puppy deliveries, or extreme pain on the part of the mother dog.
This condition slowly destroys affected teeth while creating extreme pain when biting or chewing.
When I try consuming anything else I get extreme pain and vomiting.
It can cure complex diseases and relieve extreme pain.
They also learn that pain is normal, even extreme pain.
There are numerous breastfeeding complications that can not only cause a woman extreme pain, but can cause a woman to stop breastfeeding.
He might have been hit by a car, or something that gave him such extreme pain and discomfort that he would result to doing this to himself.
If you suffer a spinal cord injury, you face extreme pain, reduced mobility, partial and full paralysis.
The injury can result in extreme pain, loss of mobility, and even permanent disability.
The disease can also cause extreme pain and neurological issues, and there is no cure or effective treatment.
If you experience extreme pain, seek medical attention immediately.
You should never wear smaller cup sizes that don't fit well or you will end up dealing with extreme pain and discomfort.
I used to suffer from extreme pain, awful nausea, severe medical bloating, I would pass out after eating main meals / hot meals and other issues.
The condition — in which tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside the uterus and often results in extreme pain during periods — has become more well - known over the past few years, with celebrities like Lena Dunham, Daisy Ridley, and Julianne Hough speaking out about their experience with endometriosis.
Thus, globalization threatens food security and destroy the environment and causes people extreme pains and agony.
He can not deny me entrance through the pearly gates (laughter) when he took extreme pains to hide himself.
Now I can eat, and drink things that would have caused extreme pain due to heartburn.
While you may be able to take out the trash, go to a social party, or even go shopping at the mall, those seemingly innocent activities may result in extreme pain later in the evening or even days of immobility.
Not into scat, blood or giving extreme pain.
If during the later stages of pregnancy, you feel extreme pain in your rib and abdomen, then the baby is head up or in a breech position.
# 13 — Children's ibuprofen / Advil (not acetaminophen / Tylenol) as a last resort for extreme pain accompanying fevers or teething that is keeping your child from getting the rest he needs to get better.
The warning signs include extreme pain in your back or side that will not go away, blood in your urine, fever and chills, vomiting, urine that smells bad or looks cloudy and a burning feeling when you urinate.
As with other anecdotal evidence about CBD, you don't have to look hard to find stories of dogs in extreme pain who purportedly found relief through CBD.
I'm looking trimmer than before but that is what extreme pain and meds that take away your appetite will do.
You may not have experienced the same extreme pain that Nina has, but you will likely be able to relate to her struggle with it nonetheless.
In labs, they undergo extreme pain and are poisoned with experimental substances via force - feeding, injection, or skin application, in order to measure toxicity.
When an animal is force - fed to obtain nourishment (hand fed by opening the pet's mouth or tube fed), requires constant bathing after soiling himself from loss of bladder and bowel control (animals do lose their sense of dignity under such conditions), exhibits extreme pain, has frequent seizures or episodes of collapsing, struggles to breathe or slips into unconsciousness, an appointment to perform euthanasia may be advised by a veterinarian.
Dental disease causes internal organ problems as well as extreme pain and discomfort to your pet.
Survivors are often left with permanent scars, tissue damage, and extreme pain because of these injuries.
If you are in extreme pain while nursing or experiencing pain after the initial weeks, be sure to meet with an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and have baby's latch evaluated.
In severe cases, a dog may suffer from extreme pain and malnutrition as a result of being unable to eat.
It took weeks for this mom to be able to urinate without extreme pain.
My husband has suffered with extreme pain for 18 months with gallstones and severe pain after eating.
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