Sentences with word «faith»

Faith is a strong belief or trust in something or someone, even when there is no proof or evidence. Full definition
What we are searching for is a community of faith in which it is safe to ask tough questions, to think critically, and to be honest with ourselves.
His statement that the brain is just a computer is quite frankly, a great leap of faith in which there is absolutely no evidence.
Early evangelical women contributed to one of the greatest expansions of Christian faith in all of history.
The organization has taken a step of good faith by stating their salary range.
It is the possession of any man of any race who understands its message and lives by faith in its transforming power.
That is not my experience with faith for the past 19 + years and that is not the way it has been presented to me.
So you can't stand atheists who look down on you for faith in god?
While I certainly agree that atheists are taking just as much on faith as christians do, I take exception to the notion that there is any proof that god exists.
I would think that the prerequisite in such a situation is good faith as well as common sense.
If you believe that an insurance company has acted in bad faith with respect to your personal injury claim, you can also file a report with the insurance board in your state.
We don't hear very much about faith from those outside the church, or from those who lack power or credentials within it.
It inspires not only our team, but also shows to our users that everything is possible, you just should not lose faith in better future.
This is as true of the theological thinking of faith communities as it is of the thinking of political and scientific communities.
I turned away from faith at a young age.
Yet many people who have friends of other faiths do not believe that they are damned.
That is what a true religion is, and what we are expected to live through faith on his name.
Too many of us blindly put faith into different authorities, but when it comes to personal health and diet, your self knowledge and gut intuition should be your guide.
There was something of a religious faith about it.
This is done by faith which works by love.
It's not really a case of keeping faith with the lad, we all know how good he can be and how good he's gonna get.
One can not help drawing comparisons with the struggle today to maintain Catholic faith schools in our own country.
I'd convinced myself I needed more faith when what I really needed was more obedience.
You have great blind faith if this is your personal view.
There is nothing inherently wrong with the collective belief in a deity or a shared faith with others.
I would simply not put much faith into those policies and procedures to win the day for you in court.
The reason we always saw it is because we never really had a QB you could put full faith into.
«I accept the judgment with good faith without hard feelings to anyone,» he told journalists after the ruling.
It's actually very difficult to discover how many faith schools there are.
It's just ridiculous that you blame me in acting in bad faith because of this.
The investment you make in building your own faith through the bonds you've made with others will prove life changing and transformational.
I'm asking if faith based on relationship is a valid test of truth.
I am saved by Grace alone through faith alone and should allow others to live the same.
That would seem to be the wrong question, at any rate if by «invisible» you mean what faith means by it.
People will and have used this to attack people of faith when it really is ignorance on their part.
We don't compromise our own beliefs and values, nor do we require other faith traditions to alter theirs.
On that note, he is not the only faith leader who's got climate on the mind.
To help restore faith in our State government, we need to reform the system.
«That's where faith groups come in, and they have been working tirelessly in recent years to provide an alternative to violence for youths,» he said.
«They» say you're not showing faith if you do anything yourself.
He acknowledged that although counsel was in error, she made good faith efforts in issuing the claim within the limitation period.
You place faith on a delusion then claim you do nt understand it?
If you do, you may find those who will try to explain that which true faith brings to the Christian heart.
We are a collaborative research project, investigating and questioning faith as a human feeling.
Remember, practicing faith at work doesn't mean converting people.
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