Sentences with phrase «fat distribution»

The role of dietary fat in body fat distribution is not well known.
Your waist - hip ratio is a simple and useful measure of fat distribution and can help determine overall health risk.
There is considerable research showing that fat distribution varies between gender and ethnic groups.
Scientists call the cluster of problems associated with apple - shaped fat distribution metabolic syndrome.
After birth, testosterone plays a role in regulating processes from fat distribution to red blood cell production.
For example, a pig that's the perfect size for bacon and ham, with ideal fat distribution, also reduces waste and costs.
The color change is attributed to fat distributions under the skin.
No previous study had evaluated whether those changes in fat distribution during menopause affect cardiovascular fat.
And her even fat distribution acts as a thermal blanket.
The relations of BMI to both percentage body fat and body fat distribution have been shown to vary across ethnic groups (32 — 34).
There are two common patterns of fat distribution that result in two distinct body shapes, or figures, and each pattern is typically associated with a particular gender.
The present study proposes a potential explanation for such an association, showing that polyunsaturated fatty acids can affect fat distribution in the body more favorably than saturated fats, probably by regulating increased energy combustion or decreased storage of visceral fat in connection with calorie - rich diets.
To broaden the plausible association between glucose metabolism and future risk of diabetes in offspring, there is a need for prospective examination of body fat distribution in children born to mothers with different glycaemic levels.29, 39 The hypothesis is that maternal glucose levels measured by glucose levels in pregnant women are related to skinfold thickness in their infants.
Using a mouse model in which expression of Dicer was specifically knocked out in fat tissue, the researchers found that mice that lacked Dicer in fat developed abnormal fat distribution resembling HIV - related lipodystrophy (which is associated with antiviral treatment).
The female figure is characterized by «gynoid fat distribution,» meaning weight is carried in the thighs and glutes.
«Android fat distribution», on the other hand, is characterized by weight carried around the abdomen and midriff, higher on the skeletal structure, and is commonly associated with men's bodies.
Whey proteins contribute to a food's healthful image, provide outstanding fat distribution and improve water retention and texture.
Medical experts are increasingly focusing on «central obesity» and areas of fat distribution as more accurate markers of health, with a recent study published by the George Institute for Global Health demonstrating that the waist - to - hip ratio as a means of health assessment is 18 per cent stronger than BMI when it comes to predicting future heart attack risk in women in particular (it's just 6 per cent more effective for men).
This suggests that in adults, it is not just overall obesity, but body fat distribution centrally — in the trunk and neck — that predicts the risk of OSA,» said Katz.
Dr. Angulo and his team plan to expand on their findings about this specific patient population by examining data beyond BMI, including fat distribution and differences in cell signaling proteins, such as cytokine and adipokine profiles.
Implications for the female fat distribution
During adolescence, female reproductive hormones stimulate breast growth, feminine fat distribution, broadening of the hips, uterus enlargement, development of the external genitalia, hair distribution, and skin softness.
Howebver, body fat distribution differs from person to person.
This can lead to a problem through tissue swelling, extra fat distribution, and a breakdown of the connective tissue (collagen), which can manifest as a structural problem causing low back pain.
The lean physique of some feral cats sometimes leads animal control and other groups to claim that the cats are starving or ill, but a 2002 study found that feral cats have healthy body weights and fat distribution.10 If they may be a little leaner than the cat on your couch, it is the result of a different lifestyle, not because they're suffering or sick.
«Process that affects fat distribution, metabolic syndrome found by researchers.»
A particularly spectacular symptom of high cortisol is a weird body shape caused by altered fat distribution; arms that are stick thin, accompanied by an enormously round stomach.
Hypertension and abnormal fat distribution but not insulin resistance in mice with P465L PPAR?.
Some sites display stronger effects in women than men, demonstrating that genetic regulation of body fat distribution varies between the sexes.
On the other hand, some scientific evidence hints that higher levels of estrogen lead to an increased activity of the alpha - adrenergic receptors in the lower part of the body, which slow fat release and are the reason why many women have a pear shape fat distribution.
Fat and female fecundity: Prospective study of effect of body fat distribution on conception rates.
Moyer, A. E., Rodin, J., Grilo, C. M., Cummings, N., Larson, L. M. and Rebuffé - Scrive, M. (1994), Stress - Induced Cortisol Response and Fat Distribution in Women.
«We need to know these genetic locations because different fat depots pose different health risks,» says Karen Mohlke, Ph.D., professor of genetics at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine and a senior author on the paper that examined waist - to - hip ratio of fat distribution.
Your daughter's body will start to change; her hips will widen and the fat distribution of her stomach increases.
As the twins slimmed down from exercise, Bouchard looked at body weight, lean mass and fat distribution and found the amount of energy burned during exercise was also influenced by genetics.
«Hormone changes may be involved in the development of both anxiety and abdominal obesity because of their roles in the brain as well as in fat distribution.
The sequence contains genes related to body fat distribution, important for surviving the cold.
In both bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, BMI was more strongly correlated with waist circumference than with percent body fat, suggesting a central obesity pattern in addition to waist circumference, representing a reasonably accurate proxy measure for body fat distribution.
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