Sentences with phrase «fat pad»

A "fat pad" refers to a layer of fat tissue found in certain parts of the body. Full definition
Adding insult to injury, the shock - absorbing fat pad on the bottom of your feet starts to get thinner, making heels even harder to tolerate.
The abdominal fat pad turned out to provide the most optimal transplant location.
As cats develop fat pads and pouches externally, fat is also being deposited internally.
Under - eye fat pads and water retention can create shadows.
Many have a characteristic fat pad on the abdomen.
Run your hands down your dog's back on either side of the spine: With age, fat pads usually develop right over your dog's lower back or lumbar area.
A dog may experience additional symptoms, such as fat pads in the neck area, muscle weakness, and bruising.
They then tested the behavior of human tumor cells with and without HOXA5 by injecting those cells into the mammary fat pad of mice.
db / db mice also exhibit significantly greater subcutaneous adiposity, based on analysis of inguinal fat pad weights relative to body weight [Fig. 2 (b); effect of genotype, F1, 42 = 48.27, P < 0.01].
(b) db / db mice also exhibit increases in subcutaneous adiposity relative to WT mice based on the ratio of inguinal fat pad weights to body weight.
To explore that question, a team led by Cornell University biomedical engineer Claudia Fischbach first showed that female mice that were obese, because of genetics or a high - fat diet, had more fibrous mammary fat pads with straighter collagen fibers than those seen in lean mice (see image).
In addition, these cats may have an observable waist, excess fat on their faces and limbs, and may a large fat pad noted on their bellies which hangs down.
Falciform fat pad depth and area averaged 7.1 mm and 197.4 mm2, respectively, indicating a small amount of fat.
She studied locations in the liver, under the skin, in the mesentery regions near the intestines and in an epididymal fat pad in the abdomen.
Consistent with their obese phenotype, db / db mice had significantly more visceral white adipose tissue (vWAT), based on comparisons of retroperitoneal fat pad weights relative to body weights at euthanasia [Fig. 2 (a); effect of genotype, F1, 42 = 55.84, P < 0.01].
Ab16669 staining CD3 in Mouse Epidydimal fat pad tissue sections by Immunohistochemistry (Formalin / PFA - fixed paraffin embedded sections).
We use a range of approaches to study these cell processes, including a mammary gland regeneration model in which mammary stem cells are transduced with lentivirus then transplanted into the cleared fat pads of recipient mice, where the cells regenerate an entire new mammary ductal tree.
Make sure you have lots and lots of big fat pads with you if you are bleeding.
The study showed associations between current bilateral PGA use and deepened upper eyelid sulci, hollowing of the inferior periorbital fat pads, upper eyelid ptosis with levator muscle dysfunction, and lower lid retraction.
Their mammary glands also had smaller fat pads, which the team says may correlate with the fact that Asian women tend to have smaller breasts than African women.
(a) db / db mice exhibit significantly greater visceral adiposity than WT mice based on increases in the weight of the retroperitoneal fat pads after dissection and normalization to body weight (BW) at euthanasia.
The rodents» «parametrial fat pad» weight decreased by 30 percent without exercise.
Ovarian cancer can rapidly convert the entire omentum, a soft fat pad, into a solid mass of cancer cells.
Degree of branching was analyzed by counting the number of branches observed within a 50 × field of the whole - mount mammary fat pad specimens.
«The overlying problem is that the TFL is over active, and the back of the hip, the gluteus medius, is underactive, and that leads to a tight band on the outside of the thigh, rubbing on the knee, pulling of the knee cap over, and fat pad impingement,» explains one of the researchers, Dr. Sam Church, a knee surgeon at Fortius Clinic in London.
Puffy eyes «Puffy eyes are caused by weakening of a membrane that holds fat pads around the eyeballs in our bony orbits.
Your little fat pads wo n`t go even with the training?
«Our superficial fat pads tend to separate as we age and cause the undereye puffiness to become more pronounced,» Dr. Bowe says.
Fat loss on the upper and lower eyelids, and the sagging of midcheek fat pad can cause contour irregularity and shadowing.
From Brown fat cells make «spare tires» shrink «Brown adipose tissue is different from white fat pads.
In addition, the decreased fat pad on the sole of the foot may contribute to an increased sensitivity to pain due to that loss of cushioning.
Even though it's a different type of injury and diagnosis than plantar fasciitis, try the same therapy as I show in the plantar fasciitis video as the muscle imbalances that result in fat pad syndrome are similar to PF.
When stroking your cat, if you can't feel her ribs at all, even with very firm pressure, or you feel fat pads along the backbone, then your cat is not just fat, but obese.
Some particularly overweight cats have a large sagging fat pad on their tummy towards their hind legs.
BCS 5: Well proportioned, waist behind ribs, ribs palpable (slight fat covering), abdominal fat pad minimal.
This study investigates the body condition of feral cats by measuring body weight (BW), body condition score (BCS; Burkholder, 2000; Laflamme, Kealy, & Schmidt, 1994), and falciform fat pad.
treatment with triiodothyronine significantly reduces epididymal fat pad weight relative to the degree of reduction seen in controls
This allele confers increased adiposity in male animals compared to AKR / J, and accounts for 11.7 % of the phenotypic variance in male inguinal fat pad weight (percentage).
BCS 9: Ribs not palpable (heavy fat cover), heavy fat deposits (lower back, face, limbs), no waist, large abdominal fat pad.
For example, studies have shown that young, inactive rats have reduced insulin sensitivity (a precursor to type - 2 diabetes), eat more and burn off fewer calories, and develop larger fat pads than animals who continue to exercise.
Ten thousand infected cells were injected into mammary fat pad of female NSG mouse.
The 5 × 104 infected mammary cells were transplanted into cleared mammary fat pads of the same strain weaning age female mice.
Additionally, fat pads are forming on the fingertips and toes and in a few weeks, the swirls that differentiate us by our fingerprints, will appear in a few more weeks.
Finally, using live mice, the scientists injected 1,000 triple - negative breast cancer cells into their mammary fat pads, where the mouse version of breast cancer forms.

Phrases with «fat pad»

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