Sentences with phrase «fat tails»

The phrase "fat tails" refers to the occurrence of extreme or rare events that happen more often than expected. It is used to describe statistical distributions where the probabilities of events happening far from the average are higher than in a normal distribution. In simpler terms, it means that extreme events or outliers are more likely to happen than we might initially think. Full definition
If you want to deal with fat tails, let's do it on both sides of the discussion.
This suggests Bitcoin price movements are smooth, like a normal distribution, rather than characterized by fat tails, jumps and changes in volatility like most assets.
The business is exposed to fat tail events... so they lost a lot of money in 2008.
I believe he does recognize that stock market returns have much more fat tails than one would find in a normal distribution.
This suggests Bitcoin price movements are smooth, like a normal distribution, rather than characterized by fat tails, jumps, and changes in volatility like most assets.
He also suggested that investors should be very aware of fat tail risks, an infrequent and extreme event like the financial crisis in 2008, and the role of non-linearity of price movements.
Weitzman argues that «at least in theory,» incorporating fat tailed distributions in our calculations is «capable of swamping the outcome of any BCA [Benefit - Cost Analysis] that disregards this uncertainty.»
In fact, the distribution has a much fatter tail of large price fluctuations, subverting a crucial assumption that underlies much of economic theory.
They're looking for investments with asymmetric risks: downside that's «relatively contained» but «a potentially fat tailed» upside.
There is some value in eliminating the negative fat tails in equity returns but it is unclear whether the advantage of outperformance in severe bear markets will be worth the cost of insuring the portfolio against dramatic declines at all other times.
Montier contended that proponents of the new normal also misunderstand fat tails, which are nothing new and which «create fat pitches» — the opportunities that investors seek to exploit through mean reversion strategies.
Look at it as insurance protection against the inevitable fat tail events (1987, 2000, 2008, etc) that lurk in the future.
Even Black - Scholes is open to question, given better models that reflect fatter tails.
While the distribution of economic outcomes may have a flatter distribution than in the past (i.e., higher frequency of high impact fat tail shocks), asset markets have long suffered such distributions.
Fraser Range Sheep Station is currently stocked with Damara fat tail meat sheep, produced for the export market.
In my experience as a family law lawyer, however, it has seemed to me that the bell curve modeling the impact of legislation on my clients has perhaps a higher standard of deviation than the norm, giving the bell curve a greater population at the extremes and thus fatter tails than suggested by the normal distribution; in other words, my impression is that quite a bit more than 5 % of separating couples experience an unfair or very unfair result from the application of family law legislation.
In the summer of 1997, Taleb predicted that hedge funds like Long Term Capital Management were headed for trouble, because they did not understand this notion of fat tails.
A bell can also have fat tails on both sides and a thinner middle, which is called «kurtosis.»
«the long fat tail that is characteristic of all recent estimates of climate sensitivity simply disappears, with an upper 95 % probability limit... easily shown to lie close to 4 °C, and certainly well below 6 °C.»
According to PIMCO, the term new normal creates an environment where the consensus expectations has shifted from traditional bell - shaped curves to a much flatter distribution of outcomes with fatter tails.
Thus when Emanuel suggests we attend to plausible worst cases by referring to «fat tailed distributions», he is using a shorthand familiar to anyone used to thinking statistically.
In typical Gross style, he writes that «we appear to be morphing into a world with much fatter tails, bordering on bimodal.
But, historically, such busts have been «fat tail» events that rarely occur.
It also made the case for why providing education presented a «fat tail» of opportunity, where more entrepreneurs could have moderate but life - changing successes.
«It went from stable to «bimodal» with fat tails.
This «fat tail» scenario would mean the world experiences «existential / unknown» warming by 2100 — defined in the report as more than 5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels.
A «fat tail» of a few leaky wells This is often referred to as the «fat tail» or «super-emitter» problem, that just a small subset of wells or pieces of equipment is responsible for the majority of the leaks from the natural gas system (ClimateWire, Feb. 14).
«I think everything we have seen so far — but we still have a lot of studies to release — ; suggests that fat tails are real,» Hamburg said.
TRCS, Doiron, upper bound, TCS, fat tails, tall tales, Singer, 20th century warming, house science committee, Curry, Pielke, Ball, 1942, CDC, malaria
That is what leads to fat tails, because when people move as a herd, you get dramatic price moves.
They are said to have a «fat tail».
Most asset classes display negative skew and fat tails, which also makes volatility problematic as a risk measure.
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