Sentences with phrase «film stills»

"Film stills" refers to photographs taken on the set of a movie or from a scene in a film. These pictures capture key moments or provide a glimpse into the story, characters, and mood of the movie. Full definition
The best collection of film stills ever assembled in one book.
«The moment that you act as a performer, you act also as the audience of the person in front of you,» film stills from video installation, 2016.
Having featured her work previously, we're all too familiar with her staged, supernatural imagery, often emotional and full of narrative, presented as film stills or dramatic moments.
The screenplay, printed in full in this book, is accompanied with film stills.
The figures present a limited narrative, like film stills, of people carrying out basic activities or suggesting an event that has just occurred.
I've always rated him but there are so many films I still need to catch up with.
The double portraits are based on black and white film stills.
Select film stills and videos available from each piece.
But there are a great many films still on the bubble.
His monochromatic works explore the traditional portrait format on a range of scales, using source material from vintage postcards, magazines, found photos, and classic film stills.
The images are of gay couples, photographed and staged to look like characters in old film stills.
In these collages the artist cuts away areas of vintage film stills, purposefully removing the narrative focus of the image.
But the landmark film still ranks as one of the better American made political films.
A 58 - image manually - operated HD photo gallery is comprised predominantly of ordinary film stills, though a few behind - the - scenes shots are thrown in as well.
In her work, she collages film stills and her own photographs into curious interior spaces.
They resemble film stills, and with their large size they relate in this way to the paintings.
One had the protective screen film still on it the day it died.
I have always referred to photographs to make paintings and sometimes film stills as well.
Her paintings invite our reading through their enticing familiarity, and yet deny a specific storyline, much like disparate film stills suspended in time.
B / W film still kicks ass over any digital camera equivalent.
# 5 This work has been called one of the least sinister film stills, since there doesn't seem to be any cause for concern for the woman.
Beautifully illustrated throughout with film stills, archival photographs and related artworks, this two - volume publication provides an unparalleled insight into the stories and inspiration behind her work.
As viewers walk the length of the wall, the chain of images functions like a series of film stills, implying movement and the rhythm of time.
The problem is, such films still need to be exciting, engaging and entertaining and not boring, annoying and embarrassing.
So, with that in mind, we take a look at the massive cast for the film and how many films they still have left on their contracts.
His daydreaming voiceover is echoed in the textures of city life, a la Woody Allen's Manhattan, but while, almost 30 years later, Allen's best film still feels like a pretty paean to his own ego, Mala Noche packs intellectual honesty.
Apart from that possible quibble, the food Zachary filmed still looked pretty awful.
Hooper's film still works as a product of its era, but the premise of an overly generic white suburban family haunted by supernatural spirits in a PG - 13 throwdown isn't something that translates well to the modern age.
cat., Washington D.C., Provisions Library, 2006 (another from the edition film still illustrated in colour, unpaged).
Over three hot months, Hollywood released several films we still hold near and dear to our hearts today, whether we consider them timeless classics or beloved shlock.
«Chairs,» prints from film stills by John Divola.
Mr. Baldessari's use of fragmented Hollywood film stills in his work has opened new paths for artists exploring narrative.
That her previous exploration of film stills remains at play here creates an interesting dynamic, the viewer not fully sure if they're witnessing the cliched imaginings of this place, or in fact a first hand narrative.
She has created untitled film stills before Sherman.
However, his latest film still does seem to mark a new chapter in the filmmaker's career, with its breezy, optimistic tone and fast - paced approach, and from an early glance at his next film, there are definitely some lingering elements.
Armageddon has come and gone, but disaster films still pack in the punters and that's because these films have power.
In terms of narrative structure, the previous Spielberg film that Lincoln ends up most resembling is Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977), which while a more consistently entertaining film still provided a dramatic change in pace and style at the end to deliver a long feel - good sequence as a sort of reward to the audience for hanging in for that long.
Leonard constructed a resonant, multilayered album of the personal and professional life of the actress, Fae Richards, which includes film stills from roles she might have played and snapshots recording casual moments at leisure with friends and lovers.
Just a few weeks into his residency, he has spent his time scanning images on Light Work's high resolution scanner, editing photographs for his upcoming four exhibitions, working on his branding series, adapting his short film «Winter in America» on the murder of his cousin into film stills, and preparing for an upcoming lecture at a regional conference with the Society for Photographic Education.
It may lack the poetry of the original, but Gilliam's film still hits almost as hard.
«In her latest film Still Alice, she faces one of her most demanding and challenging roles as Alice, a woman diagnosed with Early - Onset Alzheimer's Disease.
Fear of Disclosure: Psycho - Social Implications of HIV Revelation, 1989; film still courtesy of the artists.
ACT DA FOOL a film by HARMONY KORINE for PROENZA SCHOULER text by JACK McCOLLOUGH & LAZARO HERNANDEZ Poem and original artworks on film stills by HARMONY KORINE Styling by MEL OTTEMBERG
Makino's multilayered, jewel - tone film Cinéma Concret beckons hypnotically at the end of the entry - hall, while film stills printed on steel appear to levitate along the walls.
MUDBOUND While I am not completely sold on the multiple narrators, Dee Rees latest film still packs and emotional punch.
(Access to the collection of film stills ended in 2002, and the collection is mothballed in a vault in Hamlin, Pennsylvania.
Graffiti Report Form, 2012 (Submitted to the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation 01.07.12, (video still), HD video, 35 mm and 70 mm film stills transferred to HD video, Original score by Brendan Meara, 51 min loop
The Oscar race is as wide - open as it's ever been, with several films still in contention for Best Picture; the Globes may help narrow that field.
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