Sentences with phrase «film version»

The phrase "film version" means a movie adaptation or a film made based on a book, play, or other form of media. Full definition
It isn't perfect, but it has a reputation for being one of the better film versions of the story, and I can see why.
«Spider - Man» isn't the first comic book character to get an all - new film version only a few years after the first.
Their portrait photo should be a recent one and from a digital camera, not an old film version as that is a dead giveaway.
There have been four other film versions of the story.
But overall I was really caught up in how much I liked older film versions.
I have never seen the show, so I can not say how the new film version compares.
Or you can basically make a straight - up, minimal location filmed version of the play.
Movies didn't truly flourish until they stopped being filmed versions of stage plays.
Now I see trailers for a new film version.
Broad Green will have the first opportunity to distribute the feature film version in North America following the exclusive IMAX release.
Of course, as with film versions of «21 Jump Street» and «Starsky and Hutch», the target audience isn't really those who watched the original TV series, but rather the group of big - spending millennials who seem to thrive on raunchy humor, while placing minimal value on a coherent or interesting story.
Being an English major, I studied Thomas Hardy's «Far From the Madding Crowd» several times and have seen film versions of it since, including Julie Christie's excellent take on the tale and the variation on it in «Tamara Drewe».
The Danish Girl By David Ebershoff Penguin • $ 16 • ISBN 9780143108399 Ebershoff's best - selling debut novel, first published in 2000, is available in a new movie tie - in edition one month before the release of a highly anticipated film version starring Oscar - winning actor Eddie Redmayne in the title role.
Frank Pavich is the director of the new fantastic documentary «Jodorowsky's Dune», which chronicles about Alejandro Jodorowsky's never made film version of Frank Herbet's «Dune».
This week, he's part of a top drawer British cast in the latest film version of the R C Sherriff -LSB-...]
,» the original novella by John W. Campbell, Jr., and «The Thing From Another World,» the first filmed version by director Christian Nyby and producer Howard Hawks.
Whether or not you read the books, you surely know that this has been an anticipated film version in the vein of Twilight and Harry Potter.
Luhrman's Romeo + Juliet may not be the best film version made of Shakespeare's masterpiece, but it's certainly a refreshingly conceived departure from the norm.
Reading the Wyndham source novel would also be a better option because this low budget film version comes across as very silly mostly because of said killer plants (called Triffids in the movie, although it is never properly explained quite why).
There are three other previous filmed versions of the book that I have never seen: a silent film from 1926, a noirish film from 1949 (with Alan Ladd), and a hip - hop version — entitled G — from 2002.
It made me think of the 80s, when my parents watched filmed versions of British stage plays starring people like Ian Holm on PBS.
by Walter Chaw An old - fashioned epic of the type only Bombay attempts anymore, The Four Feathers (directed by a Bollywood ex-pat, natch: Shekhar Kapur)-- the fifth film version of A.E.W. Mason's turn - of - the - century, Count of Monte Cristo - flavoured tale of valour, redemption, and derring - do — is indicated by a feather - lightness at its heart that undermines the sweeping, operatic pretensions of the piece.
But for the purposes of this list, we've stuck to feature film versions released theatrically, excluding DTV films, sequels and spin - offs unrelated to the author's work.
That means we just need to get through 294 days of internet hyperbole BEFORE ANYONE SEES IT about how the new Annie (the third filmed version after a 1982 feature and a 1999 telefilm) is the worst thing that ever existed and musicals suck and it's going to kill everyone's career... Give me strength!
In celebration of May the Fourth, and in support of the new film SOLO: A Star Wars Story, Nissan unveiled a one - of - a-kind Nissan Rogue show car -LSB-[964]-RSB-, inspired by the most recent film version of the iconic ship.
There is no effort to open up the material as many film versions of stage plays do, rather there seems to have been a conscious effort to convey a theatrical feel to the presentation a decision that works to the absurdist material's favour.
While it might have the queer factor working for it, AWOL, the feature film version actually stems from a 2011 Sundance premiered short of the same title.
After a planned film version of «Bioshock» to be penned by «The Aviator» and «Skyfall» scribe John Logan and to be directed by Gore Verbinski fell apart, creator Ken Levine, told the press, «We don't have any need to get a movie made.
THE PUNISHER (Grade: C --RRB-: This low - budget film version of the aptly named Marvel Comic — about a vigilante hero with no super powers out to avenge the murder of his entire extended family by a gangster — has some terrific non-digital stunts and an intense lead performance from first - time star Tom Jane.
Created by Square Enix, the people behind the Final Fantasy video game franchise, Chō Soku Henkei Gyrozetter was first launched recently as an arcade game with an animated film version set to be released later this year.
Disney's well — known film version of the story, released in 1937, was ostensibly based on the German tale popularized by the Brothers Grimm.
Color me quite nervous, after watching the trailer of the forthcoming film version of Coriolanus linked to here.
Still, there were several silent film versions of East Lynne, all of which made money.
It even had a Golden Globe nominated film version in 1973 directed by Norman Jewison who was, at the time, a very hot commodity having recently made three best picture players: The Russians are Coming!
The musical film version of The Producers is, for better or worse, a faithful record of the stage production, adhering to the same if - it - ain «t - broke - don «t - fix - it philosophy that informed the recent «Rent.»
Director Michael Mann does a retread and modern film version of his highly successful 1980's television series and despite the calibre of Mann, this turns out to be just like all the other poor makeovers of hit t.v shows.
Dunne was finally permitted to show off her singing talents in Sweet Adeline (1935), and in 1936 Universal Pictures cast her in her stage role as Magnolia in the studio's definitive film version of Show Boat (1936).
They forget that the original film version of «The Haunting» (based on Shirley Jackson's truly terrifying «The Haunting of Hill House») worked so well because of what the audience didn't see.
In «Disobedience,» director Sebastian Lelio's coolly controlled film version of Naomi Alderman's novel, two roads diverge in a narrative, crisscrossing and intertwining years later...
In 2002 alone, Damien designed the sets for Glastonbury, a play about the Glastonbury music festival, and designed and directed Breath, the 30 - 45 second film version of Samuel Beckett's 1969 short.
The famous prize - winning film version of playwright August Strindberg's dark, terror - filled theatrical classic about a sadomasochistic romance between a susceptible aristocrat (Anita Bork) and a brutal groom (Ulf Palme).
There has not been a major film version of Anton Chekhov's The Seagull for a very long time, and never a great one.
The adaptation will be directed by Danish filmmaker Nikolaj Arcel, who previously directed «A Royal Affair,» which was nominated for a Best Foreign Language Film Oscar, and co-wrote the Swedish film version of «The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.»
Which is why this video of three men playing the same exact scene in different films versions of the Hannibal Lecter novel «Red Dragon» is so fascinating.
This launched a writing career for Heller, with a number of TV pilots, but she wasn't done with «Diary» character Minnie: she debuted her feature film version at Sundance this year to wild and deserved acclaim.
Though there have been several film versions of the Christian allegory, the latest version, which is currently in production, will likely be the biggest budget effort to date.
assistant to Daddy Warbucks played by Ann Reinking in the previous film version Movie City News 33 Weeks to Oscar - a season without a frontrunner?
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