Sentences with phrase «fine film»

Ultimately it is simply a very nice album, showcasing a seldom - heard side to a very fine film composer.
There's a bit of softness to the picture and a level of fine film grain most evident in darker shots.
A Reason was simply a perfectly fine film... nothing more and nothing less.
Loved it — a damned fine film, certainly one of the best films I've seen all year.
With No, however, his usual fine performance is showcased in an equally fine film.
He'll keep you guessing — as will his very fine film — until the shocking final moments, and you will have plenty to discuss afterward.
Fine film grain ensures the preservation of detail, and there are no print or digital defects to be found.
«Coco» may not only be the animated film this year, but it's making an aggressive run to be one of the very finest films of any medium this year.
Midnight in Paris stood out as Woody Allen's finest film in many years, and 50/50 was a thoroughly human work about a young man facing his own mortality.
On most levels this is among Ms Bigelow's finest films with its narrative skills, breadth of vision, top - class cinematography — all backed by some terrific acting from an accomplished cast.
Written and directed by Dominique Schilling, A Reason is a perfectly fine film about a dysfunctional family who all come together when their elderly aunt falls ill, solely to be present for the reading of her will.
Lagravenese, the screenwriter for such fine films as The Horse Whisperer, Beloved, The Bridges of Madison County, and The Fisher King, takes his first stab at directing with varying results.
Matching its blockbuster scale and spectacle with the smarts of a great, grown - up thriller, Captain America: Civil War is Marvel Studios» finest film yet.
Baahubali is the big surprise here, as Rajamouli's gonzo CGI musical epic gets the nod over fine films from established Endy favorites Johnnie To, Apichatpong Weerasethakul and Hong Sangsoo.
Nightfall — Fine film noir from Jacques Tourneur that was an obvious influence on Fargo.
Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk (Ang Lee, 2016) 1 1/2 stars out of 4 Ang Lee has made many fine films, some of them great.
A Single Man Tom Ford's adaptation of the Christopher Isherwood novel, about a gay man grieving over the death of his lover, is a bleak, intelligent film that serves as a showcase for what may be Colin Firth's finest film performance, the ultimate elucidation of the character he has been playing, in one form or another, for years: The man who feels too much to allow himself to show it.
One of the greatest of all British novelists (Graham Greene) and one of England's finest film directors (Carol Reed) teamed up for a nonpareil collaboration that produced a classic drama about boyhood, infidelity and murder, «The Fallen Idol» and the Viennese - set postwar thriller that many critics feel is the best of all British films, «The Third Man.»
Wendy's decided to share its favorite films of 2017, and its assessment of flicks like Logan is some damn - fine film criticism.
It's the director's finest film since The Squid and the Whale, his masterpiece, which is coincidentally celebrating its ten - year anniversary.
Weinstein has picked up the film for distribution and they usually have a knack for picking fine films.
If Alan Pakula's fine film adaptation of «All the President's Men» can be said to mark the beginning of a new kind of journalism film, James Bridges's «Perfect,» suggested by a piece in Rolling Stone magazine by Aaron Latham, may mark the absolute, idiotic end.
Written by Krzysztof Kieslowski and Krzysztof Piesiewicz, who collaborated for many fine films including the famous trilogy Three Colors: Blue, White and Red, the film plays its drama straighter than most of Tykwer's works until the last 20 minutes where he employs some of his more artistic and symbolic touches.
Sometimes a perfectly fine film emerges from a whirlwind of production woes — as happened with Casablanca [M](1942)-- and sometimes the overreaching hand of a producer mucks up an already flawed creation (neither of the dual Exorcist prequels are any good) and transforms it into a steaming mountain of elephant doo, but any flaws in WWZ reside in the main sequences already shot, edited and retained from the first cut and its significantly different final third.
I wrote at the time that his music for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes — while a very fine film score — wasn't one of his most engaging albums, with its dark tone and great length; and while he uses that score as a springboard (and reprises some of its material), Giacchino takes War off in different directions and in doing so solves the problems that led to its predecessor being better within the film than without it.
Mike Newell's adapation of Annie Barrow's best - selling novel is British security - blanket film - making at its finest
8:05 am — IFC — Spirited Away Often considered Hayao Miyazakiís finest film, itís easily among the best family - friendly animated films in existence, full of magic and wonder, gods and spirits, and shapeshifting spells.
Anyways, I finally caught Funny People and pretty much feel exactly as Jay and Sean, not all that funny but a very fine film nonetheless.
Alien is one of Goldsmith's most unique and glorious creations, and this release is 2007's finest film music album.
And even if it is a make - up nomination for Wall - E, its gonna go to a mighty fine film and I daresay it will deserve its nomination more than half of the other nominees.
If you're in Denton or Rockwell, it's a no brainer, but even if you have to plan a longer trip to Grapevine, it's worth the time and effort to see this exceptionally fine film in a theater.
I don't think it's the greatest of the 25 titles listed here, but it's an inarguably fine film that embodies the restless spirit of mid-1990s Britain from its whip - smart dialogue to its mega-selling soundtrack: its lightning - in - a-bottle blend of thrilling cinema and social document assures immortality.
It will be a pleasure to open this year's Festival with such an accomplished film from one of international cinema's finest film makers.
The first full day of screenings brought us news of Todd Haynes Wonderstruck which reunites one of the world's greatest auteurs with his earliest muse Julianne Moore, and other reportedly fine films.
It can sully a perfectly fine film so that by the end the poor thing is limping along with a broken heel, a torn and tattered dress, mascara smeared under the eyes — wrecked, ruined until time wipes away the dirt and tears and remembers how good it all really was before it was pummeled by the awards machine.
Ultimately, it's a minorly fine film that just lacks much oomph, especially in light of the series that followed it.
The Woman in Black doesn't break new ground, but in its suggestions of fine film ghost stories, from The Innocents to The Others and The Orphanage, it works you over with riveting restraint.
«Churchill» is a truly fine film, with Cox as an early contender for an Oscar nom.
While the alternately tender and brutal allegory Au hasard Balthazar is widely considered Bresson's masterpiece, he had a long, visionary career that began in the forties and ended in the eighties, and was full of consistently fine films — the period drama Les dames du bois de Boulogne, the ascetic character study Diary of a Country Priest, and the minimalist tragedies Pickpocket and Mouchette among them.
But at the end of the day, The Hobbit is a very fine film series and despite the fact that it's not as good as the Lord of the Rings trilogy, I'm very fond of it.
Wealth gap: in its 15th edition, the oversized festival cruises onward with a few fine films and forays into new platforms
Aardman Animations made one of last year's finest films in Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were - Rabbit.
Fine films of all genres, costs and nationalities litter the 65 or so worthwhile films from this year: PCU, Cabin Boy, the Last Seduction, Exotica, Reality Bites, Four Weddings And A Funeral, Hoop Dreams, Wing Chun, To Live, Shallow Grave, Leon The Professional, Before The Rain, heavenly Creatures, Crumb, Barcelona, Oleanna, The Hudsucker Proxy and Once Were Warriors.
Loving, a real - life story about an inter-racial marriage in hardscrabble Virginia in the Fifties, is Nichols's finest film yet.
The Blue Gardenia — Fritz Lang's fine film noir stars Anne Baxter as a depressed woman who agrees to go out with womanizing journalist Raymond Burr.
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