Sentences with phrase «fine strainer»

A "fine strainer" refers to a small kitchen tool that is used to separate solid materials, like seeds or large particles, from liquid or other substances. It has very tiny holes or mesh that allow liquid to pass through while trapping the solid particles. Full definition
Strain through fine strainer into second bowl, pressing mixture with back of spoon.
Pour through fine strainer into small bowl.
Pour through a small fine strainer to get rid of small bits of blueberry skin.
Strain through cheesecloth or a very fine strainer.
Using a nut milk bag, or other fine strainer, squeeze out all of the excess moisture from 2 cups of used coffee grounds.
Strain through fine strainer and set aside for service.
Strain through a fine strainer and discard the seeds.
Optionally, pass through a fine strainer to achieve a very smooth texture.
Set a fine strainer (I just used a colander with very small holes) over a large mixing bowl.
Strain through a fine strainer using a spoon to push the liquid through.
or fine strainer.
Drain using a fine strainer, or cheese cloth, press out as much moisture as possible, and allow to cool.
Put the confectioners sugar in a fine strainer or sieve and sprinkle the tops of the cookies with the sugar.
Use a fine strainer set over a bowl to filter out the seeds.
To remove seeds, force the puree through a fine strainer into a bowl.
The ice is going to make the peel clump up and separate from the rest of the marmalade so use a fine strainer set over the glass to pour the drink, dumping it out if it gets full of peel and ice.
Remove from heat and immediately pour through a fine strainer to remove any lumps.
Drain the soaked oat for a few minutes through a fine strainer.
Drain the mushrooms through a fine strainer and reserve the broth, and finely chop the porcini mushrooms.
You may prefer to use a fine strainer to reduce pulp from cooked cranberries.
If using a fine strainer, press with a tablespoon.
When thoroughly cooked (soft) pass through a fine strainer.
Remove from the heat and immediately pour the curd through a fine strainer to remove any lumps.
Plus, they have more seeds than regular limes so pour the juice through a fine strainer to make sure none sneak into the filling.
Place the quinoa in a fine strainer and run it under cold water for a few minutes before placing it in boiling water.
You may leave the onions and garlic in if you wish, or strain the stock through a fine strainer.
Pour the quinoa into a fine strainer and rinse throughly with cold water.
Pour the quinoa into a fine strainer and rinse it throughly with cold water.
Strain the stock through a fine strainer into a bowl and skim off any excess fat.
Rub pastry cream through a fine strainer set over a bowl; discard residue.
Put the remaining sugar in a fine strainer or sieve and then sprinkle the tops of the cookies (or you can just roll the cookies in the sugar).
Puree on high, until completely smooth; pass through a fine strainer to ensure there are no remaining pieces of unblended fruit in the final base, if using a lower powered machine.
Strain the juice through a fine strainer into a bowl and refrigerate until chilled.
Pour the cooking liquid from the pot through a fine strainer into another bowl (you should have about 2 cups; add water if needed).
With a rubber spatula work the purée through a fine strainer into a bowl.
Strainers: All of the recipes below require a fine strainer to thoroughly separate the milk from the ground nuts or grains (after soaking and blending).
Strain the jam through a fine strainer to remove any fruit lumps.
Strain off solids through a fine strainer or cheese cloth and retain the cranberry shrub liquid.
Pass the tomatoes through a fine strainer (sieve) into a bowl to remove the skin and seeds.
Strain the steeped milk through a fine strainer into a clean medium saucepan.
Strain the juice through a fine strainer into a bowl.
Filter with a fine strainer (I used a strong paper towel lined colander) into a jar and refrigerate.
My Japanese - cook mentor also told me to press it through a fine strainer to make sure there were not hard pieces in it.
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