Sentences with phrase «fine way»

Fine way of telling, and pleasant paragraph to get data regarding my presentation subject matter, which i am going to convey in university.
I think your books look just fine that way.
But for many, their hand is a perfectly fine way to apply their shaving cream.
It really looks fine that way in the room though because you don't focus in on it, especially if your wall color next to it is the same color like ours is.
Please advise us if a trust is needed in our situation or if we are fine the way things are set up.
It's optional and would taste fine either way.
Is this cake fine the way it is or would you recommend a glaze or powdered sugar to be added to dress it up?
They give their opinions — and that's all they are, opinions — and you spend another six months revising a story that's already fine the way it is.
A bright cosmetic purse is a sure fine way to add style to your handbag.
Fine way of describing, and good article to get information concerning my presentation topic, which i am going to deliver in college.
These folks like the monetary and financial systems just fine the way they are and will likely make it hard to build a truly competitive currency.
What finer way to enjoy a pleasant day than going for a cruise which sets off from Bridlington Harbour?
At the end of the day, you will probably fine either way, but as a rule of thumb, the longer your life expectancy & the better it is to put off social security if possible.
This mixture also works as a mighty fine way to detoxify your entire body, because the lemon helps the livers enzymes work more efficiently.
Humor, brutality, and a light study on human nature make The Belko Experiment a damn fine way to spend your evening.
Other fine ways to keep burnout at bay?
I would like to return it, but can not fine a way to do that.
Fine way for patriarchy to recover its authority: by exploding its appearance of naturalness and decency, revealing men as malevolent and the home as a hunting ground.
While some of the mechs feel like they could use a little something extra it's also just fine the way it is.
The cubs did fine either way, the team found, though mothers who spent more time with their cubs tended to have fewer litters in the long run.
And that breakfast sandwich — rosemary ham, baked egg, Gruyère, and scallions on an English muffin — is a very fine way to start your day.
Also, remember that while juice is incredibly tasty and healthy, eating fruits and vegetables raw is a perfectly fine way to eat them, too.
This looks fine the way it is but if I were making it for my family it would need some «heat.»
I have always prebaked it, but I think it would work fine either way.
Link paperclips This particular office pastime is fairly straight forward to carry out but can still act as a fine way to confuse co-workers.
Cool, calm, and collected is a fine way to present an update but it's not the way to get a deal done.
While books and online courses are a fine way to get started, Salzberg says, be aware «there isn't a licensing agent or anything that's looking at the whole field and saying this one's good and this one's not good.»
There was no cheaper or finer way to ingest the two teenage male food groups — fat and fattier.
Boehner's Machiavellian cleverness in allowing the little guy — and especially the little self - employed guy — to feel some — but not too much — pain was a fine way to remind the president that he really can't get away with a tax increase that actually hits most of the voters.
As this woman said, she believes that God made her body just fine the way it is.
And he said to them, «You have a fine way of rejecting the commandment of God in order to establish your tradition!
Yes, that is a fine way of doing it, as long as you emphasize that the prayer isn't what saves them, it is simply the first prayer to God their Father as someone who already has eternal life.
Civil war is a fine way to get your message heard and in addition, you get to blow off some steam.
«What if the Bible is just fine the way it is?»
Because creation ostensibly ended with the biblical era, we who follow are not considered a part of the ongoing creative process, but are to function as the custodians of religious dogma and ritual, oblivious of Christ's words, «You have a fine way of rejecting the commandments of God, in order to keep your tradition!»
«So here's my not so radical thought: What if the Bible is just fine the way it is?
But seriously, you have a fine way sometimes of really insulting me in a very condescending way.
It's usually eaten as a treat after a barbecue or family picnic, and that's a fine way to eat it.
It's fine either way.
The flavors of this stuffing just grow better over time, so you'll be fine either way.
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