Sentences with phrase «firm attorneys»

The phrase "firm attorneys" refers to lawyers who work for a specific law firm. They provide legal services and advice to clients of that particular firm. Full definition
However, it can often be a challenge for small firm attorneys with limited time and money.
But did you know that solo and small firms attorneys who embrace social media reach a more diverse market and increase their earning potential?
Our system matches consumers with solo and small firm attorneys in 36 states right now.
As the article notes, public interest attorneys, on average, get paid between 1/4 and 1/3 what big firm attorneys make starting out.
Established a groundbreaking pro bono partnership between a former firm and major client in which the client's in - house attorneys and firm attorneys worked together on matters for pro bono clients.
Most solo and small firm attorneys make use of smartphones without the assistance of an IT department.
The last two thirds of the book can be very beneficial to solo and small firm attorneys looking for a little extra help.
Perhaps one of the observations that continues to surprise me the most is the degree to which law firm attorneys believe that their invoices are no longer reviewed by humans.
These five simple tips will help small firm attorneys keep their business prepared for tax season well in advance.
An inside look at how three small firm attorneys leveraged shared law office space to make their practices more successful.
Are there fellow firm attorneys — even if they don't yet know that the job seeker is leaving — who might have suggestions?
Firm attorneys serve low - income clients with a variety of legal needs: family law, immigration, housing, government benefits, consumer and other issues.
It's time for resolutions, predictions for 2013, and, for many firm attorneys, an annual review.
The switch from billable hours could affect law firm attorney salaries.
Share photos and videos of real firm attorneys, news and events.
Getting Legal Tech Help Most solo and small firm attorneys probably don't care very much about technology.
Unfortunately, in a small law firm the attorney generally plays all three roles.
Before blogging, I don't think that a large - firm attorney ever called me with a referral; now I generate those contacts through my professional blogs.
The truth of the matter is that five years ago a solo or small firm attorney simply did not have the products that are available today.
Yet in conversation corporate counsel and law firm attorneys express the need to cut through the hype and understand how to use and defend predictive coding.
The numbers, titles, and roles of law firm attorneys vary based on the size and complexity of the firm.
Any photography on this site portraying attorneys is of actual firm attorneys.
We enhance this practice with firm attorneys who provide a specialized understanding of the regulatory and legislative process to assist with compliance.
That's why we asked the experts to tell us about their predictions for solo and small firm attorneys in 2017.
While initially working with a big firm attorney, he but wanted to avoid the super high costs while he was working on the everyday legal documents needed to maintain his businesses.
As evidence of prevailing market rates for similar work (another metric for rates under fee - shifting statutes), Gura's petition listed the fees charged by large firm attorneys with comparable experience — which ranged from $ 500 — $ 700 an hour.
If you have any workers» compensation questions, call The Cochran Firm attorneys at 334-673-1555.
In denying the Children's stay request... the trial court ordered the Kluger Firm attorney — with whom the allegedly confidential information had been shared — not to participate in the case in any way and not to discuss the case with anyone at the Kluger Firm.
In particular, receipt by us of unsolicited email or documents will not bar firm attorneys from representing any current or future client in a matter directly adverse to you, even in a matter in which information you send could be used against you.
Mr. Donaldson frequently collaborates with other Firm attorneys in diverse practice areas to deliver comprehensive quality legal services to Firm clients.
Member firm attorneys bring a broad range of skills and experience to your business.
Proud to be part of a group of innovative companies building products to help firm attorneys, solos, and in - house corporate counsel find better, more efficient ways of practicing law.
Webber Wentzel's Odette Geldenhuys bagged the title of Attorney of the Year for her pro bono work at the firm
Small firm attorneys need to pick out a time and day, on a regular interval, to pop their heads out and look around, Caldwell says.
Our most successful contributed posts provide helpful, entertaining, and straightforward legal information for consumers or small businesses, or tips and insights for small or solo firm attorneys regarding technology, networking, or practice management.
Lewis Wagner, LLP is pleased to announce that the following firm attorneys were selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America ® 2017 (Copyright 2016 by Woodward / White, Inc., of Aiken, S.C.) in the following fields:
Firm attorneys also volunteer legal services to organizations such as the Volunteer Lawyers Network, Advocates for Human Rights, The Minnesota Disability Law Center, the Children's Law Center of Minnesota, Volunteer Lawyers & Accountants for the Arts, Legal Aid, Midwest Innocence Project, Kansas Legal Services, D.C. Bar's Advocacy & Justice Clinic, Great Circle, Arizona Volunteer Attorney Program and various other programs.
According to the 2016 ABA Legal Technology Survey report, more than 93 % of lawyers surveyed now use LinkedIn, with large firm attorneys using it the most.
CAMP Program Curriculum includes an emphasis on supporting Solo and Small Firm Attorneys as they launch, grow, and manage their practices.
At Steinbrecher & Span, we took the big - firm attorney experience and reputation and established an approachable and cost - conscious boutique firm.
But chances are you are a solo or small firm attorney just looking to grow your business and get new clients, and the thought of using your law firm website to accomplish that probably seems a little daunting — if not impossible!
«Sharing space with other small firm attorneys provided me the resources I needed to practice law at a high level, plus a steady stream of referrals from suitemates dramatically reduced overhead,» says Furnari.

Phrases with «firm attorneys»

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