Sentences with phrase «firm believer»

The phrase "firm believer" refers to someone who strongly believes in something and does not easily change their beliefs or opinions. Full definition
We're also firm believers in not hovering over kids and trying to force - feed them.
For firm believers of grain - and gluten - free pet foods, however, this is not for you.
Very well mannered and respectable, very firm believer in loyalty and trust.
We are firm believers on the kids sleeping in their own room once they sleep through the night, but due to lack of space we are not sure what to do.
I was a very firm believer until I read a very unknown little book in a small town dusty library.
We are firm believers in making sure that you get a return on investment.
I'm a pretty firm believer that if you wore a trend the first time it was popular, you should probably stay away from it the second time around.
The company's flagship product still has firm believers worldwide.
I didn't come from firm believer to where I am now overnight.
It should also be noted that in that data just 9 % are firm believers who are pushing for any action or legislation.
I am firm believer in keeping old clothes but also like occasional detox.
We are firm believers of incorporating modern medicine with a holistic approach as well.
I'm a very firm believer in the notion that you can never have too many pairs of leggings, especially if they're black.
I am firm believer in making sure that tell someone how special they are.
«The question I keep returning to, as firm believer in education equity, is a simple one: Are you comfortable allowing more affluent families to choose their schools while denying poorer families similar opportunities?»
Wired are also firm believers of having processes set up and structuring things in stages.
Nonetheless they excoriated artistic traditionalism, going so far as to become firm believers in abstraction in artistic representation.
2) I am a really firm believer in crafting a comprehensive and realistic business plan.
You are obviously firm believer of passive index investing (i.e. money managers can not beat the index).
When asked what their 30 favourite things about school were, parents remain firm believers in Pink Floyd's famous lyric «We Don't Need No Education».
I'm 26, fun outgoing, spontaneous, loving, loyal, and honest and im ah firm believer in livin life ta tha fullest and havin as much fun in tha process as possible!!!
It isn't really that much of a shock but many, especially firm believers of Android's openness, will nonetheless be dismayed.
As firm believers in treating our earth like our home, the Dr. Bronner's team works on everything from animal welfare, to regenerative organic farming projects, and even 100 % post-consumer recycled packaging as we reduce our carbon footprint, one bottle at a time.
We're also firm believers in smart cold calling, and our second module provides a template for crafting an authentic semi-personal voicemail message.
My husband and I are firm believers of this truth, and we do our best to guard the special moments that we have by keeping them between each other.
«I think we both are really firm believers in them finding their own path and knowing their way.
Square Enix CEO Phil Rogers expressed his excitement in the film, saying, «We're firm believers in building strong partnerships, and so we're thrilled to be working with CBS Films on bringing the unique «Deus Ex» experience to the bigscreen.»
I am a VERY firm believer in dress destiny (which I define as finding the dress that was meant for you for a particular occasion).
Yes, I'm a firm believer in the Law of Attraction and the sheer abundant nature of positive thinking.
I'm a firm believer that any situation can create an opportunity to learn if you have the right mindset.
Dumas is a firm believer in lists.
At my company, we're firm believers that the person who's been here the longest doesn't necessarily have the best idea.
«Because a relationship is only as strong as the reality we have it, I'm a firm believer of letting our partners in on the realities that we feel we are up against in life,» breakup expert and founder of Breakupward Chelsea Leigh Trescott told INSIDER.
We are firm believers that taking care of employees will result in employees taking care of the company.
But I am a firm believer in eating a full plant - based, whole food diet that can expand your life length and make you an all - around happier person.»
There, ironically in the City of Brotherly Love, HitchBOT, a firm believer in blind trust, arrived at its untimely end on the heels a raucous night out with a freewheeling pair of YouTube stars.
I firm believer that you don't need to own a multi billion - dollar business or start the next Facebook to exhibit the qualities of having the entrepreneurial spirit.
I'm a firm believer that the game of business is won 10 yards at a time, not by trying to throw a Hail Mary to the end zone on each drive.
Yuki is a firm believer in long, powerful life lessons.
As firm believers in boot - strapping and self - funding a company, that's exactly what they did.
I am a firm believer that there can never really be a work - life balance for a business leader.
I am a firm believer in that many, many people have the ability to become just about anything they imagine for themselves — they just lack the discipline to put in the work required to get there.
Warren Buffett has always been a firm believer that staying invested in stocks is the only course.
I am a firm believer that not all of the best things in life have to be expensive, and also that sometimes the best things in life can just be really cheap, really great fish spatulas that you love to cook with.
We are firm believers in quality over quantity.
A firm believer of hard work and patience.

Phrases with «firm believer»

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