Sentences with phrase «firm data»

The phrase "firm data" refers to information or facts that are certain, reliable, and trustworthy. It is data that can be relied upon and is not uncertain or changing. Full definition
This post contains our analysis on the security of law firm data in the cloud.
Not only is Legal Compass a deep yet user - friendly source of firm data, it's a gateway to forging new client relationships and discovering top - tier talent for recruitment.
According to the speakers, storing law firm data in the cloud is a good choice for your law firm.
Without firm data on the scale of international trade in individual species, scientists can only guess at its impact on wild populations.
In extreme cases, administrators can remotely wipe lost or stolen devices to keep firm data from falling into the wrong hands.
With multiple infamous instances of law firm data breaches over the last few years, implementing security measures to protect electronically stored information has been a hot topic.
Another point, not only are most application software also using relational databases, but they are not nearly as open with firm data.
Sorry, but we certainly don't agree that a cheap consumer - grade machine should be used to house your critical firm data and the core of your practice.
So this begs the question, is law firm data safe in the cloud?
Hopefully, you have your law firm data stored in the cloud.
Consider that without full hard disk encryption, laptops in the traditional IT deployment model pose a significant risk when lost or stolen, because firm data is available to the thief indefinitely.
In the case of the smartphone, the risk of theft or loss are higher because the device downloads contacts, e-mail, and other firm data.
With law cloud computing you can access your law firm data conveniently and securely anytime and anywhere.
In other words, the firm must identify ways to take physical touches of law firm data out of the process.
I think we will also see more law firm data breaches which will lead to more investment to address them.
And while it was unthinkable just five years ago, many law firms are using cloud - based services and storing sensitive client and firm data in the cloud.
The biotech startup recently added nearly $ 4 million from Silicon Valley venture capital firm Data Collective to a smaller seed round.
ExecDrill provides firm leadership with the ability to access, analyze, and visualize law firm data through highly consumable reports and dashboards.
In addition, MyCase announced the launch of the MyCase App Bar, a feature that it says will «provide one - stop access to important firm data as well as popular third party apps.»
Using stock and firm data required to construct anomaly portfolios, 489,996 earnings announcements and 6,223,007 Dow Jones news items during 1979 through 2013, they find that: Keep Reading
As general counsel of the Working Families Party, Finnegan oversaw the creation of the consulting firm Data Field Services in February 2007, according to state corporation records and court fillings.
Little firm data exists, however, to draw exacting predictions about how a change in the weather can influence the risk of cardiovascular problems.
And beyond any concern about a cybercrime incident, every law firm should have a current full backup of firm data as part of its disaster recovery plan.
Tully spoke to Corporate Counsel about the evolution of legal ops, his day - to - day challenges, his project to help with law firm data security and more.
The social network used to let advertisers target people from a number of sources, including: Facebook data collected from user activity and profiles, data from the advertisers such as customer emails, and third - party service firm data, which can collect offline data such as purchasing activity.
Eric Sugden, chief technology officer at Thomson Reuters Elite, followed up on this theme with a live demo of Envision's new dashboard, which brings firm data together in a central location with performance indicators and productivity stats.
With Clio, you can access firm data up to 90 days after cancellation, but with CosmoLex, you'll need to export all data before canceling — you'll lose access to your account immediately after a cancellation.
They are, in other words, the perfect tool for a disgruntled or soon - to - be ex-employee who plans to easily and quickly steal firm data.
The University of Cambridge, which, despite its name, is not affiliate with Cambridge Analytica in any way, has asked Facebook to supply it with «all relevant evidence» related to Dr. Kogan gifting the political firm its data.
Donovan had recused himself as the prosecutor who investigating the WFP's for - profit consultant firm Data & Field Services in a 2009 city council race, a move that was later upheld by the state Court of Appeals.
How can understanding law firm data increase profitability, and what are the best tools to analyze law firm metrics?
The spectre of security rears its head whenever firm data resides outside the firm's firewall.
The ease of access to law firm data resonated with the majority of lawyers surveyed, with 67 % of solos and 78 % of small firm lawyers citing this as an important benefit.
Recently, firms» networks have been the victim of ransomware attacks in which firm data was locked until a ransom was paid to the hackers.
The idea of a shareable database for firm data is not entirely new.
A recent Law Society report, Capturing Technological Innovation in Legal Services, echoes this desire, stating: «Devices such as smartphones and tablets allow lawyers to access law firm data remotely.
Inherent launches its newest version of the proposal generator, allowing law firms to pull together relevant firm data in minutes instead of hours
Four times a year, the Legal Specialty Group gathers and compiles law firm data into our Comparative Analytical Tool (CAT) including billable hours, revenue per attorney, profit, headcount, and trends by region and sector.
Its comprehensive web - based platform connects you to decades of penetrating ALM analysis and exclusive firm data, making it the perfect tool for addressing the challenges you face on a daily basis.
In 2026 client apps will combine firm data, artificial intelligence and elements of augmented and virtual reality to meet client needs.
Crimson's hardware and software gather data on a driver's behavior, giving insurance firms data and metrics on which to base the premium.
The news couldn't come at a worse time for Facebook, whose stock dropped seven percent Monday in the wake of weekend reports that the company had unwittingly given a political consulting firm data pertaining to 50 million users.
The Common Scold has the latest law firm data from JoAnna Forshee.
If you want the engine to search through firm data on a large scale they offer an enterprise version of the engine through the Wolfram Alpha Appliance.
The integration combines Ravel Law's powerful tools including interactive visualisations and analytics with Handshake Software's SP Bridge, which extends SharePoint Search to a firm's enterprise search platform and creates an environment where users can easily find and review critical firm data, firm expertise as well as on - premises and online legal research materials.

Phrases with «firm data»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z