Sentences with phrase «firm dough»

The phrase "firm dough" refers to a type of dough that is not very soft or elastic, but instead feels dense and solid. It requires more effort to work with and may not easily change shape. Full definition
Mix the flour and salt with a little water to make firm dough.
In a large bowl combine the flour and salt; add a little water at a time to make firm dough.
The ovens are provided with a device for dividing firm dough into pieces and an automatic extractor for removing the biscuits or waffles after baking.
The second time I added more flour for a very firm dough and then bagels turned out perfect!
I have a recipe idea to make swirly, sprinkles encrusted cookies that you roll into a tube and then slice and am looking for a good, firm dough to die and roll without spreading out as it bakes.
Make sure you test the mixture with each addition of water so you don't add too much — you want a firm dough that just sticks together upon squeezing.
If you find your dough is too sticky, placing the bowl in the fridge will help to firm the dough up.
This allows the dry ingredients time to soak up the wet ones, which results in a firmer dough.
He's allowing the dough and other ingredients to fully soak up the liquid — in this case, the eggs — in order to get a drier and firmer dough, which bakes to a better consistency.»
A firmer dough is more resilient than a softer doughs and has greater tolerance.
The tolerance of the dough depends on a number of things, such as how liquid or firm the dough is, how much riser was used, the strength of the flour, the temperature of the dough and rising area.
for people having trouble rolling it out, flour a cutting board and your hands before handling the dough... and have a little flour (like a 1/4 cup) set aside for extra dusting or to firm the dough up a little bit if needed.
Add water to the flour - mixture and knead until you have a firm dough.
Mix all ingredients for the pie crust and mix until your have a firm dough.
Add a little water at a time to obtain a firm dough (similar to the fresh durum wheat pasta one).
Add the liquids into the dry ingredients and mix with a wooden spoon until flour is absorbed and makes a firm dough.
Add 2 - 3 tbsp cold water and pulse until it forms a firm dough.
Once you have a firm dough (must not be sticky — if it is then add more flour), roll the dough out onto a well floured surface.
This step is crucial when using butter, because it firms the dough back up and keeps the cookies from spreading and losing their shape.
Add ice water, a splash at a time, until a firm dough forms.
To make the dough, place all ingredients except for the olives in the Bread Maker, and knead until you have a firm dough.
Cover and place in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes to firm the dough.
Add the beet puree and knead the mixture for 10 minutes adding 1/2 cup if beetroot juice or water in the process until you have a firm dough.
4 Pinch off walnut - size pieces of the firm dough and roll them between your palms into smooth 1 - inch balls.
Add the water and stir to combine and create a firm dough.
When adding the flour add half a cup a time and kneed until you get a nice and firm dough that doesn't stick to your hands.
Add the flour, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt, and mix until a firm dough forms.
Add the almondmilk (4 tablespoons for a firm dough and 6 tablespoons for a soft / sticky dough)(6 is what I typically use) and pulse just until combined.
You want the mixture to be just slightly thicker than a pancake batter — it should definitely not pull together into a firm dough.
By hand, stir in rye flour and enough remaining bread flour to make a firm dough.
Gradually stir in remaining flour to make a firm dough.
The key is to add the last flour to the dough slowly, creating a firm dough, one where the dough will seal a seam only with some effort.
By hand stir in enough remaining flour to make a firm dough.
It should be a firm dough so the strands won't fuse, but they shouldn't be that dry.
You should have a relatively sticky, firm dough.
Add 2 - 3 tbsp cold water and pulse until it forms a firm dough.
I drained the oil & halved the recipe added more coconut flour for a very firm dough.
Add enough additional flour to make a moist, but firm dough (a bit like playdough in consistency).
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