Sentences with phrase «firm evidence»

Naturally while this gave fans plenty to speculate and chat about, nobody took it as firm evidence, after all companies register possible domain names constantly.
A blockchain provides firm evidence, via thousands of computers on the network, of every transaction that has ever taken place.
There is always no form of firm evidence in stock investment.
While income did decrease, little firm evidence exists to confirm withholding as a major or long - term tactic of church members.
Although firm evidence is lacking, some indicators suggest that the malware might be Eastern European in origin.
Despite all this, there is little firm evidence that the charity sector is a pit of corruption and financial self - interest, operating amid a culture of sexual abuse.
Moreover, to wait for firm evidence of an attack in the immediate future would leave no time for the U.S. to defend itself — or, at the very least, would greatly reduce its «defensive options.»
While the public will is strong and the experience to date is encouraging, there is a need for firmer evidence on the most cost - effective ways to produce lasting impacts for children, especially when programs operate on a large scale.
Now a team including Stanford scientists says it has found the first firm evidence of such a Majorana fermion.
A femur discovered in a cave in southwestern Germany has provided researchers with firm evidence that a small population of humans left Africa and then vanished, long before the big migration that saw humans populate the globe.
12:14 - We are seeing firm evidence now of the discipline which Lynton Crosby has brought to the Tory ranks.
Spirit Airlines stock may continue to struggle until the company offers firmer evidence that it can get unit revenue growing again.
But no one has been able to get near enough to collect firm evidence of the animal's existence, allegedly because it gives off a cloud of noxious gas.
Astronomers could get firmer evidence for superfluidity by monitoring the neutron star over the coming decades.
Results reported Wednesday by a China - led space science mission provide a tantalizing hint — but not firm evidence — for dark matter.
Passing from these writings, which in part chronologically overlap the documentation provided by the New Testament, we turn to the Apologist Justin Martyr, whose incidental references give us the first firm evidence after the Apostolic Fathers as to the nature and function of the ministries of the Church.
But Eastleigh does NOT represent firm evidence that the party can fend off its national unpopularity by dint of a strong local party, dozens of entrenched councillors, a highly - effective postal vote operation and the influx of thousands of volunteers.
Saturn's moon Enceladus stole back the limelight last week, when NASA reported firm evidence of an ocean linked to geysers at its south pole (see diagram).
In the process, the team unearthed what appeared to be the remains of campfires from a million years ago — 200,000 years older than any other firm evidence of human - controlled fire.
However, I believe we need much more firm evidence for the benefits of doing this before labelling children with such a diagnosis.
The detection of this signature is «really the only firm evidence of the presence of Majorana fermions,» says study coauthor Kang Wang, a condensed matter physicist at UCLA.
Some think that supplementing with such a readily available substance is not necessarily needed for a normal athlete, and so far firm evidence to support supplementing with glutamine is fairly lacking.
Starting with the obvious one that the «leaker» just hasn't provided enough firm evidence here.
Thus, the augmented hero must gain access and secure firm evidence of the «bioroid» presence — dubbed «Snatchers» by the intelligence group.
The study provides California medical malpractice lawyers firm evidence of the need for greater focus on preventing diagnostic errors to reduce medical errors.
That technology gives law firms evidence of delivery, time of delivery, and the content of the message, all in the form of a Registered Receipt.
It says: «the number of free schools inspected so far is still quite small and so provide little firm evidence on performance so far.»
The Blancos» signing of 28 - year - old Casilla — who arrives on a five - year contract — can be seen as firm evidence that Real are planning to do without De Gea, at least for this campaign.
Yamanaka's group and two others followed up earlier this year with firmer evidence that these induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells faithfully mimicked the patterns of gene activity and cellular differentiation observed in embryonic stem cells.
I believe he can just fire the general outright, but can the President place the general under arrest even temporarily, without firm evidence.
This is the first firm evidence of planet formation found so far from the central star in a protoplanetary disk.
Jiang says that's a fair critique, but he and others say further analysis of the wealth of eggs at the site will eventually provide firmer evidence one way or another.
In 2009, astronomers got firm evidence that theta - 1C is a binary made of a massive primary star of 38 solar masses tightly embracing a smaller secondary star of 9 solar masses.
LONDON, 14 May, 2018 — There is now firm evidence in the ancient rocks of planetary climate influence — a climate cycle that lasts for 405,000 years.
Washington, DC — A new committee opinion from The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) addresses the controversy of elective cesarean delivery, using it as an example of how doctors can ethically help patients make decisions about surgical treatment when there is a lack of firm evidence for or against such surgery.
Nor is there firm evidence of a «hack,» in the sense of proof that the folders of material from the climate research center were snatched by someone from outside the university.
While Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the Nice attack, no firm evidence has yet emerged that the 31 - year - old attacker, a delivery van driver with a record of home violence and petty crimes, had direct contact with the group.
While there's no firm evidence to support the scary notion that artificial sweeteners increase our risk of cancer, there is reason to suspect that in the long run it won't help your waist line.
More such cases may follow if the U.S. or South Korea have firm evidence... Chinese companies that have capacity for producing or securing goods for North Korea may be worried now,» he said.
There is yet, however, no firm evidence of a recovery in household demand, which remains sluggish even though consumer confidence has edged up from its recent lows.
After several generations of seemingly fruitless lamentations, the firm evidence from across the Western world is that the religious instruction of the young, and the not so young, is improving.
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