Sentences with phrase «firm friends»

We became firm friends and they introduced me to the wonderful world of Russian football.
For an outside accountant, find out who and / or which firms your friends and colleagues are using.
His sister was also training with me and we became firm friends.
[8] Before becoming an MP, he was president of the National Union of Students from 1984 to 1986, [7][9] a television producer for the BBC on Newsnight from 1988 to 1990 (where he became firm friends with fellow Manchester United supporter Michael Crick), producer at ITN's Channel 4 News from 1990 to 1991 [9] and head of communications at the GMB trade union from 1991 to 1997.
Firstly, it was the first Aston Martin I ever drove, but more important than that, is that it's first owner and subsequent owner became firm friends of mine who I have been truly fortunate to meet through the Aston Martin Owners Club.
I met a young Christian named David, and we quickly became firm friends due to our common morals and devotion.
I had met David Miliband two years earlier and we became firm friends outside and inside politics.
The store's tenant, Leonor (Paulina Garcia), and Jake's parents, Brian and Kathy (Greg Kinnear and Jennifer Ehle) become embroiled in a lease dispute, but not before Jake and Leonor's extrovert of a son, Tony (Michael Barbieri in a brash yet vulnerable performance), become fast and firm friends for whom issues of money, class, and culture don't apply.
Having become firm friends on the set of «Blindness» a few years ago (hey, at least some good came out of it), the two have a gentle, genial rapport that obviously accounts for their easy screen chemistry.
Many become firm friends sharing mutual interests such as finding the most comfortable sleeping and sunbathing places while others simply ignore each other so long as there are enough comfortable sleeping places for all concerned.
Dang, as I've got several more titles here that have been firm friends across the past 12 months.
My big firm friends, however, told stories of partners admonishing associates for straying from this paradigm.
GTA proudly announces that Founder John Gomez, Partner Jessica Sizemore, and firm friend Matthew Faulkner obtained a $ 16.2 million verdict for William and Elaine Kidd this past week in Bakersfield, California.
One of my law firm friends in the December 2014 meeting was John Fernandez, who was at the time was the US Chief Innovation Officer at Dentons (now Global Chief Innovation Officer).
The case brought by the Ministry of Defence and Dubai businessman Harvey Boulter against US Post-it note maker 3M ultimately forced Liam Fox, the former defence secretary, to reveal his reliance on Werritty, his best man and firm friend of 13 years.
My future in film really started when I became firm friends with Simon Pegg while we were making «SPACED» and we realised that we were both obsessed with «Dawn Of The Dead» and George's work.
Although he was somewhat detached from the other Abstract Expressionists, he became firm friends with Mark Rothko, sharing a similar fervour for colour - based abstraction.
Blair followed this to the letter, especially after 9/11, and he and Bush became firm friends.
A firm friend of Alessandro Michele, it simply wouldn't make sense if Hayek took to the red carpet in anything other than a custom - made Gucci gown, which in this instance comes complete with globular sequins and a tiered Mermaid - like skirt.
The two became firm friends, though Pat's opinions and pride in her own paintings caused a few sticky moments
The latter also stars Saoirse Ronan, so they should be both firm friends and good with seagulls by the time they head to the seaside for this one.
It helps Hart and Johnson are firm friends, so their chemistry just sparkles on - screen.
The war came to an end, and the princes became firm friends.
The early - morning drive to North Wales is typically tiresome, but the Pug and I are firm friends.
In the days they spend at sea, the four young women become firm friends and vow to stay in touch no matter what their new lives bring.
What's more, unlike its online competitors, the company is a firm friend to the high street bookseller.
Go at your animals» pace and soon they will be firm friends or at least learn to tolerate one another!
Firm friends, they used to spend their weekends having...
The fellow travellers were friendly and we have made some firm friends.
``... apartments are perfectly situated for a water - sports family break and the Scott family have become firm friends.
The two became firm friends and moved to New York where they sublet a basic, cockroach - infested flat in Brooklyn, until their landlady was evicted and they were forced to move out.
Having drunk a lot of fine teas and held a lot of happy meetings at Ben's House, Rebecca Hossack and local coffee shop owner and grocer Ben became firm friends...
In 1954, he was introduced to Robert Rauchenberg, an artist five years older than he was, and the two of them soon became firm friends.
The two became firm friends.
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