Sentences with phrase «firm idea»

It's harder with older kids who have more firm ideas about what they like and what they want.
Some have firm ideas about what they want to do but many are open to new ideas.
The tech and media industries have always been full of people with firm ideas about what Apple should build next, from smart TVs to VR headsets.
Young puppies are nearly blank slates whereas adolescents and adults have very firm ideas about what's safe / unsafe, familiar / unfamiliar.
Publishers succeeded in preventing Amazon from lowballing prices, but «unfortunately, it may be that consumers aren't happy with the higher prices,» said Mike Shatzkin, chief executive of publishing consulting firm Idea Logical Co..
CMS Lab — a competition for the best idea to generate new business or do something better at the firm
Robert Bolton is the head of the foresight studio at innovation firm Idea Couture.
The 299 - room luxury beachfront resort, designed by renowned architect Jim Olson in collaboration with Mexico City - based design firm IDEA Asociados, is dedicated to cherishing and showcasing Los Cabos» natural environment and traditions.
Compelled to be involved, through working, writing, curating and organizing, Max is also a key member of the up and coming image consulting firm Idea Concept Reality, LLC, formed by friend and partner Justin Lopez.
Those new firm ideas ran from a comprehensive clinic involving law students, solo lawyers, retired attorneys and incubator services to an online dispute resolution service that could serve as a LegalZoom killer.
Credit: XDA DevelopersAfter a steady stream of leaked images and renders from those who claim to have seen the phone, we've established a pretty firm idea of what the Galaxy S9 will look like.
Testing the actual hardware in a real - world setting will give us a much firmer idea of what these laptops are capable of.
Actually, I have a rather firm idea of just how many such dialogues there were: about 30,000 a month, according to a roundup of last year's local housing numbers compiled by Chicago Agent magazine.
When the spirit of Lara's great - aunt Sadie — a feisty, demanding girl with firm ideas about fashion, love, and the right way to dance — mysteriously appears, she has one last request: Lara must find a missing necklace that had been in Sadie's possession for more than seventy - five years, and Sadie can not rest without it.
This makes me want to try a neutral one next year (if my daughter will let me — she has very firm ideas about how we decorate for Christmas around here, ha).
This makes me want to try a neutral one next year (if my daughter will let me — she has very firm ideas about how we decorate for Christmas around here, ha).
Do you have a firm idea in your mind of what ought to be done about Obamacare?
At the same time, I think that, after they come out of this next meeting, they are going to have a firmer idea what their own likelihood is.
Once you have a firm idea of what part of the market you think will do well, you need to figure out how to implement your ideas.
If people don't get a firm idea from Romney about Romney's agenda, then all they know about Romney's agenda will be what they hear from President Obama and his allies.
Once I had a firm idea of what ingredients to use I double crossed everything on my body and hoped for the best that it wouldn't melt.
Not only has the unlucky Gunner had his return from the treatment room put back once again, but Arsene Wenger admitted that he really has no firm idea of when Jack will be back.
Arsene Wenger had to start the season, yet again, with a makeshift defence because of fitness and injury issues, while there was still no firm idea when we might see the Spanish midfield star Santi Cazorla back in action.
This may be somewhat negative of me, especially as the season or even any pre-season action has begun and we really have no firm idea of what will happen to the squads Arsenal and the other contenders for the English Premier League crow during the summer transfer window, but I am not very confident about our title chances next season.
I love when she said «After years of Infertility I dropped all firm ideas of anything.»
Did you go into motherhood with a firm idea of how you wanted to feed your baby?
After years of Infertility I dropped all firm ideas of anything.
An alternative option which may cause issues is if your neighbor sells and you have a new neighbor; they might have a firm idea of where they think the boundary line of their own homestead is.
At the start of this political season, we have firm ideas about where the top three will finish, but we don't know in exactly what shape.
Whereas it was absolutely right to get rid of the MRDF, it is important that the industry has a firm idea of the funding that will be available to it, and, most pressingly, the criteria that will be applied to be eligible for it.
She is a woman with firm ideas and a great swimwear designer; I want everything for next summer!!
You don't have to know exactly what you want out of a partner, but you need to have a rough idea, and a firm idea of what you hope to gain from online dating.
As we get older we have a firmer idea of who we are, and what we need in a partner — dating should fit into your life, not disrupt it.
It's set a new record for the series in its first three days, according to Capcom, though we don't yet have a firm idea of how many copies it's actually sold.
«We need a clear citizens» vision of the way the Net ought to grow, a firm idea of the kind of media environment we would like to see in the future.
The most important thing to remember is that quoting for developmental editing is very complicated, and it is therefore best to have a firm idea of what you want me to do as your editor.
She did, however, have firm ideas about not getting killed for other people's high - minded ideas.»
When The Reg spoke Wednesday with the president and CEO of MEMS - sensor maker Kionix, Greg Galvin, he told us that tablet and handset makers were coming to him for requests for the full range of sensors, even if they didn't have a firm idea as to what application developers would do with them.
This appraisal can give you a firmer idea of the market value of your home so that you can accurately price it.
This appraisal will give a homeowner a firm idea of how much the market will bear, preventing him from selling his home... View Article
With any given stock, there are times in a year to increase or reduce exposure — if you have a firm idea of what the firm is worth, you can buy more during dips, and sell a little into strong rallies.
Trying out cat litter brands and reading reviews could give you a firm idea on what type of clumping litter you are looking for.
Therefore, it is difficult to give a firm idea of costs.
Once you have a firm idea of what you're looking for, it will be easier to plan your search and get the results you want.
Sometimes you have a firm idea in your head, which is squashed by the other members of the family, leaving you floundering.
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