Sentences with phrase «firm leadership»

She cited lower female enrollment in law schools, lack of women in law firm leadership positions, and stagnant growth in the ranks of women in the judiciary.
The gender gap in law that I am usually advocating to close sees more men in firm leadership and in partnership, and earning more than women in similar positions.
Sometimes it was in the context of succession planning sometimes when discussing business development, and sometimes on the topic of firm leadership.
We emphasize a knowledge strategy approach, which involves starting with firm leadership.
They also need support from firm leadership — mentoring, an interest taken in them personally and professionally, responsibility, authority and accountability.
It puts them right in the forefront of the selection process for firm leadership.
In order to have the greatest impact, the tone ought to be set by senior firm leadership, ideally from those outside of IT.
In hindsight, it seemed that people actually wanted more firm leadership, more in the way of agendas, more programs.
Many law firm leadership teams are making key decisions today that will determine the long - term success or failure of their firms.
Women's advancement into law firm leadership requires a few good men.
He is a highly rated speaker, trainer and consultant who presents at firm retreats, law firm networks, bar associations, law schools, and law firm leadership conferences.
Is firm leadership adequate and evident in all facets of the organization?
Stop treating the law firm leadership track as a hobby.
Great firm leadership is the ability to predict and prepare for these changes well in advance.
Friendly administrative assistant with a strong work ethic, excellent communication skills, and firm leadership potential.
The crisis communications team will consist of firm leadership, essential attorneys and appropriate staff.
Diversity in firm leadership has an impact and sends a signal: it shows that diverse lawyers are valued here and can reach the highest levels.
Take advantage of the abundance of resources on law firm leadership.
An important key to communication is demonstrating buy - in from senior firm leadership.
As the WBAI worked with and honored women lawyers in firm leadership roles throughout her year - long presidency, Whitson - Owen interviewed nearly all of them.
New advanced dashboards, now available in a tablet - friendly web interface, allow for easy remote user access from anywhere, providing firm leadership with status updates on firm projects.
In his former post as Director of Consulting and Services at LexisNexis» Redwood Analytics, Russ led a team that consulted with firm leadership on business analysis, process improvement, and LexisNexis tools and methodology.
We will need firm leadership in battling issues like water pollution as we move forward in the months following superstorm Sandy.
Given the above statistics, it's mind - boggling to think that firm leadership doesn't think that obtaining client feedback is important.
She has served as leader of Bryan Cave's Commercial Litigation CSG since 2008 and also previously served as a member of the Executive Committee and Compensation Committee, among other firm leadership roles.
WILEF grants Gold Standard status to major firms that meet objective criteria concerning the number of women among equity partners, in firm leadership positions, and in the ranks of their most highly compensated partners.
As legal IT and firm leadership move in this direction, one thing is clear: The road ahead is bumpy, often unchartered and full of compromise.
Many of the nation's most distinguished law firm management consultants will provide ideas and solutions for effective law firm leadership at the 2012 Managing Partner Forum (MPF) Leadership Conference on Friday, October 12, at the University Club of Chicago in Chicago, Ill..
Each program is led by a team of Altman Weil consultants who bring an exceptional level of insight and experience to law firm leadership challenges.
Law firms who outsource some, or all, of their accounting and billing operations are able to save money, obtain substantially better financial information, and utilize firm leadership time and energy on more profitable pursuits like client service and attracting new clients.
To prevent the Black and Tan Coonhounds from turning out to be high - strung, firm leadership as well as adequate exercise have to be provided.
She added: «No doubt there are somewhere Dutch and French versions of Peter Mandelson saying that these policies were necessary, or they were popular or they showed firm leadership.
When starting with Border Collie training you will have to establish firm leadership over your dog from the beginning.
Firm leadership selected five US lawyers and five UK lawyers for this inaugural class from a large pool of applicants.
Salt Lake City — The law firm Durham Jones & Pinegar announced firm leadership changes in several areas.
The Wall Street Journal story also reported that «while law firm leadership seem aware of fundamental shifts in the market, «there is less evidence of tangible changes in how law firms operate.»
«Law firm leadership rants, raves, rebuttals, reflections, revelations and ruminations.»
«Our firm has consulted with David for many years to improve our culture of business development and general firm leadership.
With real talent in dwindling supply, clients getting angrier about legal fees, and a law firm leadership vacuum in the offing, this approach strikes me as more than slightly insane.
We are committed to helping law firms position themselves at the forefront of the next era of the legal industry by placing sophisticated talent, engaging firm leadership and building cultures driven by meaningful data.
Firm leadership readily recognized how its strategic and business goals were inextricably linked with success in TD, thus deepening its bench strength.
Much like a child's school report card telling a parent how school is going, a law firm report card can inform firm leadership about its progress, shortfalls, and areas that need improvement.
Upon demonstrating his practice and law firm leadership there, he was recruited to Phoenix to head up a new IP practice with what is now Quarles & Brady.
At this rate, estimates Catalyst, women will not achieve parity in law firm leadership until 2086.
The scary consequences of falling short on IG deserve serious consideration, and it's easy to see why these concerns keep law firm leadership awake at night.
Good afternoon all, I have a few «Friday» questions on the subject of law firm leadership collections.
At Dentons, Blair is the Manager of the Toronto Employment, Labour and Pensions Group and is also a member of both the Toronto Management Committee and the Ontario Nominating Committee to recommend partners for internal Firm leadership roles.
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