Sentences with phrase «firm members»

Usually, a lawyer's first five years of practicing are heavily influenced by law firm members, whereas afterward, it becomes a mix of firm opportunities and personal choices.
Easily share events with firm members and clients and set reminders to ensure you'll never miss an important meeting or deadline.
They are usually loyal, long - term firm members who serve as its institutional memory and provide a sense of stability and continuity, especially during tough times and transitions.
Our partners and senior government relations staff have decades of health care experience, which they share with other firm members.
These internal processes should provide a means for firm members, whether partners, associates and support staff, to safely raise concerns about a lawyer whose competence appears to be in question.
The point is there are firm members at a number of different levels and every single one of them need to be aware of the potential security risks associated with them.
Firms often need reports that help them assess things like which firm members are the most profitable and how long certain matter types take.
Smaller clients, usually residential customers with whom firm members have a personal relationship, seem to have more respect for paying bills promptly.
The principals of the company have unlimited telephone conversations during the month with a designated firm member who knows you and your families.
As well 15 firm members volunteered their time to serve a hot meal to those less fortunate.
Firm members use their knowledge, experience, and skills to help parties find a mutually acceptable resolution that saves the time, money, and stress inherent in any dispute.
Personal data concerning the members of the Firm that are accessible on the Website may not be collected and / or processed without the prior and express consent of the concerned Firm member.
Management must be willing to ensure that firm members accept their responsibilities and satisfy their obligations to manage administrative and practice areas.
Device Security — If a firm has taken every other security measure, but haven't secured the devices firm members access these systems on, they could be in for trouble.
If your law firm is a member, its authorized users can access the network and other firm member profiles.
In the case where the game could go on indefinitely, this might serve as a recurring form of motivation for firm members to play.
Congratulations and thanks to all the firms who participated and firm members who contributed — outstanding results once again!
Hard to imagine equity partners giving profit sharing with other firm members.
Examples might include within a practice management or other technology solution the firm uses, physically within a room or space in the law firm, online or offline, in - person or remotely, between law firm members of which groups and relationships.
Sherrards Solicitors is the association's accounting / law firm member in London and The South East.
Whether presented with Alzheimer's, mild cognitive impairment or dementia, law firm managers need to be alert to the changes that may occur as firm members age.
These federated search products will go beyond the DMS, CRM & Accounting, and search both behind the firewall web content and public web content (produced by firm members).
Lawyer to lawyer discussions between firm members are healthy.
For example, the law firm might create a storyline that walks a new associate through a fictional legal case with a more experienced member of the firm to build collaboration and mentoring skills among firm members.
ALA's Specialty and Regional Events provide you with a focused audience and valuable networks of member firms member firms.
I also provided suggestions for creating consistent online reputations for law firms using social media and discussed how attorneys might implement social media policies for their firm and educate firm members and even clients about procedures the firm has adopted for the use of social media...»
Under the Law Society program, a number of coverage options must be coordinated amongst firm members, given the inherent sharing of risk in a firm environment.
Jeremy — I'm particularly interested in your views on how the LSBC cloud computing recommendations may be setting up solo and small firm members to fail.
Determine roles Teams working on legal projects often include firm members in multiple offices, with multiple schedules.
Just like any other type of law firm, if the partners in a combined licensee partnership or MDP were purchasing their insurance from different carriers there would potentially be inconsistency in the coverage provided (such as innocent party coverage) and there would always be a benefit to claimants to name many firm members in order to access multiple policies.
Every year, the International Legal Technology Association (ILTA) and the market research and consulting firm InsideLegal team up to conduct a survey examining the technology purchasing trends and budgets of ILTA firm members.
In a modern, fast - paced age where efficiency is currency and every billable moment counts, most firms will be able to benefit from some form of LPM; a unified and centralized interface where firm members can share information, matters, precedents, documents, and billing details.
Firm member James London is a Tennessee Supreme Court Rule 31 Listed Mediator and actively serves as mediator in all type of civil disputes throughout the state.
Assign tasks, tag firm members and clients, and keep tabs on everything in Filevine's social media - inspired Feed.
Clio Connect is a feature that enables firm members to share resources and collaborate with clients, contacts, or co-counsels easily through a secure web - based portal.
Firm members participate in the Trucking Section of the Defense Research Institute, Transportation Lawyers Association, and the Trucking Industry Defense Association.
Assign each task to the appropriate firm member, assign priority and due dates for each task, using Clio's new dependency rules.
The firm caters to the clients of YangTzejiang Legal Network, which has 40 independent law firm members throughout China with more than 3,000 lawyers.
Is it accessible to firm members across the line?
Solo practitioners, small and mid-size firm members, and big law senior associates and newer partners will all benefit from this fun and fast - paced program highlighting proven approaches to building your business.
«The addition of Fillmore Riley has not only delighted our other Canadian firm members, it has pleased our firms all over the world.»
The trial court's sequestration of the Kluger Firm attorney from other Kluger Firm members is simply irreconcilable with the trial court's conclusion that no confidential information had been shared with the Kluger Firm attorney.
Give firm members, clients, and co-counsel electronic access to select documents at your firm, and make the task of document retrieval virtually obsolete.
(1) it is «preferable, for both firms and clients, to afford consultations with a firm's in - house counsel the protection of the attorney - client privilege, even as against the client, so as to «encourage firm members to seek early advice about their duties to clients and to correct mistakes or loses, if possible, to alleviate harm»» to the client;
Instead of drafting an interoffice memo that will be misplaced on the desks of various office staff, use legal practice management software to set task lists, assign tasks to different firm members, attach notes, and set reminders for their completion.
Additionally, many employed job seekers steer clear of engaging firm members on their behalf, assuming that external contacts will find it suspicious that a connection would effectively shop one of their attorneys outside their own practice.
Mapping this out in a mind map of interested parties can often be useful for seeing the larger picture of how individual firm member's actions on a daily and weekly basis may interact with each other.
Law firm members expect technology systems to be well - designed if they are going to be expected to be their most productive.

Phrases with «firm members»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z