Sentences with phrase «firm voice»

Get down to his eye level and use firm voice tone.
It's hard to keep your voice down when you feel upset, but a quiet firm voice is far better than someone shouting.
When you see or catch him eating his or other animal's poop, right away in firm voice (don't yell) say «NO» or «STOP» and try to distract his mind to stop doing it.
Any unwanted behavior like whining and barking for no reason must be ceased with firm voice but don't ever punish your dog!!!! Ever!
In a calm, firm voice say «stay.»
However, you want to consistently tell the puppy NO in a very firm voice and tone whenever they bite a hand, finger or some type of thing that may actually hurt them.
To let your Bull Terrier know they have done wrong say «no» in a calm yet firm voice.
An additional bi-monthly blog post is supported with paid social media promotion, giving your law firm a voice on the most powerful platform in years.
A cohesive solo and small firm voice is wanting for several reasons: partly because we're a divisive, independent lot, partly because we're so busy serving clients and running our firms that we have limited time and resources to devote to molding policy and moving bureaucracy.
My wife had awoken to the same reality, and in one of the most galvanizing moments of our marriage, with firm voice she informed the doctor that she would never consider aborting a child within her womb.
To let your Dalmatian know they have done something wrong, say «no» in a calm yet firm voice.
Yet, I'm not comfortable with bar association priorities and decisions being driven by a «vendor - agender» simply because there's no cohesive solo and small firm voice.
I paused the recording and in my firmest voice told them both to calm down or we'd be unable to continue.
The crusty old gentleman of the Democrazia Christiana listened very carefully, then raised his hand and said in a firm voice: «We will not permit it!»
When Magistrate Belinda Wallington asked Pell on Tuesday how he pleaded, the cardinal said in a firm voice, «Not guilty».
Following the game, a 13 - 7 Miami loss, Dorothy approached her grandson and in a firm voice said, «Now, you tell that Ryan Collins to get better real fast.»
The action will break the suction while the firm voice reinforces your message!
Get down on the child's level (physically) and look him / her in the eyes and state the desired behavior in your calm but firm voice — including the consequence if he does not listen.
You can soon teach your baby to refrain from biting by simply placing a clean finger between the baby's gums and your nipple and saying «No» in a firm voice.
Don't scream, but do say it in a firm voice.
Instead, use calm and firm voice to explain that there are simply no funds for the 2nd tablet to buy, so he will need to earn money for it by getting a job (if he is old enough) or by doing some extra chores in the house for the amount of the tablet.
Say this in a calm but firm voice and avoid lecturing, scolding, or arguing with your child.
And when she does things that I don't like, I need to respond with words in a firm voice, not yelling.
In a loving but firm voice, explain to your children that being polite and showing kindness matters.
Say no in a firm voice.
I did reserach on the internet, and so far we're down to 1 time a day (today is the 3rd day) Day 1: at 6:00 pm I put vinigar on my nipples and told my son in a loving but firm voice that his «yummys» (my breasts) are sick and they would hurt if I nurse him.
Discipline should be issued calmly, with a firm voice, but never shouted.
For 30 minutes the facilitator explained and modeled assertive resistance, teaching the girls how to make it clear that sexual coercion and unwanted advances are not acceptable, such as using a firm voice tone, showing confident body language, and stating their limits (e.g., «I don't want to have sex with you, so stop asking me»).
Iain Glen's smooth and firm voice, this time with a bonus Dublin drawl thrown in, handles the exposition well, as he narrates, keeping the audience on the same page as him all the time.
calls a firm voice from a car that slows to a stop alongside a bumpy, stone road near Gaby's grandmother's home.
Using a warm yet firm voice, teachers state the behavior, state the violated rule, state the unified consequence, and offer encouragement.
He spoke once again in that same soft but firm voice.
in a firm voice without shouting.
Then later on when you need to stop them from doing something inappropriate start by saying their name in a firm voice followed by a command like No», You may have to say this a few times for it to sink in.
in a firm voice, even repeating this a few times and pick them up and move them to their pen or an area where they can not come back into the room.
However, some large, agile dogs adapt well to apartment or condo living as long as they get a daily walk, and some are gentle enough that anyone with a firm voice and manner can easily handle them.
If he starts to urinate on the floor say, «No» in a firm voice, pick him up, and quickly carry him outside.
When you take your puppy outside say «Go» in a firm voice.
I have a chocolate short legged Jack Russell that is 4 months old and when I first got her, I was having problems with her wanting to go anywhere she wanted to, when I would see her about to pee, like going around in circles, I would say with a firm voice no and bring her outside and let her finish.
Try to use a firm voice but not too deep and when he complies use your happy voice to praise.
Instead, say ««no»» in a firm voice and move the puppy to the paper / pad.
for nipping too hard) and give it a little tug and offer my hand back to the puppy and tell him, in a firm voice, «NO, NICE!»
She sits if told in a firm voice and walks well on a leash, but can pull at times.
And when your dog does try to hump, use a firm voice and tell him «no» while pushing him down.
Don't doubt by any chance to use a firm voice at the moment the wrong incident is happening, don't say it though if you were not in the room when the dog misbehaved.
For example if your dog is begging for food you would exclaim «no» in a firm voice and take him to his «place» and tell him to «stay».
While your dog is on leash begin walking and when your dog begins pulling away exclaim the «heel» command in a firm voice and pull your dog close to your leg.
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