Sentences with phrase «football philosophy»

The phrase "football philosophy" refers to a team's approach or style of playing football. It includes their tactics, strategies, and overall mindset towards the game. Full definition
Hence these hungry young managers are highly adaptive to difficult situations and have got great football philosophies.
He will be writing essays about football philosophy, tactics and analytics.
Mourinho and Ancelotti can bring major titles, but they can not create good foundation for the club, unlike managers with attacking football philosophy, such as Del Bosque, Luis Aragones, Rijkaard, Guardiola, Pellegrini, etc..
Everyone is complaining about trophies and that is understandable but Wenger made the Arsenal football philosophy something that is known worldwide.
Few years younger than Mourinho, but they play with better football philosophies.
Plus he is already schooled in the total football philosophy so won't need to «relearn» things like Di Maria or Falcao.
Not only of his «clinical act» (amazingly 2 goal and Gabriel under wear), but also because Jose can't show off his entire football philosophy through Diego Costa behavior.
-- Has been learning directly from Guardiola, a top manager with entertaining football philosophy and Guardiola is a very good tactician as well.
Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger has admitted player power forced him to change his attacking football philosophy for a more tactical game in last week's impressive victory at Manchester City --(Daily Mirror)
Soriano knows that which is why he wanted to bring two of the brightest football minds that he knows in order to create a long term football philosophy that runs through every part of CFG.
Taking risk by hiring this erratic manager would not be worse than keeping Wenger and he could instill Barcelona's football philosophy into Arsenal
I myself will not attend anymore matches until Stan and Wenger are gone as has the Brand (business) before football philosophy that threatens our club.
Wenger revolutionized English football with his French football philosophy twenty one years ago, but now there are younger and hungrier managers come with different styles.
But Gettleman's traditional football philosophies bordered on outdated when he spoke to the media Thursday.
Arsenal won't top 4 again unless Wenger is sacked and a real Manager who likes real attacking football philosophy comes in.
Experienced director of football Txiki Begiristain was poached from Barcelona in 2012 to instil a uniform football philosophy right through the club and he has succeeded.
Sure, how are we going to replace a manager with an attacking and possession football philosophy?
He sacked fifteen senior players right away and brought through youth team members to fill their places, training them up in accordance wit his own football philosophy, some of the most free - flowing attacking football the world had ever seen.
Can a man whose football philosophy is entrenched in kick - the - man - not - the - ball really encourage the Beautiful Game?
I've got my clear football philosophy: first of all long balls, lone tall striker, strong defense, «respect the point» at all costs, Nolan since the first minute for 38 matches, I would forget the young players (I would prefer the experience of O'Brien, Nolan, Demel, Jussi, etc.), quality players on the bench and above all... Stability, Stability and Stability.
Enjoy this peek inside the Stanford Football philosophy, and watch Sonia join Turley in some Warrior poses!
They have to improve their managerial skills, or will wiped off by younger managers with better football philosophies, like Guardiola, Conte, Pochettino and Simeone.
Arsenal train their youths according to Arsenal football philosophy.
He is Arsenal's manger, the man who believes in attacking football philosophy but has a team that can't seem to create goal scoring chances even if their lives depend on it.
In an age in which each successful new manager is praised for his novel «football philosophy», Klopp is adamant that his faith is more important to him than the game.
This shows that even the media has become result oriented than the football philosophy we have.
They re football philosophy has ended and is old dated.
Our football philosophy will change, we'll either play Chelsea or Atletico football, tiki taka or offensive.
Chairman Dave Whelan is thought to want his new manager to share Roberto Martinez's football philosophy, giving them the best chance for promotion back to the Premier League at the first time of asking.
anyone who's had a half decent season, dumped our football philosophy and youth policies...... and guess what we'd be mirroring Utd, but sadly be broke.
Guardiola, Enrique and Conte are similar, they learned from their experiences as players for top teams, and it shows from their current team's football philosophy.
I think we should stop kidding ourselves with this football philosophy.
He brought the football philosophy that is today the clubs trademark in England.
If Wenger doesn't change his team's football philosophy, I highly doubt Arsenal would reach the 4th position next year.
As far as i'm concerned because of Arsenal's intricate attacking football philosophy, i'm always glad that there are only two types of manager that will never manage Arsenal
With the player's father said to be a fan of the Gunners and an admirer of the football philosophy of Arsene Wenger, it certainly seems as though the father - son duo are trying to navigate a move to the Emirates.
It is part of the football philosophy of Arsene Wenger to try to build from solid foundations and while we sometimes get a little bit frustrated with the boss not seeming to focus enough on short term success it is hard to argue that having a good academy is not important.
But the Gunners are determined to stay as loyal as possible to their football philosophy and to be fair, we have not really got the players to park the bus, so the boss has gone for a pretty attacking and creative line - up, with the big news being that Alexis Sanchez gets his chance to show what he can do in the centre forward role, with Olivier Giroud dropping to the bench.
I do nt believe in Gurdiola bec his football Philosophy is bs to me.
Arsenal is a big club and we deserve one the best managers out there which is important for the Arsenal brand and with a football philosophy more compatible with ours today and can build on that to take us to the next level.
«People these days use the words «football philosophy» lightly but Arsene truly has a football philosophy and has been brave enough to live by it.
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