Sentences with phrase «force beyond one's control»

It comes from the ability to make your own wise decisions instead of having your financial future determined by the complex interaction of market forces beyond your control.
Once you get bit by economic forces beyond your control you learn to just plan for them to happen and leave big margins of safety.
Many people in this world feel like they are victims who are at the mercy of outside forces beyond their control.
«The earlier you start saving, the greater protection you have from forces beyond your control,» she said.
Enjoy those precious hours, how great they made you feel, and move on knowing that forces beyond your control capped your time together.
The biggest criticism seems to be that they are subject to competitive forces beyond their control, which could reduce sales, revenues, and profitability.
This stirring love story is a profoundly insightful look into the hearts and minds of three people who are at once bound and separated by forces beyond their control.
It's important to be objective, to not blame them for every ill of modern publishing, or for market forces beyond their control.
It's a prickly, bleak war story with no actual Hunger Games to speak of, its once gutsy heroine Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) transformed into a passive pawn by political forces beyond her control.
A tech entrepreneur and a government agent wrestle with themselves and dark forces beyond their control while trying to build a new technology company and avert a global disaster.
The idea of individual agency at the core of Western Philosophy becomes false; people are subject to random forces beyond their control symbolized by Kudo's motif of dice.
In particular, I found inspirational the writing by Kroker and Harold Innis and Innis» determination to create a fusion point between individual circumstance as historical beings buffeted by social forces beyond our control and silent language of industrial technology which structures social experience.
To seek escape in anonymity, to blame forces beyond our control for decisions within our control, is already to have granted Hitler a posthumous victory.
In this new trailer for The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Everdeen has become a full - fledged celebrity, and though she wants to use her position for good, forces beyond her control manipulate society and her image to create an even darker reality.
Any debt elimination plan is slave to one's income and can be promptly derailed by the vagaries of the job market and numerous other forces beyond our control.
Within New York itself, down - ballot GOP candidates — including a handful of vulnerable congressional incumbents — could find themselves ravaged by national political forces beyond their control in the 2018 midterm elections, without any top - of - the - ticket protection from Republican statewide candidates.
But Thompson is deeply worried about forces beyond their control.
I thought I was merely doing what had been done for thousands of years, what was natural, and that I was merely surrendering to benevolent forces beyond my control.
In a world where we all feel more threatened than we ever have by myriad forces beyond our control, from global warming to spying governments, it is comforting perhaps to see the personification of these fears in creatures that also can not be stopped.
Generation after generation, Yaa Gyasi's magisterial first novel sets the fate of the individual against the obliterating movements of time, delivering unforgettable characters whose lives were shaped by historical forces beyond their control.
Even as they side with Peter against fearsome forces beyond his control, younger readers may lose interest as the story moves past his childhood, and most will lack crucial historical context.
As forces beyond their control begin to bear down on them, Jon sets off on the race of his life - a race to redeem his past and save them all.
But recent market forces beyond our control force us to call a halt and — sadly and most reluctantly — wind down to a spring closure.
He said that global forces beyond the control of the Federal Reserve had kept long - term interest rates low, fueling the housing bubble earlier this decade.
Siqueiros juxtaposes primary colors and applied gesturally to convey the energy and vitality of figures that struggle with forces beyond their control.
O'Neil is back in top form with her mechanical pencil in the creation of vision - like drawings that recall forces beyond our control, often represented in ominous skies and curious staircase - like constructions.
Getting caught in the crossfire of economic forces beyond your control is a horrible place to be.
If it isn't the economy or some outside force beyond your control, if your competitors didn't suddenly become more brilliant, if you still have confidence in your sales force, and if there are no major problems with suppliers, examine your product line.
Geology results from forces beyond our control but government policies have all - too human origins.
Many of the lives Ghosh depicts are shaped by social and political forces beyond their control.
Even his letter to Ireland, years later, seemed to associate the events with the advance of secularism, as if the priests were subject to dark forces beyond their control.
The cube exteriors are painted as die, a nod to the idea that it is the random forces beyond our control that dictate life, rather than individual agency as western philosophy teaches.
In particular, I found inspirational the writing by Kroker and Harold Innis and Innis» determination to create a fusion point between individual circumstance as historical beings buffeted by social forces beyond our control and silent language of industrial technology -LSB-...]
As the plants grow over the course of the exhibition, green emerges from beneath the black paint, a reminder that natural forces beyond our control are ultimately responsible for what we see and how we see it.
It's a familiar topic here, where locals have been buffeted by forces beyond their control for decades.
While I'm not sure who to blame, I'm certainly upset that a free market is being held back from improving because of forces beyond the control of seller and buyer.
While evocatively dystopic, her paintings also subtly empower their vulnerable subjects, advocating a humanist art for an age in which individual experience seems threatened by forces beyond our control.
How does a company move on when a major transaction gets stymied by forces beyond its control?
Political journalists Sydney Sharpe and Don Braid explore how the Alberta NDP ended a forty - three - year Conservative dynasty that proved incapable of adapting to forces beyond its control or understanding.
Citi's recovery may be driven largely by forces beyond its control, but that's not always a bad thing.
They are not provoked by forces beyond their control, leading them to engage in some kind of mindless mass hysteria.
If God does not know the future, then he is subject to forces beyond his control.
In either case responsibility is deferred from yourself to forces beyond your control.
Darrow was an agnostic determinist - the play's suggestion that Drummond may be «more religious» than Brady is another fabrication - who believed that human beings are driven by forces beyond their control.
Ah, the dark months of March and April, when the Obama campaign seemed a prisoner of gaffes and forces beyond its control.
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