Sentences with phrase «force for good»

I believe that unions are one of the most powerful forces for good in our society and globally.
Ultimately, despite its negative impacts, social media is still seen as an overall force for good by the majority of those born after 1997 (60 per cent).
There are many passionate people who use religion as a powerful force for good in the world where everyone benefits.
Be skeptical of the law society; bar associations are often not forces for good.
Although our age is often described as a secular one, nevertheless religion remains a potent force for good and for evil.
I love how the internet / blogging can be such force for good!
But I'm also ready to acknowledge that, for some people, medication can be a powerful and effective force for good.
If we give teens the skills they need and the respect they crave, who knows what force for good we could unleash?
Being spiritual often involves thanking higher forces for the good people in your life.
The internet is an incredible force for good but it is wholly irresponsible to let them roam in a world for which they are ill - prepared, which is subject to limited regulation.
My spiritual community deployed in full force for the better part of a year.
Like all organisations, it has its faults but it is overwhelmingly a creative force for good.
PE can be a huge force for good in schools and it should be treated as such.
However during hard cornering both the main and second piston valves move that create a much larger damping force for better driving dynamics.
By making sustainable choices, seeking meaningful experiences and minimizing your travel footprint, you can be part of this global force for good.
Rather than training to be the very best, you're solving ecological problems and defeating criminals; really, you're much more of an obvious force for good in these games.
Use the least amount of force for the best outcome as small steps allow for transition and the grieving process.
A lineup of those three CEOs would call to mind the infamous tobacco hearings of 1994 — not a flattering look for companies that like to think of themselves as forces for good in the world.
«We're getting to a size where it's worth really taking a careful look at what are all the things that we can do to make social media the most positive force for good possible,» Facebook Chief Product Officer Chris Cox told me in an interview in a glass - walled conference room inside Facebook's sprawling open - floor headquarters.
Cuomo called her a «pioneer» and a «force for good whose legacy will be felt for years to come» in a statement Wednesday.
Foxman grudgingly admits, «On the whole, John Paul II has been an important force for good where Jewish - Catholic relations are concerned.»
This feeling of powerlessness on the part of those identified with Christian values is, of course, at variance with Christian doctrine that asserts that the individual can be a tremendous force for good in this world, by personal example and by active involvement.
Oh, wait, you didn't know that HHGregg has joined forces for good with Susan G Komen and KitchenAid?
Earlier this month, the mainstream Senate Democrats and eight breakaway members of the Independent Democratic Conference announced that they were joining forces for the good of the party.
The Family Wealth Report Awards also recognized RBC for «Best Public Relations Campaign» for the promotion of A Force for Good: How Enlightened Finance Can Restore Faith in Capitalism, a book written by RBC Wealth Management - U.S. CEO, John Taft.
ORGANIZATION: Citizens Union Foundation (CUF) is the non-profit research, education and advocacy organization affiliated with Citizens Union, a non-partisan force for good government for more than 100 years.
County Legislator MaryJane Shimsky, a Hastings - on - Hudson Democrat, said Bronz's «graciousness» made an impression on her because she always wanted «to include everyone at the great table of government» and was a «great spiritual force for good in our community and in our world.»
The UK contains four proud and historic nations, but together we amount to so much more than the sum of our parts and our union is an enormous force for good
He said the UK would be a «powerful, liberal, humane and extraordinary force for good in the world» and he hoped that Brexit would «take the wind out of the sails of the extremists and those who would play politics with immigration».
The former home secretary David Blunkett claimed the pair were a «phenomenal force for good» when they were able to work together.
He said that the trailers acquisition was of the latest technology and one of the many efforts of the Inspector - General of Police to re-strategize the police force for better service delivery.
«That's a pretty impressive force for good science for all.»
Offering more grip during acceleration and on corners, Alfa Romeo's rear - wheel drive optimizes the overall force for better handling at high speeds.
Up front there is the option of getting a clear carbon fiber center fin from Novitec Torado, which isn't there for her good looks alone... this fin actively increases down force for better stability at speed.
Dunstone said that Harding had been a «tireless, energetic and effective force for good from the day she joined TalkTalk,» adding that she «has helped transform TalkTalk into a much stronger business.»
«Tested, and ready today, to earn back the confidence of families, of millennials, and moms and dads, of urban and rural Canadians, and of small business leaders, and seniors, who want government to be an empowering force for good,» he said.
As Mark Zuckerberg prepares to face Congress, the social media network is selling itself as an idealistic force for good.
I read the book Collective Impact, or Collective Impact, Forces for Good rather.
Given the likely publication of the Chilcott Inquiry this year the role of Blair in discovering an interest in a moral foreign policy and the use of military force for good is a crucial part of Broken Vows.
... if he sticks to that he can be a real force for good there.»
Organic India seeks to be a sustainable force for good in the sourcing of its adaptogens, which come from some of India's poorest and most at - risk populations.
Magic is not the universal force for good that it is in Disney's Cinderella; the Fairy Godmother is more like her Mafia namesake, granting favours in return for power and influence.
Thankfully, there are those on the side of the angels: Solverson is a kind - but - firm force for good as she debunks Nygaard's hooey, aided by her nice - but - dim policeman sidekick Gus Grimly.

Phrases with «force for good»

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