Sentences with phrase «force generation»

"Force generation" refers to the process of creating and organizing military forces to be ready for action or deployment whenever needed. It involves recruiting, training, equipping, and maintaining a capable and prepared military force to fulfill specific tasks and operations. Full definition
An error in the timing of force generation in the heart could explain the condition.
To investigate, the researchers needed to watch force generation happen in real time.
Many of the muscles with the longest NFLs are also those that also display very small cross-sectional areas (sartorius, gracilis, semitendinosus), which is expected, given that muscle function tends to incline towards being either suited to high force generation at slow speeds (large PCSA and PA but small NFL) or large excursions at high speeds (long NFL but small PCSA and PA).
Muscles need to be at the correct length (not too short and not too long) for optimal force generation.
Before King Jimmy Bridge collapsed, the tunnels served as congregation spots for young people, where discussions ensued about their current predicaments and about the plight of the youthman in a country where high rates of youth unemployment have forced a generation into marginal and irregular income - generating activities.
A protein called alpha - actinin - 3 is made mostly by fast fibers and is implicated in their capacity for rapid force generation.
Despite its importance the mechanisms that regulate spindle scaling, microtubule nucleation and force generation remain elusive.
How do mechanical processes like cell adhesion and force generation influence tissue organization?
Longer foot - to - ground contact times will allow for greater force generation and impulse production.
It's the max - force generation point we mentioned earlier - that's the place on an exercise's stroke at which the target muscle can generate the most force - and more force equals more mass.
With improved force generation from both front and rear tires, the Pirelli P Zero tires provide a higher lateral acceleration and reduce understeer characteristics.
Finally, multi-pennate muscles are those that contain several regions of muscle fascicles that are oriented at several different angles relative to the axis of force generation (Lieber & Fridén, 2000; 2001).
The ecclesiastical sanctioning of this way of thought has forced generations of thinkers to expend great ingenuity on the acute rational problems that are involved.
Mr. Rangel was 40 when he dethroned Powell in 1970 and has held the seat since, forcing generations of Harlem politicians to wait for him to finally retire, as he has said he will do at the end of 2016.
Spinal muscular atrophy, the leading inherited killer of children, has forced generations of parents to watch their kids become progressively weaker and, in severe cases, die by about their second birthdays.
«Today's most advanced humanoid robots, prosthetic limbs and wearable exoskeletons are limited by motors and hydraulic systems, whose size and weight restrict dexterity, force generation and work capability.»
«We studied the role of different molecules in force generation and transmission and discovered that a certain repair protein called zyxin is essential for these processes,» continues Prof. Schwarz.
Almost all of the body's creatine is stored within skeletal muscle, where it the body uses it to fuel movement and force generation.
The PA is the angle of the muscle fibers within the muscle with respect to the angle of force generation, also known as the line of pull.
Muscle architecture is the organization of the muscle fibers within the muscle relative to the line of force generation, also known as the line of pull (Lieber, 1992; Lieber & Fridén, 2000; 2001; Ward et al. 2006).
However, increasing PA also reduces the amount of force that can be exerted in the same direction as the axis of force generation (Aagaard et al. 2001).
Similarly, uni-pennate muscles have muscle fascicles that run at a single angle relative the axis of force generation, although this angle is nonzero and the fibers do not run parallel to the line of force generation.
The Hays Code likely saved American from censorship and forced generations of filmmakers to create a creative film language of symbol and innuendo to tell stories.
Based on more than 28,000 comments submitted by consumers and industry leaders, the report found that debt held by millions of Millennials may be forcing this generation to:
Not least is the so called «back door» revealed by The Guardian in its article «Whatsapp back door allows snooping on encrypted messages» which explains how «WhatsApp has the ability to force the generation of new encryption keys for offline users, unbeknown to the sender and recipient of the messages».
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