Sentences with phrase «force of waves»

Trees and bushes, by contrast, were most affected not by the salt water but by the tremendous force of the wave.
On the salt marshes of Essex, north Kent and elsewhere, the loss of these marshes exposes sea walls to the full force of waves, so the economic and environmental cases for moving the walls reinforce each other.
Although there was little damage and no casualties related to the 1964 in Cannon Beach, in Newport, the McKenzie family lost three of their children to the brutal force of the wave.
Your guide / driver will also take you to the beautiful Natural Bridge, carved by the brute forces of the waves into the limestone rock, and provide you with an option to enjoy a delicious lunch overlooking the water (cost not included).
The force of the wave, the inundation of salt water, and the deposition of sand had heavily damaged the vegetation of Block I. Most of the grasses and herbs that had been drowned in salt water perished.
Measuring the direction and force of these waves could teach us much about their origin, possibly even allowing us to study the explosive beginning of the universe itself.
Instead, the forces of wave and wind will be left to demolish the head as it now exists and, engineers hope, rebuild it a little to the west.
The force of the wave can pound you against the bottom.
As you push your way through, the force of the wave pushes back trying to knock you and your board back to shore.
You see, this wonderful piece of creation is described as «a long mass or low ridge of submerged or partially exposed sand created in the water along a shore due to the forces of waves or water currents.»
«Healthy mangrove forests are particularly good at reducing the force of waves because of the resistance provided by stilt roots as well as the trees» trunks and branches,» the report said.
Top Ten Contributing Factors to Boating Accidents 1) Operator Inattention 2) Improper Lookout 3) Operator Inexperience 4) Excessive Speed 5) Alcohol Use 6) Machinery Failure 7) Navigation Rules Violation 8) Hazardous Waters 9) Weather 10) Force of wave / wake If you or a loved one has fallen victim to someone else's negligence, call The Thomson Law Firm today for a free consultation.
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