Sentences with phrase «force production»

As an exercise proceeds it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain a set amount of force production because of fatigue.
Although creatine is in the diet from red meat, supplementation increases saturation to increase force production of the muscles.
, in which the muscle fiber increases in size allowing for greater force production (11).
As noted above, the original force velocity relationship was calculated in order to explain the relationship between muscle force production and muscle contraction velocity in single muscle fibers.
>> The athlete must have great force absorption (stopping strength) as well as force production (starting strength).
On the other hand if you squat on an unstable surface your core muscles activation will increase but the maximum force production during the lift will decrease.
I mentioned ground force production with rotation in the first paragraph.
Following the principle of specificity, we might expect to see the largest gains in strength when we test force production at the same movement speed as we use in training.
Firstly the direction of force; certainly there is no horizontal force production occurring in the lower body.
Therefore, there is an optimal length at which muscles can produce the most force, while shorter and longer lengths lead to lower force production.
This suggests that more stability is better for enhancing force production, when stability is not a factor.
This also lays the foundation for the development of higher force production down the line.
However, these positions likely also lead to more horizontally - directed force production as well.
Generally, people aren't very good at initial force production.
At the same time, depreciation of the sterling is forcing production costs for British manufacturers up.
The researchers also want to keep the wing motion as simple as possible, but with the same force production as that of a real bat.
In the «blue» trials, participants were told to withhold force production.
However, research has been done on performance like force production and weight lifted, and resistance training.
While these adaptations do increase eccentric force production, they have other effects as well.
Like we just talked about training on unstable surfaces decreases maximum force production thus decreasing maximum growth stimuli.
The greater range of motion in the ankle allows for greater force production, helping an athlete to accelerate and to change directions.
Does it require anywhere near the level of force production?
If you want to maximize your performance, then you have to train all the muscle fibers that contribute to force production during your chosen activity.
These are typically performed standing and here the emphasis is on maximum force production and speed of throw.
Recently, it has also been suggested that strength may also be specific along the force vector, such that exercises involving horizontally - directed force production may transfer best to horizontal sporting movements.
>> The athlete must have great force absorption (stopping strength) as well as force production (starting strength): This is critical when changing direction.
So if you're weak off the chest, do some speed work and improve your ability at initial force production.
Extensive research has shown that oral creatine supplementation effectively improves the maximal force production of muscles in athletes.
There was no significant difference between sprinters for vertical force production during the second half of the stance phase.
The length - tension relationship describes the phenomenon whereby a muscle or single muscle fiber displays different levels of maximum isometric force production depending on the length at which it is tested (Gordon et al. 1966).
Using an external, rather than an internal focus, generally increases your maximal force production on strength tests.
As explained above, COD maneuvers most commonly involve force production when the hip extensors and knee extensors are at moderate muscle lengths (although the exact joint angles can vary widely between individuals and tasks).
Sprinting requires much more force production from the muscles and if they are not used to this type of training it is very easy to pull a hip flexor or hamstring muscle.
Heavy loading is necessary for increasing force, and light to moderate loading (0 — 60 % of 1RM) performed at an explosive velocity is necessary for increasing fast force production.
Each phase in the sequence of a COD maneuver involves force production that has different characteristics, whether eccentric or concentric, explosive or sustained, or having a different proportion of force vector components (horizontal, vertical, or lateral).
-LSB-...] you would like to increase your strength, the solution may be to apply the concept of progressive overload in an intelligent manner, to ensure you're gaining muscle / force production over -LSB-...]
On the other hand, if you measure force in the late phase (say around 300ms), after force has reached its peak (e.g. Behm & Sale, 1993), then you will see a change in peak force only if force production at high velocities has altered.
Unfortunately, this is not the most efficient way to squat, especially when it comes to loaded squats that demand the entire lower part of your body to be in a straight line in order to optimize joint mechanics and maximize force production.
Many studies over the last years have found that explosive movements have the ability to improve muscle strength by stimulating post-activation potentiation (PAP), i.e. instantaneous increase is muscle force production generated from the muscle activation reached during a previous high - intensity lift.
Maximal recruitment of fast - twitch muscle fibers entails high force production requirements for short durations of time at fast contractile speeds.
When your muscle contracts and generates a force, the GTO fires off nerve impulses to your spinal cord, and your spinal cord responds with an inhibition reflex, which tells your muscle fibers to limit force production when muscle tension increases.
Cardiovascular training of any type can inhibit force production in muscles if you lift after the aerobic / cardio exercise.
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