Sentences with phrase «foreign material»

Repair of broken bones and retrieval of foreign material from your pet's stomach will require anesthesia.
It allows them to clean dirt, old hair, and foreign material from themselves and each other.
In female mice, which lack this protein, H - Y — specific T cells developed normally, just like T cells that recognize flu viruses or other foreign material.
Your body uses its immune system to defend against invasion by foreign material or infectious organisms.
They are also working on nanoparticles that target organs other than the liver, which is more challenging because the liver is a natural destination for foreign material filtered out of the blood.
Our immune system evolved to attack foreign materials entering our body.
They also take a right - angled bend, so foreign material often goes in, but is difficult to get out.
Adult dogs with severe diarrhea, diarrhea that does not respond to home care, diarrhea accompanied by other symptoms or diarrhea that contains blood or foreign material also require prompt veterinary care.
These projections are vital in helping the lungs to eliminate foreign material as well as infectious agents.
They cost money, you need to make a trip to the vet and your poor pet will have a piece of foreign material injected into them!
A removable cover for the Game Boy Advance game pack slot provides added protection from dust and other foreign materials.
The immune system defends the body against invasion by foreign material.
TOMRA's sorters detect discoloration, burnt apricots and all types of foreign material in whole and diced apricots.
TOMRA's sorters detect cap stems, stems, stalks, stones, mold, discolorations and all types of foreign material such as plastic, glass etc..
Excessive drooling can be caused by many underlying conditions such as nausea, an issue with your pet's teeth, or foreign material stuck in your pet's mouth or esophagus.
In 2014 and 2012, Pedigree issued recalls for foreign material found inside Pedigree foods.
It involves using a type of white blood cell that ingests foreign material as a therapeutic - drug delivery vehicle.
As the donated works from Big Six publishers — joining Random House and Penguin Young Readers Groups, who have been a long time partners with Worldreader — will expand the students» horizons with foreign materials, the program also recognizes the great aesthetic and motivational value of providing local texts to the students.
Irritation of the ears can also occur due to the presence of foreign material within the ear canal such as plant material that has made its way into the canal after your dog has rolled around in the grass outdoors.
Specifically, when foreign materials enter the lungs, a person may suffer from:
She, therefore, urged candidates to obey instructions, desist from seeking help from people and abstain from importing foreign materials into the examination halls.
Tariffs would make much - needed foreign materials more expensive, which may force manufacturers to lay off workers or move their facilities to Canada or Mexico.
Bühler presents pioneering foreign material detection technology and introduces new segment leader at Fruit Logistica SORTEX ® F and SORTEX PolarVision ™ technology -LSB-...]
These include a full product inspection window without blind corners that assures 100 percent product inspection regardless of product height or placement on the belt, precision - matched x-ray source / detector, combined with Sesotec's unique methodologies for x-ray analysis to provide the highest level of detection of dense foreign materials such as metal, stones, bone, HD plastics and glass.
RCMP say a months - long investigation into how foreign material ended up in several brands of milk produced in Victoria has wrapped up without answers.
X-rays of the abdomen to survey organ size, shape, and positioning; also, to help detect foreign material and masses
Macrophages are a type of white blood cell that eats foreign material in the body.
Other causes include foreign material in the ear (such as grass awns) or parasites (such as ear mites).
In addition to delivering the gas to the lungs, the endotracheal tube seals off the airway so that the patient does not accidentally aspirate fluids or other foreign material while s / he is unconscious and unable to swallow.
It also allows us to perform procedures such as ear flushes, foreign material removal and biopsies
TOMRA's sorting machines sort out foreign materials such as wood, cardboard, blue liner, metal, stones and glass etc..
«In particular, the Helius is able to identify very small foreign materials which are difficult for pickers to see.
If there is debris, hair, blood, oils, or any other foreign material on the surface of the lens, it has the potential to alter the laser beam as it is emitted.
By - products are defined as» non - rendered clean parts of carcasses such as heads and viscera (organs), free from fecal content and foreign material except in such trace amounts as might occur unavoidably in good factory practice.»
Coughing is a protective mechanism to stop the accumulation of secretions and possible foreign materials inside the respiratory tract.
Deeper ulcers may result from an altercation with another cat or dog (corneal laceration), or by foreign material lodged in the cornea or under the eyelid, such as thorns or foxtails.
The new processing line consists of Nimbus free fall laser sorters with double sided lasers, including an Advanced Foreign Material Detection (AFMD) system which allows them to achieve even higher detection results on the most difficult defects such as cap stems, stems, stalks, stones, plastic and discolorations.
Pathogenic organisms from Listeria Monocytogenes and Salmonella and foreign materials came in second and third, respectively.
Instead of using neural prosthetic devices — which suffer from immune - system rejection and are believed to fail due to a material and mechanical mismatch — a multi-institutional team, including Lohitash Karumbaiah of the University of Georgia's Regenerative Bioscience Center, has developed a brain - friendly extracellular matrix environment of neuronal cells that contain very little foreign material.
With so much foreign material passing by, a warm, moist tongue ought to be a luxuriously rich nesting site for bacteria.
Says Sharma, «Our findings are very relevant not just for bladder regeneration but for other types of tissue regeneration where foreign materials are utilized for structural support.
The nitric oxide is used by the macrophages to destroy foreign material.
When athletes inject genes, they put foreign material — a virus carrying the gene or pieces of nonhuman DNA attached to the gene — into their bodies.
If filmmakers must adapt foreign material, they should either be completely faithful to it — in this case by possibly making a film set in Japan with Japanese actors speaking English — or make something that is significantly different and fresh enough to bring new and different resonances to the project, a case in point being Gore Verbinski's Ring from 2002.
English - speaking professionals in the comic industry have selected Helen McCarthy's book The Art of Osamu Tezuka: God of Manga as the recipient of this year's Harvey Award in the Best American Edition of Foreign Material category.
They take up and process foreign materials (called antigens), such as pollens and microorganisms.
Allergies are an organism's way of protecting itself from invasion by foreign materials like bacteria, viruses, and other non-self components.
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