Sentences with phrase «foreign nations»

The phrase "foreign nations" refers to countries or places that are outside of one's own country. Full definition
A few attended private or home - school settings; some are mostly educated in foreign nations.
The actions of foreign nations lend themselves to dollar depreciation.
The only way to escape this dilemma is to build up fruitful connections with foreign nations who possess greater potential to run polar programs.
It would also severely strain relations with many foreign nations.
My pockets are too empty for foreign nations right now.
When compared to Indian health care the cost in most foreign nations is very much higher.
The bipartisan committee offered a set of measures to defend domestic election infrastructure against hostile foreign nations.
How do you explain foreign nations establishing «Right and Wrong» (ie federal laws) without the belief in a Christian god?
Who could tell what foreign nations might do in response?
Someone close to the situation told me that had foreign nations financed the nuclear plants, they would have gone forward.
If the prophets then say, «Come, let us worship the gods of foreign nations,» do not listen to them.
Or do they actually engage with talks with foreign nations?
Corporations sometimes find themselves in situations, where they enable, exacerbate or facilitate human rights abuses by foreign nations whose law (or lack thereof)... create situations that often leave citizens caught in the middle.
It should draw upon increased support from foreign nations eager to help build a prosperous Libya.
Amending the law would require Congress to tackle the thorny question of whether the United States has any right to encroach on foreign nations» sovereign control over spent nuclear fuel when issues unrelated to weapons proliferation arise.
One federal appeals court has held that decisions of the courts of foreign nations under the Convention are not entitled to full faith and credit; however, they are entitled to deference under principles of international comity.
Despite the differences between the food in America and in other foreign nations, school lunches across the world do share one thing in common.
As has been pointed out elsewhere, foreign nations attempt to influence democratic elections all the time, including the united states influencing other nation's elections, as well as other nations influencing the united states» elections.
Having our presence in multiple countries, we can get you manpower from different foreign nations too.
Because foreign nations park their export earnings in dollars, the U.S. can always tap a deep pool of savings to sell its bonds and finance its deficits.
Schwab Equity Ratings use a scale of A, B, C, D and F and are assigned to approximately 3,000 stocks headquartered in the United States and certain foreign nations where companies typically locate or incorporate for operational or tax reasons.
You seem to be glorifying successful foreign nations where Ghanaians have migrated and made head way, but have you ever thought of how they have been so successful?
They were worried that information from the experiments could give foreign nations clues to the design of important thermonuclear weapons.
Military contracts do not specifically require vendors to divulge whether foreign nations have reviewed source code, the spokeswoman said.
Japan only ranks 20th among foreign nations that import distilled spirits into the U.S., with total imports from Japan valued at just over $ 10 million in 2014, according to data compiled from the U.S. International Trade Commission.
There are a lot of factors that can determine what is and is not a national security risk, including civil unrest and favoring the concerns of foreign nations over that of its own people.
Mexico and other countries where illicit capital flight has occurred have asked foreign nations to confiscate it under the law of unexplained enrichment.
The President and others who recognize the shortcomings of the colonization of peoples by more powerful foreign nations would do well to heed the words of Pope Francis — for whom the President often expresses admiration — about the new form of colonization, holding foreign aid as a hostage when their nation's views reflect a different understanding of the human person, one held by many Americans as well.
In the area of foreign policy we are thrust into wars and involved in dozens of interventions, military and otherwise, into the affairs of foreign nations without the consent of either Congress or the public.
Adopts the «democracy protection act» to: - prohibit foreign nations or agents from lawfully making independent expenditures relative to state or local elections in NYS.
«To build a pipeline across America with foreign steel that takes Canadian oil and transports it abroad, while only creating 35 permanent jobs, does foreign nations far more good than it does the U.S.,» Schumer said last month.
Ghana needs a Ghanaian centred rebirth not one that cut deals to boost foreign nations so they can give us loans with life threatening conditions (mining) and risk of invasion and control through asset accusing (China).
The AAAS Research Competitiveness Program's work in Saudi Arabia is a natural extension its work in 30 U.S. states and several foreign nations since its founding in 1996.
The study, published Nov. 14 by the American Institutes for Research, compares the performance of 8th graders in individual American states not against each other, but against students in top - performing foreign nations, such as Japan and South Korea, as well as against children in recent lower - scoring ones, such as Bulgaria, Jordan, and Romania.
[20] More than 50 friendly foreign nations also have Humvees.
Earlier this month, Bali's Governor Mangku Pastika demanded foreign nations remove travel warnings about the increased volcanic activity.
You are Jonathan North, an elite American sniper who is sent into a destabilized foreign nation to secretly cause more destabilization.
We have lately discussed how the Obama administration imported climate science from the United Nations, without questioning it, as though foreign nations should determine US policies.
By refusing to require alternative fueled vehicles in their fleet, these agencies are raising the risks of cancer, stroke, and asthma for millions of Americans, increasing global warming and air pollution, and keeping the nation addicted to fossil fuels from politically unstable foreign nations.
Until now, a 1976 law has prevented this, as it gave foreign nations immunity to lawsuits from US courts.
2/8/2016 - Judicial Redress Act Would Extend Privacy Act Remedies to Citizens of Designated Foreign Nations
In this on - demand webcast, panelists examine the role project management software is playing in defensibly and efficiently navigating the often - conflicting rules of the U.S. and foreign nations when e-discovery (or e-disclosure) is involved.
However, under under certain international agreements Canada may release information to foreign nations involved in the investigation of criminal offences.
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